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Far ahead southeast to Star City, the famed fort, Desolate Fort was located. Just like its name, it was the furthest forth that affiliated with Star City, in a desolate land.

Even so, the Desolate Fort was many people's destinations, whether it was Hero, Ranker, or even a hunter.

There were so many mutated beasts outside there. One could hunt the beasts in exchange for fortune. Especially, if one could hunt the beast that could not be found in the safe territory, one could strike a huge fortune.

This was the place where people gambled their life for a bright future. That was why the Desolate Fort became many heroes, rankers, and hunters destinations.

"Squad 1 is ready!" Sun Zhou Yi reported through the intercom.

"Squad 2 is ready!" Musashi Hirata's voice resounded through the intercom too.

"This is Squad 3, the south gate is clear!"

"This is Squad 4, the east gate is clear!"

"This is Squad 5, the north gate is clear!"