Fighter Anteriority - Part 4

"Calm down, Dad! It's just Steel Gophers! Moreover, the Hero League must send someone to watch over him, he is your grandson after all!" Kang Yun Cheol consoled his worried father.

"I am not worried about his safety! But it's his thoughts that are worrying me! How can he be careless in his first fight in the wild!" As Hero Instructor, Kang Myung-Chul was not only teaching how to fight, he instilled a good mentality to the hero he took in.

Moreover, in the survival phase was where the participant was tasked to survive, not to kill the wild beast. Avoiding any beast was the best way in this survival phase.

However, not only his grandson did not try to avoid the beast, he wanted to take the beast down. From the tone of his grandson, Kang Myung-Chul perceived his grandson was being overconfident.