Inevitable Battle - Part 3

As the heat from the fireball started to spread, the spectators in the Dome Hero started panicking.

Looking at the size of the fireball, it might reach them if it exploded hence the spectators stood up from their seats. Getting ready for the worst and running for their lives.

At the same time, Kim Jung-Mun also started to get anxious at the sight of the giant fireball. Even by looking at it, he could tell Ryan White's fireball was unusual.

He glanced at his two friends, giving them a signal to get ready to fend off against the fireball.

Ryan White did not try to harm the spectators or other people. The scale of his attack might reach the spectator seats but he had a way to prevent that from happening. He wanted to show off his bloodline power.

With a smirk on his face, he threw the fireball toward Heero. The giant fireball accelerated toward Heero at an alarming speed.