Meeting God?

Ren was an ordinary person.

He lived a pretty normal life with loving parents and two siblings. A younger brother and an older sister. They both annoyed Ren to death but he still loved them unconditionally.

They're family after all.

He was considered pretty smart gaining above average grades but he was no one special.

He had very few aspirations and used to fantasise about becoming a famous celebrity but he wasn't really that handsome nor was he very talented. Plus, when he had actually thought about it and wondered, 'Would I really be able to handle the pressure of becoming one?'

Celebrities were role models. The 'Perfect People' who you look up to and idolise. They were the standard of, how you should act, sound like, look like or be. But becoming one wasn't as pretty and perfect for the role models themselves. They had to constantly be looked at. Watched. Every tiny detail of their lives analysed and put under a microscope to be judged and criticized. This was why many of them turned to drugs and alcohol to provide even just a sense of relief and freedom. Though this wasn't exactly an excuse.

Ren thought about it when he was 10 and had decided he didn't want to become a celebrity.

The only thing that had really brought him real joy was games, films, books, comics and manga.

He loved the world of fiction. The fictional world was free. Up to interpretation of the imagination. He was free from everything and could be in anyone's shoes regardless of whether or not he was actually suited to become them or not. He loved imagining himself in their roles and becoming a hero. He enjoyed games like Overwatch, The Legend of Zelda, Darksouls and Final fantasy.

His favourite manga was Naruto because of its amazing plot and because kids like him just loved things like ninjas and magic. His favourite films were from Marvel as he marvelled (get it? edit: omg this joke I made years ago was sooooo lame xD) at its futuristic technology, heroes and the infamous multiverse.

Ren wanted to work in a job that allowed his imagination and creativity to run free, but he knew that this was just a hobby and a silly dream of his and he didn't want to pursue a job working as a dying author or a starving manga artist. He dreaded the thought of becoming homeless and failing his family so that dream of his was quickly taken out of his mind.

Ren wasn't born into a rich family, but he wasn't crippling poor either so he was able to go to college and get accepted into university.

His family had always pushed him to become a doctor or a lawyer because his parent's had lived in poverty before so they wanted Ren to gain a high-paying job and have a better life then they had. Ren understood this and accepted it.

Ren didn't want to become a doctor because of the fact that he was quite lazy and didn't want to have sleepless nights almost all the time.

He also didn't want to potentially kill, be responsible for, or endanger people's lives.

So he decided, under the encouragement of his parents, to become a lawyer.

After excruciatingly hard-work and pulling multiple all-nighters, he graduated and gained a degree in law. It was difficult but rewarding as he was able to get a good job.

Ren wasn't overly successful in his career as a lawyer, but he gained quite a bit of money to financially support himself and gain a few luxuries; that was enough for him. He eventually met a cute girl that he was interested in. They dated for a few years, made love, but things didn't work out, unfortunately. Their personalities clashed but they still remained close friends. He was happy

However, life finds a way to screw you over. After several days of suffering from an intense fever and head-splitting headaches, Ren had decided to visit the hospital for a check-up. (A/N: I'd explain what'd happened at the hospital and all of the examinations but I have like no medical knowledge so I hope that you can forgive me lol)

Two sentences from one person was all that was needed to flip his world upside down.

"After several examinations and diagnoses, it seems that there may be a cancerous tumour lodged in the parietal lobe of your brain. To put it simply... you have cancer."


Months had passed since he had been diagnosed but not once had it ever really set in.

He didn't want to accept it. He was 26 years old and was cursed with a fatal tumour in his brain.

'Reality's so cruel...' Ren thought as he stared at the pale moon.

Ren would rather die quickly than suffer a torturous battle against something he knew he would eventually succumb to. After all, even all of the medicine, pills and injections couldn't stop him from feeling pain and the vague dwindling hope of surgery was immediately denied when he was told that there was nothing they could possibly do but slow down the spread...

What was the point of living?


Ren immediately looked around and tried to follow the scream.

"Please! Don't touch me I'll give you everything I have just leave me alone!"

"Just shut the f*ck up b*tch and stop moving! Or I'll f*cking stab you right now!"

A tall white male with a dark hoodie covering his face holding a knife stood cornering a shivering frightened teenage girl that was trying to swing her bag at him to drop the knife in a dark alleyway (A/N: how stereotypical I know).

Ren stood there around the corner weighing his options. He could either call the police and wait or be an idiot and try and do something.

A muffled scream could be heard as the thug covered the young girl's mouth and Ren made his choice. He sprinted towards them.

Ren charged at the attacker's legs and jumped, grabbing them, bringing the thug off balance and making him fall to the ground and shouted at the girl, "RUN."

The teen immediately listened and ran for her life leaving them both behind.

