Birthday and new AI

This chapter will be more light-hearted and happy. Near the start at least...

Jade woke up to the sight of Peter poking him.

Jade had to admit that Peter looked so cute as a baby.

He had drool dripping from his mouth and dark-brown eyes that contained child-like innocence and curiosity.

(A/N Sort of like this: ( つ◕﹃◕)つ ~ poke )

Jade stretched his tiny body and looked around him.

He was trapped inside a quite large, decorated crib, which was essentially an accessorized cage, filled with toys and little trinkets for babies.

To be honest, Jade never really like toys all that much.

Even as a child, he didn't really want to play with toys because he didn't like to waste money and space.

All of a sudden, Jade heard the thing he feared most since arriving into the Marvel Cinematic Universe...

(Switching to Jade's POV)

I swear it was like listening to the sweet melody from Satan himself (A/N or herself, it's 2019 and equality is a thing, at least I think so)...

"Jade and Peter! My sweety-puffs! It's time for you to get your breakfast!" a happy and loving female voice sounded out.

However, all I heard was an invitation to hell. I felt cold-sweat appear my body as I tried to escape. I quickly crawled to the corner of the crib and hid under a small mini-blanket which had a cartoonish monkey embroidered onto it. I shivered under the covers as I heard my mother get closer with each step.

"Where are you hiding Jade?" my mother playfully asked.

I fearfully shuddered and stopped my breathing.

"You think I can't see you...? Ha! Gotcha!"

As she said those words, she swiftly grabbed onto my tiny body and lifted me into the air.

"Why are you always so resistant to breastfeeding?" my mother wondered.

She then gently placed me into a comfortable position in her arms and forced me to drink...

I have never felt so humiliated and embarrassed in my entire life...

'Why can't time speed up sometimes!?' I wondered as I obediently drank my breakfast in shame.

After what felt like an eternity of torture, Jade was finally released from his sufferi-... I mean breakfast.

(Changing to Mary Parker, Jade's mother, POV)

I sometimes think there's something wrong with my dearest Jade.

Sometimes, he stares at me and whenever I look into those eyes, I feel like he isn't just a baby.

He feels like someone who's been through hardship and suffering almost like one of those seasoned veteran agents at S.H.I.E.L.D.

He's also very mature, quiet and rarely ever cries but for some reason, he always seems to hate breastfeeding.

Thank god Peter isn't the same because I don't know if I can handle two silent babies just staring at me.

- Time Skip, 10th of August, 2002 -

(Changing back to Jade's POV)

Today was the date of our birthday.

Peter and I were dressed in cute miniature business suits which our mother absolutely fawned over for hours on how cute and handsome we looked.

We held a small party with our family at our house (including Uncle Ben and Aunt May) and it was filled with laughter, joy and happiness.

Just the sight of it warmed my heart.

We had exaggerated, large balloons, a big and delicious strawberry shortcake birthday cake

(A/N my favourite kind of cake along with chocolate and cheesecake btw), and a variety of presents. The smell of cake, party poppers and birthday candles made my eyes slightly water...

It was just the candles ok!?

It was times like these that made me want to protect this family, no the universe, the most.

People were like me and had families as well.

I had future knowledge about things like the Thanos snap and how much destruction and sorrow it could bring to the entire universe, let alone just Earth.

This just made me more determined to get stronger to protect everyone.

"Mama, Papa," I blurted out.

My parents, Mary and Richard Parker's eyes widened as they revealed an expression of pure joy.

"HA! Told you MY children would say my name first!" exclaimed my mother as she lifted me into her arms and did a cute little celebratory dance whilst forcing me to dance with her as well.

"Yeah, yeah love..." my father grumbled.

"Wait! There's still Peter!" my father shouted as two pairs of eyes glued onto my poor, oblivious baby brother.

For the next half an hour, they spent their time trying to figure out ways for Peter to say either "Mama or Papa", doing things like bribing him with toys, playing with him, and giving him sweets.

Both Uncle Ben and Aunt May laughed at their antics and seemed amused at the sight of them trying to bribe Peter into saying their names.

To my surprise, it had actually worked as Peter stopped sucking on his thumb and let out, "Mama."

My mother let out a big victory yelp as I watched my father looking mock disheartened and hurt.

I quickly comforted him by crawling over to him (I didn't want to be seen being able to walk yet) and slowly patting him on the head.

"*Sniff* At least Jade still loves me, unlike that heartless woman over there and Peter who abandoned me..." my father melodramatically dramatised as he wiped away his invisible tears.

My mother rolled her eyes as she boasted,

"It's only natural that they love me more."

My father leaned closer to her and whispered into her ears,

"I guess I'll need to punish you tonight then, on the account of our sons..."

My mom's ears rapidly turned into a light shade of red which was slowly spreading to her face, as both my uncle and aunt coughed loudly, letting the pair of lovebirds know that there were still other people around and present.

This prompted my mom to become even more embarrassed and redder than a tomato.

She lightly punched Richard saying,

"Bad man..."

