Reform Or... - Part 2


That word was enough to show Heero's stance in this proposal.

"Take it or leave it!"

That was what Heero implied in the last page. At this moment, Bai Xian Ming and Kang Myung-Chul had finished reading the proposal. Both were having a different reaction regarding the proposal.

Kang Myung-Chul was having a perplexed look as he cast a gaze toward the young man.

Bai Xian Ming made an unbelievable expression as he could not believe Heero would throw such a proposal to them. It certainly caught him off guard.

Wu Shitian was seethed in anger. It showed on his face that contorted in anger but the old man managed to suppress the anger. He tried, trying to listen to what Heero wanted to say.

The other executives also made a dumbfounded look. It was a very tempting offer but yet also impossible to be accepted.