Ren tried to immobilise the attacker and knock the weapon out of his hands but alas with no luck, he couldn't push the knife away fast enough and neither could he block the knife that was aimed straight at his chest. The small knife pierced through his flesh as another flurry of stabs were aimed at his body.

"F*CK, F*CK!" The attacker realised as Ren laid there covered in his own blood.

He seemed panicked and nervous even. He was trembling as though it was the first time he had ever killed someone.

"This wasn't supposed to happen!" He quickly collected himself and tried to run but it was too late. Several police sirens could already be heard.

Ren closed his eyes and accepted his death. He knew it was coming.

Pools of blood oozed out of his wounds.

Yet surprisingly, he didn't seem to be afraid. Perhaps it was the tumour affecting his sensitivity and receptivity but he didn't feel any pain.

In fact, he felt at peace. Enlightened even.

He felt a small smile begin to creep onto his face.

He had left his mark on the world and at least it was positive.

'Welp, if there is a next life, I promise I won't be as lazy as I was in this one...'

The sound of police sirens was slowly diluted. Silence rang in his ears as he felt his heartbeat stop.

He could feel something warm and light envelope around him and dragging him at high speeds.

"You can open your eyes now."

Ren could hear a voice ring straight inside of his mind. It was smooth, yet rough, gentle yet intimidating, feminine yet masculine?

Ren lifted his eyelids and was surprised to see a person. What made him bewildered was the fact that he didn't know how to describe there appearance. The person or whatever it was couldn't be described. It's form kept changing. It would look like a man and a woman, a child, teen, adult or elder and change to another form.

"Guess I need to change forms. No need to be confused, Ren." The weird person spoke.

Abruptly, as he/she/whatever it was had stated, It had changed. The body seemed to have morphed into... me?

(Changing to Ren's POV)

I dumbfounded stared at myself. It was like looking at a mirror. My own reflection.

Clearing my throat and making myself look humble, Ren asked, "So are you... God?"

The being that stood in front of me seemed to contemplate for a bit before deciding,

"Not really, it could be said that I am everything, yet nothing, the foundation of everything but from your perspective of Gods and the like, I could be considered to be some sort of God, not your image of God, but yes." The mystical being spoke, using my own voice. It was kind of off-putting to say at least. The speech, however, just made me even more confused but I was wise enough to just play along with it anyway.

"So am I dead?" I asked with apprehensiveness.

"Indeed. You are currently in your spiritual form or you can describe it as your soul"

I understood and wondered, "So am I going to be judged or something?"

"Maybe, not that I really need to do so, the void particles around you are somehow being rejected which indicates you are a worthy candidate of reincarnation."

My ears picked up on the word reincarnation and got excited. Was I going to be reincarnated into a new world or something?! The thoughts running through my mind excited me. After all, who wouldn't long for a second shot at life?

"So do I have some sort of task or something I need to do?"

"No, since you are deemed a worthy candidate by the void, I'll reincarnate you with some wishes for fun."

This time, I was actually dazed. Did God just say he was going to reincarnate him with some wishes for fun!? FUN?! I mean I was excited for the chance that I was going to be reincarnated with wishes but for God's entertainment?

"You know Gods get bored as well after living for literally since the birth of time and space itself. That's why we created you humans who have the chance to adapt, change and evolve. We are actually pretty impressed by what you mortals have accomplished," God spoke.

I felt small. Very small. Insignificant. Was my life all in vain? A game?

"Don't worry, your life is your own to live and Gods rarely intervene in the world of mortals."

I picked something up about the God's speech he had mentioned a lot about him saying things like, 'not your God', or 'Gods get bored'.

"So are there more Gods like you?" I asked.

"Yes. Although I could be said to be the original, some omnipotent beings have also gained divinity and have become lesser Gods. I could be said to be the strongest."

"So am I going to be watched or...?"

"Depends. Maybe I'll check up on you time to time but I won't invade your privacy so you don't have to worry too much. Though I can't say the same with the other lesser Gods." The powerful The God replied.

"So if I am correct, you'll reincarnate me into a new world because it'll affect the balance of that world if I am right?"

"Correct. You are indeed quite smart. Though I don't usually interact with mortals since the lesser Gods usually judge, you have impressed me."

I felt happy that I had read a lot of reincarnation/transmigration novels on web novel.

"Hmmm... since you have impressed me, Ren, I'll allow you to choose which world you want to be born into and when. You shall also be granted 5 wishes of your choosing. Do not worry, I am only doing this partially because I am interested to see what you become and just because you share a similar resemblance to-... never mind. Just choose your wishes and a world you so choose."

I was particularly interested in who I resembled but I knew I shouldn't really pry especially in front of God in front of me.

I contemplated for a few minutes before asking,

"So will I be able to retain my memories or customise my body or will I have to use some of my wishes for that?"

"You are indeed smart. I have not chosen the wrong person for this task..."

The deity muttered so quietly that I didn't hear it.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing and sure. I will allow you to customise your appearance and retain your memories."

