Han Ying Past - Part 4

Han Ying's action and declaration shocked everyone in the shop, except for Myung-Hee. She was the only one who felt the show was interesting. It was similar to a drama series she watched, but this happened in real life.

Though she was a bit afraid as the quarrel turned into a fight. 'If not for Teacher Xing, the slap will hit Auntie Ying's cheek…'

As for Hong Yu, she was shocked but it was also a pleasant surprise to her. Then she smirked as she thought to herself, 'Heh, finally you can be honest to yourself, you even kissed him before my eyes!'

Not only the anger subsided, Han Ying's action just ignited Guo Shan's anger more for kissing Heero. Guo Shan tried to pull his hand, but the grip was so strong as his right did not even budge even a little.

"F*ck, die you bastard!" Guo Shan made an unexpected decision as he released his daughter from his hand. He used his left to deliver a punch to Heero's face.