Shadow Fang (1)

"What took you so longgggg!? I'm hungry!!!" As soon as Heero entered the noodle shop, Miao Miao's shrill voice entered his ears.

Sitting on the counter table that was usually used by customers, Miao Miao glared at Heero with eyes full of resentment.

Heero was bewildered upon hearing the little girl's words. He did not understand what was the relation between she was hungry and him.

'She could just start to eat first without waiting for me, why would you love so much blaming me,' Heero retorted inwardly. He did not say it out just like the first day they met. After a few days of interaction with the little girl, he found out that arguing with the little girl was just wasting time.

If she was about to lose, she would hide behind her mommy. Sometimes, her wife also supported the little girl against him. All in all, since the little girl appeared in his life, his wives never took his side.