He replied.

'Great!' Ren thought!

"So for my first wish, can I make it so all of the other Gods can't pry into my life and not watch me? I'm sorry but I don't really want to be watched all the time..."

The God chuckled for a bit before saying,

"Fine. Your wish shall be granted."

"For my second wish, I want a system," I exclaimed with anticipation.

"A system?" The God asked, confused for the first time after quite literally millions of years.

"Umm... how do I explain it...?" I wondered how to explain what a system was to God.

"If you wish, I can read your mind to know what this 'system' you speak of is."

"Wait?! You can read my mind?" I shouted with horror.

"Yes, but it's not fun knowing what everyone's thinking all the time so I stopped doing so.

Don't worry, I'll only read the memories and ideas you want to show me although I could just forcefully read all of your memories."

I shivered at the thought of having all of my thoughts and memories known.

"Ah... Ok..."

I tried to clear I mind and thought about the system and what I wanted it to be.

"Hmmm... interesting. I can indeed do this for you but this shall make you a bit too strong... I'll do this but at the cost of two of your wishes but I shall modify this 'system' a little to make it a little bit less strong."

I quickly replied, saying, "Yes! Yes! Of course! That's fine!"

"So what is your final two wishes?"

I thought for a while before deciding,

"I want to make myself have a long life, as long as a life you can give me and I also want the ability to have very high comprehension skills and great intelligence."

"That is fine your wishes shall be granted." He said.

"What is the world that you wish to go to Ren?"

Without even a moment of hesitation, I said,

"The Marvel universe if possible. I wish to be born as Peter Parker's older twin."


After I had chosen my wishes and which world I wanted to reincarnate in, The God waved his hand a weird mannequin thing appeared in front of me.

"This shall be the base of your body. You may customise it as you wish. Use your thoughts to change what you will look like."

I nodded my head to show my understanding and quickly went to work.

I wanted my height to be just under 7 feet. 6'4' seemed appropriate.

I didn't want to be too tall because that seemed uncomfortable and would cause some inconvenience but I also didn't want to be short either. I then thought of the perfectly sculpted...

legendary 8 pack. I had always wanted to have an 8-pack but I was always too lazy to work out. Not that I was really fat or anything, I had an average body in my previous life but now I was going to have what I had always wanted! After acquiring a greek-god physique (aesthetically), I moved onto my overall body and face. I chose my body to be muscular, but not too much. Almost slender but not quite as my muscles would stick out just enough so that I would still be nimble but would also pack a pretty big punch.

Moving onto the face, I made it as handsome as I possibly could. I created very unique eyes for myself, long eyelashes which were paired with sharp eyebrows. The eyes were a myriad of a variety of colours. Red, yellow, violet, grey and blue. I knew that it would probably catch people's attention but who cares!? It looked so cool! I made myself have the sharpest and well-defined jawline I could possibly have with cute dimples. I made my nose quite sharp and my mouth thin lips accompanied by a healthy-red complexion. After I was done, I inspected what I had made and was satisfied. I looked like both a cute and sexy, wild man all at the same time.

'Wait a minute... something's missing... The hair! I'm such an idiot!'

I conjured long, wavy silver hair that naturally went a bit to the side in a messy way with multiple strands of hair that covered some of my eyes which made me look a bit more mysterious if I do say so myself.

(He only very slightly looks like Kakashi-sensei. I couldn't really find a suitable ninja that had the look I was going for so I chose Kakashi since he was the most handsome anime character I could think of that had silver hair so that's why you see him in the cover of my novel.

Please keep that in mind

EDIT: He basically looks like the person in the cover but has longer grey hair, weird colourful eyes and no scars)

"I am done," I said to the patient God.

"I can see that. Ok, I shall be transporting you to your desired world soon after you integrate with your wishes."

With a snap of his fingers, I felt immense pain.

Worse than anything I have ever felt in the entire world.

"Oops... I guess I forgot to say that you'll feel pain as your wishes get granted."

'CURSE YOU, YOU STUPID F*CKING GOD!' I mentally shrieked.

I felt my mind literally burst and it felt like millions of fire ants were biting my brain with thousands of microscopic needles slowly pricking my head. Next, that pain slowly started to spread to my entire body as I continued screaming like a banshee that came from hell. It felt like an eternity as my entire body felt like it was literally burning in lava until the pain slowly subsided.

"Hey, now that's a first! Someone actually managed to stay awake throughout the entirety of the integration. Now that's something to be proud of." The demonic piece of sh*t God spoke both in surprise and mockery.

I would have replied but I was honestly exhausted after that torture session.

(Back to 3rd person)

"Well then, off you go now."

With another click of his finger, God made Ren unconscious and sent Ren off on his way to his new world.

Edit: So I kind of changed a few things in this chapter and I'll edit the other chapters tomorrow :P