Birth of Noodle Master

Heero was not aware of what the two sisters talked about during the night. He thought his wife just missed her time with her sister and decided to sleep together with her sister.

Instead, he was thinking deeply about Han Ying's proposal to establish a martial house. The pros and the cons, after careful consideration, he decided to establish a martial house and Dong-Woo might be the first member of his martial house.

Yes, Heero decided to take Kang Dong-Woo in, just like Han Ying said, accepting Kang Dong-Woo as his disciple did not mean he meddled in other families' affairs. He did not want to meddle but he wanted to help the kids, this might be the best choice for now.

The only thing he needed was waiting for Sun Zhou Yi and Musashi Hirata to come back. His two disciples were more familiar with the martial house's system. Especially Sun Zhou Yi, his status as Gold Class Hero - Rank 1 was very useful in this regard.