Daddy - Part 3

Pah! Pah! Pah!

Hong Yu slammed the dough to the board furiously. Even by just hearing the noise, the customers at the bar were aware the Lady Boss was angry. As for she was angry, none of them dared to ask.

Until one middle-aged man entered the shop. He was the blacksmith that recently grew famous. Every day, a row of people would line up before the smithy and most of them were heroes and rankers.

The customers greeted Blacksmith Huang respectfully, no one dared to annoy him, lest it would incite the heroes and rankers that were close to him.

Blacksmith Huang returned the greeting with a smile. Even with his sudden rise in fame, he remained modest. After a wave of greeting, he spotted an empty seat at the bar. He rushed after and raised his hand, intending to order.

"Oh, you are here, Uncle Huang? I thought you would be busy with your smithy every day!" Han Ying greeted Blacksmith Huang with a big smile.