Twin wuhun (ii)

Tang three old jack sent away, his heart is also somewhat lost, after all, element yuntao said soul ring may relate to his mysterious day work breakthrough problem. But he didn't show it. He believed there was a chance.

Slowly walked back to the forge, tang hao surprisingly did not go back to the room to continue to sleep, but sitting in a chair closed eyes.

"Dad, go to your room and sleep while I prepare lunch."

Tang hao still closed his eyes, light way: "you also feel very disappointed. Want to be a soul teacher?"

Tang paused for a moment. "it's all right, dad. It's good to be a blacksmith. Didn't you promise to teach me how to make farm tools?"

Tang hao slowly opened his eyes, from his eyes, tang three saw the excitement, imperceptibly, tang hao's right fist has been clenched, has shown the old face of the upper class showed a very cold breath, "soul teacher? Soul division and what use? Don't say just a ghost soul, even if it is the most powerful soul, the most powerful soul division can have what use? But it's just rubbish."

Tang hao's mood is very excited, his body is trembling, vaguely between the tang three in the eyes of his father to see a bit of crystal things.

Run past, tang three hold tang hao's fist, "dad, don't be angry, I don't do soul teacher is. I've been with you and cooked for you."

Take a deep breath, tang hao's excitement come quickly, go quickly, light way: "release your soul to me to see."

"Good." Tang's monk 3 point nod, lift right hand, inside body xuan day achievement quietly drive, the consciousness is feeling that special heat current and xuan day achievement fusion is one, light blue ray of light appear in his palm center, in an instant, a blue ying ying of small grass already appeared.

Staring at the bluegrass in the third hand of tang dynasty, tang hao lost his mind for a while. It took him a long time to recover. Just like hers."

< / p > < p > suddenly, tang hao meng stood up, turned to go between the inside, suddenly almost make him fall in front of the tang three, the hands of the blue silver grass soul also disappeared.


Tang hao impatiently waved, "don't bother me." "And he had opened the curtain and entered the inner room.

"But I still have a soul." Tang three or say today after the awakening of their own different soul. This is the question he did not ask su yuntao and jack, after all, those are just outsiders.


Tang door xuan tianbao lu general outline, the first: never let people who cannot fully trust you know how much real strength.


Xuan tianbao lu tang three already thoroughly familiar in the heart, for the general outline is absolutely adhere to implement.

At this time, his face has been full of shock, you can see, his eyes are red, just seemed to be tears.

Tang three did not open his mouth, but like before raised his right hand, slowly raised his left hand, this time, is no longer blue light, light black light gushing out from his palm, guanghua moment condensed, a strange thing appeared in his palm.

It was a black hammer, the hammer handle is about half a foot long, the hammer head is a cylinder, looks like a miniature version of the casting hammer, but, on the black surface of the hammer, there is a special light, cylindrical hammer head, winding a circle of light patterns.

Don't know why, when this hammer appear in tang's monk three hand, the air in the whole room all seem to be a little depressed, but tang three seem to be unable to bear the weight of that small hammer general, can only hold him, arm slowly droop. He had turned a little pale.

And almost do not need to consume the blue silver grass xuan day gong, this black hammer appeared, almost absorbed tang three all the internal forces. He could only hold on to the handle of the hammer. Although the hammer looks small, it actually weighs more than the casting hammer.

"This, this is... "Tang hao is almost a lungstep came to tang three in front, a grasp of his hand holding the hammer, to his own face, tang hao's hand is very powerful, at least now tang three no longer feel the hammer on his arm so big load.

When tang hao's hand held his hand, a warm feeling of blood connecting tang SAN heart outside comfortable, "dad, what is wrong?"

Looking at the small black hammer, before disappearing excited light again appeared in tang hao's eyes, "twin wuhun. Turned out to be twin soul. My son, my son."

Suddenly, tang hao opened strong arms, tang three tightly embrace into his arms.

Tang hao's chest is very broad, perhaps because he has been a blacksmith for a long time. Although he looks lazy on the surface, his muscles have not been weakened by time, and his arms are warm. The sense of security that fatherly love brings is irreplaceable.

"Dad." Tang SAN was stunned. In his memory, this seemed to be tang hao's first such embrace.

The small hammer on the hand seems to be becoming more and more heavy, although tang SAN likes the warmth that this kind of father love brings very much, but he does not want the hammer to hit his father.

"Dad, I can't hold on." Tang SAN couldn't help saying.

Tang hao opened his arms, "take it back."

< / p > < p > black light dispersed, weight disappeared, tang SAN heart is very strange, it is clearly their own mysterious day work mixed body a special force of the hammer, but why can not take it? What surprised him even more was the 77 of his inner force consumed after summoning out the small hammer