Debut - Part 3

After a moment of entertainment with his woman, Yan Tie started to wear his clothes. He had a satisfied smile on his face.

Meanwhile, Yao was laying down on the sofa with her face flushed red. Her clothes were in a mess, but the same as Yan Tie, Yao also wore a satisfied expression on her face.

However, this moment was disturbed by a rude knock.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

"Who!?" Yan Tie was furious upon hearing the knock. He thought it was a newbie who just joined the martial house that knocked on his door.

"It's me, Yan Liang!" A hurried voice resounded from the other side door.

The frown deepened upon hearing the reply. Yan Liang was his nephew and based on the voice, it seemed his nephew wanted to report something urgent.

He looked at Yao's condition, it was not possible to let his nephew see this sight. Yan Tie decided to come out to meet his nephew.