Dramonia Language

As soon as the arrow pierced the empty ground, the other heroes pulled their weapons out.

Of course, their reaction was normal, they were shocked to find their kind in the dungeon.

Musashi Noboru raised his hand, signaling the heroes to put their weapon down. From the arrow trajectory, it was clear the woman in purple-leader had no intention to hurt him.

So he was at ease, meaning the woman did not want to fight. But there was trouble, it was that they spoke different languages. Musashi Noboru was at loss.

Slowly, the heroes put their weapon while the woman in purple-leather armor also lowered her guard slightly.

"@%#&-¥€£^, " Again, the woman in purple opened her mouth. She spoke with the language they did not understand.

From the tone she spoke, the woman seemed to be asking something.

Just as Musashi Osada wanted to reply, Musashi Hirata came forward, "Grandfather, let me speak with her, "