
Bai Xian Ming was surprised before his expression overwhelmed by happiness. He immediately hugged Heero's shoulder and pulled him into the district.

"Let's give the daughter and the father a room to talk, shall we?"

Heero turned toward Bai Xin Yue and the girl nodded. Indicating it was okay to leave her with the middle-aged man.

While dragging Heero with him, Old Man sent a barrage of questions about the wedding.

"So, where do you plan to hold the wedding? Who are you going to invite? How many?

Such a question came out of the old man's mouth.

But before both could enter the district, Wu Shen Lei stopped them. The young man's sharp eyes glued at Heero.

"Is it true?" He asked in a somber tone.

"What?" Heero instantly replied.

"The wedding! Between you and Xin Yue, is it true?"