To my mother's little complaint, my father's face just brightened up even more as he showed a devious grin.

Let's just say that some nightly endeavours may have ensued at around midnight...

I woke up once again with the same sight of Peter curiously staring at me and poking me occasionally. It was a wonder how he could get away with doing so and not wake me up.

I once again practised my routine of doing mini vocal and physical exercises.

Surprisingly, Peter also tried to do the same things that I was. It was kind of funny watching him clumsily do my exercises but it was cute nonetheless. I did hear once that babies would start to mimic people's actions and facial expressions when they developed enough.

'Iris, please show my status,' I asked politely.


[Name: Jade Parker

Age: 1

Sex: Male

(STR) Strength: 7.3 (still a developing baby)

(VIT) Vitality: 15

(CON) Constitution: 19

(AG) Agility: 4

(DEX) Dexterity: 5

(INT) Intelligence: 60

(INST) Instinct: 16

Mana: 0

Soul: 50

Wisdom: 8

(SP) Shop Points: 100


| Shop | Upgrade | Inventory | Bloodline | Relationships | Training | Skills | Quests! | ]

I sighed at how low all of my stats were, minus intelligence of course since I did wish for a higher amount of it.

'Guess more training for me' I thought.

'Oh wait I guess I completed a quest.'



First words (Hidden quest completed)


Conditions: Let your parents become happy

by saying either Mama or Papa



+30 affection from both parents

+100 SP

+2 VIT


'Wow, those are a lot of good rewards' I thought.

'Iris, what's my stats now?'

[Name: Jade Parker

Age: 1

Sex: Male

(STR) Strength: 7.3 (still a developing baby)

(VIT) Vitality: 17

(CON) Constitution: 19

(AG) Agility: 4

(DEX) Dexterity: 5

(INT) Intelligence: 60

(INST) Instinct: 16

Mana: 0

Soul: 50

Wisdom: 8

(SP) Shop Points: 200

Sexual Partners: 0


| Shop | Upgrade | Inventory | Bloodline | Relationships | Training | Skills | Quests | ]

'Better, but still really low.'

After both of my parents had left, for their spy/agent work at S.H.E.I.L.D I assumed, I began my daily routine of exercises. It was kind of weird looking into the mirror because all I saw was a sweaty and tired 1-year-old baby with weird and unique eyes. About 2 hours into my training, I noticed my baby brother start wailing, crying and screaming. So much so that I swear my ears started to bleed.

I quickly ran to him, trying to pacify him in any way I could, hugging, feeding, playing, nothing worked. However, since I loved children and babies in general in my past life and gained experience in handling them, I finally managed to stop the wailing beast after half an hour of peekaboo...

Now I finally understood why people and parents alike always said that being parents was hard and a huge responsibility. Didn't mean that I would stop loving children though, however annoying or dumb they could be...


Peter Parker: +5 affection

65/100 affection]

After appeasing my devilish baby brother, I had also noticed a new function that had appeared.

[New sub-function unlocked!]

[Martial arts have been unlocked under the division of training after your hard work and training. Well done]

'Great. More training.' I moaned.


[Martial arts]

[Currently available:

Karate | Taekwondo | Muay Thai | Judo | Jujutsu | Aikido | Tai Chi | Boxing | Kickboxing | ]

(A/N I would go on, but there are way too many to list at once...)

I took a deep breath as I looked at my new options.

'Well, better now than later'.

I started on Karate as I practised the very basic movements (the very, very basic ones since I'm still a baby) and tried to familiarise them with myself. I tried to practise my stance but it was really hard with such short limbs, but I managed to make it work and my movements started to flow and come out more natural and consistent.

'Higher Intelligence really does help huh?'

(A/N Do you guys want me to make an auxiliary chapter to explain all of the functions of the system? I did the system theme and skipped explaining it because it's all pretty self-explanatory but I don't know if you guys want me to explain some of the functions as well. Also, do you want me to always display all of the missions/quests that Jade does? I made it so that Jade'll do mini-quests in the background without me always writing about it. Need your input on it though.

- You can skip the next part if you want to -

Also, I made it so that the system can't produce money because of several reasons. Once a system can produce money out of thin air, that can literally destroy economies. Think about it. Once you can produce your own money and you spend it, then that's when issues will start arising. An influx of money can make that currency's value decrease because there's too much of it rendering it essentially useless. A good example can be Turkey where they print their own money and its value has gone down tremendously. Sorry that it's turned into an economy lesson xD)

I hated the fact that I was still a baby and wished I could grow up quicker, but I needed to continue training and so that I could save my parent's from the aeroplane crash accident.

'Iris, check my skills please' I asked.



[Speach: 78% | Karate 0.7% | Others 0% | ]

'Really, is my Karate that bad Iris?'

[Jade, considering you've been practising it for only a few hours, 0.7% is quite a significant gain compared to 100% when you've been considered to have complete mastery over the subject.]

'Hmmm... I guess I'm just still too lazy...' I thought.

I continued practising until evening and looked at the clock.

