Ryan White - Part 2

President Office of the Hero League

Ryan White was sitting in front of Heero with a stiffened smile. He came here under his father's request, it was to ask Heero to cancel the reform, returning the Hero League to the old system.

However, Heero instantly rejected him without any consideration, at all.

"Can you at least explain the reason behind the reformation? It does not make sense to make a reform out of sudden?" Ryan White did not back down easily.

"I don't have an obligation to explain to you and in fact, you are wasting my time here. The Hero League has sent the notice to the Central Government, you can have dinner with your family and ask your father. He surely knew the reasons, "

Heero's tone was flat, no emotion felt in it. Ryan White could not tell if Heero was annoyed or offended by him. He could not tell Heero's impression toward him.