Red Festival - Part 4

Musashi Hirata's action caused a stir, especially in the luxurious box where the VIP watched. Wu Family Head, Wu Yintao, and Bai Xian Ming glanced at Musashi Kenzan.

The three big families sat in the same box. Recalling Hirata's action on the stage, Wu Yintao could not help but open his mouth, "Kenzan Head Clan, did you founded Heero Academy for your second son?"

He was curious as this was his first time hearing about this academy.

"No! You can ignore that kid! What he did has nothing to do with the Musashi Clan!" Musashi Kenzan immediately denied that his clan was involved with Heero Academy.

"He left the clan two months ago! Even though Musashi's blood flowed in his vein, he is no longer part of the Musashi Clan!"

Wu Yintao was surprised to hear that. He thought that Hirata joined the Hero League so he could go back to his clan. However, it seemed the reason Hirata became a hero has nothing to do with his clan.