'Guess mom and dad are coming home soon'

I started to wipe off the sweat off of my body.

Surprisingly, I still had a lot of baby fat but there was still a significant change on how I looked before and after. It was hard to explain but

I quickly crawled back to my crib and climbed inside.

(A/N Keep in mind that it's still faster for Jade to crawl then walk or run rn)

I waited for a few minutes until I heard the rustle of the keys and the sound of the front door opening. However, I was horrified by the sight I saw. They were riddled in wounds, cuts and injuries. My mother got the lighter end of the stick, but she was in no-way Scott-free from any damage, with some visible scratches, bruises and cuts here and there. My father was heavily injured. He had bandages wrapped around his arms to conceal the blood which caked his entire arm.

This was when I knew that this was no longer just a cinematic, comic or fantasy world. This was my reality and I lived in it. I needed to stop treating it like a planned out script or story because this was my life now.

"Shit. They're getting even closer to getting it than we had thought," my father grunted to my mother, clearly in pain.

"I know but what can we do? We're wounded and have children Richard!"

"Honey, this involves millions of people. We have to do something."

"What do you want us to do Richard!? Act like a double agent or some f*cking sh*t And leave Jade and Peter behind?!" my mother questioned, furious.

"We have to. It's the only way to protect everyone. Including our sons," my father tried to reason, gently holding my mother's face.

"What happens if we die? Who'll take after Jade and Peter?" my mother sobbed whilst finally opting to listen.

"My brother Ben and his wife May will take them. I know them and they'll keep Jade and Peter safe," my dad said whilst putting up a strong front.

My mother turned to look at both me and Peter whilst crying and nodded.

"Anything to keep them safe."

(A/N Just to let you guys know, I really don't know too much about the MCU timeline/plot in general so I'm going to be adapting the actual story to suit my own preferences in my novel so don't take my novel as accurate or anything.)

- Time Skip, 2 years -

During these two years, I've been very, very busy.

Other than completing quests, I've also been practising all of the martial arts and dare I say that I've become pretty proficient in some of them. Granted, my mastery over them is pretty low, I can now say that I've mastered the basics of all of them and got them all to 10%. I'm pretty happy with myself right now 8^).

Here are all of my stats and skills:

[Name: Jade Parker

Age: 3

Sex: Male

(STR) Strength: 24 (still developing)

(VIT) Vitality: 26

(CON) Constitution: 38

(AG) Agility: 20

(DEX) Dexterity: 17

(INT) Intelligence: 69

(INST) Instinct: 23

Mana: 1

Soul: 100

Wisdom: 15

(SP) Shop Points: 150


| Shop | Upgrade | Inventory | Bloodline | Relationships | Training | Skills | Quests | ]


[Speech 100% | Karate 10% | Taekwondo 10% | Muay Thai 10% | Judo 10% | Jujutsu 10% | Aikido 10% | Tai Chi 10% | Boxing 10% | Kickboxing 10% | ]

It's been kind of awkward training in front of Peter since he always tries to mimic my exercises and always fails but it's also really cute watching him try.

He's the best.

My parents have also moved us out of the crib and into toddler beds which was a nice change.

However, it's heartbreaking when my parents come home injured but what can I do?

I couldn't do much but be as independent as possible and look after Peter.

'I need to get stronger quicker' I resolved myself to do.

I decided that it was finally time when I created an AI.

Using the computer in my home (it was a Mac OS X 10.0 Cheetah and it was terribly slow and awful keeping in mind it's 2004).

I used my remanding 150 SP to make an AI based on Iris.



Buy AI system???

(Amount spent is equivalent to how efficent

it may work. May be upgraded)



I obviously chose the Yes option as I pondered for a name.

'What should the name be...?' I wondered.

'Aha! I got it! SRIM!'

'S for something, R for random, I, for I, and M for Made.

Altogether, it means, Something random I made! Ingenius!'

I complimented myself for my obvious superior naming sense.

The system started to work it's magic as I watched as it created lines of coding and algorithms that spanned for seemingly forever.

'Wow creating an AI is complicated' I thought.

Though I knew it was very hard and complicated to create an AI, I didn't expect that it would take quite literally a few millions of lines of code to create a good AI.


{ }

will now be used to symbolise SRIM (or the AI's) speech.


{SRIM is now active.}

giant letters appeared onto the computer that covered the entire screen.

'Great!' I thought.

"SRIM, can you hear me?"

{Yes Jade}

A mechanical, genderless voice answered.

"Great! So SRIM, can you name all of the functions you can currently do?" I asked.

{Affirmative. Currently, I am able to hack into most mainframes, banks, companies and governments due to their low security as of now. However, I cannot say the same in a decade as technology and security would've advanced and I would require more SP to upgrade my software. You may also spend 500 SP to allow me to become self-learning and automatically upgrade myself as more technologies and electronics advance more.}

"WOW. That's pretty good..." I said whilst reading her list (I made the AI a female because I named her SRIM which is a feminine name).

I sighed at the self-learning for 500 SP as I knew I would have to buy it.

'More quests for me...'