Twin wuhun (four)

Hand hammer casting a slightly, tang hao tang three stepped back, at the same time, the hands of the hammer has turned back, drink a low, body half turn, stick to your feet on the ground, two legs bare outside the shabby trousers moment taut, the whole people like simmering tigers, legs, waist, back, casting hammer has brought back in aeriform in, there was a loud clatter. It fell heavily on the hot piece of pig iron.

Tang three can fully feel, this is just a human body power process, tang hao no internal force, not what the release of the soul force, this is completely physical power, and the piece of iron before the red, but was smashed completely collapsed nearly a third, deformation is extremely obvious.

"To the calf power, the strength of your body into a whole, is for the full force." The hammer in tang hao's hand still comes to tang SAN's hand, "you come once."

"Good." Tang SAN never thought that forging and such knocking. This method of generating power is not only used in forging. It should also be used in their own tang door martial arts.

Both hands hold the hammer handle, learn tang hao before the posture, tang three eyes closely staring at the red iron, xuan day work slowly running, deep into the legs, feet tightly buckle on the ground.

Tang's monk three big drink 1, leg leg strength and xuan day result at the same time magic force, strength burst out from crus, instantaneous spread, waist turn, drive back, arrive double shoulder, arrive arm again. He clearly felt that his strength seemed to be stronger than ever, which started from the calf to the arm and ended with a hammer, and his body seemed to be lifted up by the force.

When -- the hammer hit the iron with a loud bang.

Tang three whole person's body all because of hammer shake and feet from the ground, reeled forward a step, the hammer rebound, although there is xuanyu hand each other, there is no problem on the hand, but arms were this rebound shock of acid hemp, fortunately xuan day work in time, the feeling of acid hemp gradually disappeared.

The effect is obvious, although tang three because of age, add xuan day gong, the effect of the hammer is not as obvious as tang hao, but compared with his previous percussion, the effect of the hammer is even enough to withstand the previous dozens of hammer.

Watching tang SAN's actions, tang hao did not comment, but from the glimmer of surprise in his eyes, tang SAN did better than he expected. Tang hao did not expect that tang SAN should be able to master this power within such a short time.

Where does he know, tang SAN is in all the time bitter tang door wu xue, not only have the foundation of xuan day gong, trace of controlling crane to capture dragon, ghost fan to add xuanyu hand, make his coordinate ability far exceed peers. His own understanding was not bad, and the skill of power was easily mastered. Of course, it was the first time, and he wasn't quite sure how to use it.

"Dad, did I do the right thing?"

Tang hao nodded slowly. "do you know the function of the heart? The muscle that the person USES most is crus, crus is the source of all strength. Use your lower legs for strength and it will give you a lot of strength."

Tang hao said, and walked to the bellows sat down and pulled out from beneath the bellows a composed of pig iron casting, those are two pedals as object, connect he tang hao below the bellows, his hands hold bellows, "cast, the role of the bellows is also very important, metal full burning, can better forging, because that would make it stronger toughness. But any piece of metal, no matter how many impurities it contains, has a soul in itself. If the temperature is not enough and the forging force is too great to break it, then the metal is just waste products even if it is melted and forged again. So keep the iron warm while you hit it with all your strength. The bellows are also applied with the lower legs to minimize the use of force and maximize the effect of the bellows."

Double foot pedals on the two feet, suddenly power, to the leg starting point, the whole body quickly back up, arms in the natural drive will bellows handle to open, legs from straight back to bend, and then the handle back. Each time, the bellows ran at full speed. Tang hao's movements did not seem to be very fast, but each time he gave full play to the bellows' ability. With the help of the calf muscles, the body and the bellows formed a special rhythm.

"You pull the bellows, just as I did." Tang hao gave up his position to tang SAN.

With previous experience and careful observation of the hammer, tang three sitting in the position before tang hao quickly mastered the method of pulling the bellows, although still a little astringent, but under his careful attention, every time the force is from the calf. As tang hao said, not only is the power saved a lot, but the effect is better than before.

Three casting hammer with tang tang hao, light way: "to press for casting, swing the hammer can give full play to the power of their own, but in the same way, a hammer, rebound will also give their own cause great load, if there is no appropriate method to guide, not only easy to hurt yourself, also can make part of the loss of power, could not effect on the metal. Watch carefully what I do next. It will be the key to whether you can beat the pig iron to the size of your fist in a short time."

Take a deep breath, tang hao's eyes become focused, as tang three bellows pull, the whole iron has been burning red, hot flames rise, make the room become extremely hot.