The first secret weapon of tang SAN (five)

Old jack quickly smiled and said: "this little brother, we come from the holy soul village, this child is our village this year sent students. You see, what procedures do we need to go through?"

The porter frowned and said in a strange way, "can a straw nest produce a golden phoenix? Someone in a small village has soul power? The college hasn't had a full-time student in years. You can't be impostors."

< / p > < p > old jack eyes flash a trace of anger, but still quietly put the last wu soul temple deacon su yuntao issued a certificate to take out, handed the porter.

Gatekeeper took over the proof, looked up and down, "wuhun blue silver grass? Also congenital full soul force? Funny, this is really slippery world big ji. I also did four years in college gatekeeper, have not heard of a full soul force innate students, this boy's soul is blue silver grass, can also be full soul force? I see, this proof of wu soul temple must be your forgery."

"You... "Even though jack was so good-natured, he couldn't stand it any longer. Good, you wait, I go to find wu soul part temple deacon adults. Mistress, let's go." With that, jack and don turn around and head for the city.

< / p > < p > wuhun fen dian proof of nature can not be false, the gatekeeper also know, however, to send new people will generally have some meaning, especially the civilian family. So-called yama is easy, imp is difficult to tangle is this truth.

Old jack was born in the country, though he was a village head, he didn't know anything about it.

Gatekeeper heart more or less some uneasy, if the soul of the people really came, not he can afford to, of course, he also believes that the soul of the people will never in order to so two hillbillies to college inquiry.

Depressed in the heart, the words in the mouth naturally not pleasant to hear, "also holy soul village, I see beggar village is about the same."

"What did you say?" < / p > < p > old jack suddenly turned around, the porter's words can be said to touch his heart the greatest pride, he could therefore and tang hao turned against, at this time the porter is outside the village, more to make him unbearable. He returned a few paces, glaring at the porter.

The porter, startled by the aggressive old jack, took a step back, but he quickly realized that he was an old man and had nothing to fear.

"How? Defy spirit, I say you come from beggar village, difficult way have wrong yao? Look at this poor little wretch. His clothes are full of patches. I think you'd better go begging somewhere. We're not good at nordin. Get out, get out."

As he spoke, the porter raised his left hand to jack's chest and began to drive them away.

As old jack gas anger toward, all of a sudden, a small figure, between two people is also raised his arm, his tender little hand barely enough to the porter's hand, left hand to the right, suddenly swing pushed the porter of the left hand of, at the same time, the slim figures of the quick step in the previous step right foot, feet just tread behind the porter in his left foot, right hand raised at the same time, with his left hand in the porter's hands down.

Originally, this palm should be cut in the crook of the other side's left arm, making it unable to exert power, but the man who performed it was a little short, so he could only buckle the porter's wrist, his action was very fast, his body at the same time forward, both hands in the door at the same time to push forward. Right on the doorman's belly.

The porter left foot behind more than a foot, although that foot is not big, but enough to complete his due effect, abdomen force, foot has a mix, just listen to a common sound, the porter has sat down on the ground.

"Mistress, you... Jack gaped at the man in front of him.

What move is tang SAN, he use of this type, not even tang door unique learning, just be he originally in that world, the most simple type in martial arts push window hope moon, of course, from his figure put to good use, nature is to be out of shape. Not only can't cut the elbow of the opponent's arm, the hand that should be pushed on the opponent's chest is also pushed on the lower abdomen, of course, the result is the same.

Although tang 3 people are not big, but the strength is absolutely not small. These months of hammer is not brandish in vain, even if did not use xuan day gong, still put down the porter.

"Boy, you want to die." What a shame to be pushed down by a child, gatekeeper under the urgent anger, get up from the ground will rush to tang SAN.

"Okay, stop it." At that moment, a hoarse voice stopped the porter.

The porter paused for a moment, and then his angry face melted into flattery. The change was so rapid that it was hard to imagine.

Tang's monk three turn head to look, between a medium stature, slightly some slant thin of man don't know when already came to their side. He was about forty or fifty years old, with short black hair and a parted face. His hands were on his back, but he had a special disposition on his body.

The 'master' just slanted the porter one eye, and did not pay attention to him, to the old jack said: "old man, can the proof of wu soul temple to me?"

Old jack, after all, was a village elder, and he knew how to look at his face. From the look on the porter's face, one could tell that this middle-aged man had a high status in the college, not to mention the title of master. He quickly handed over the certificate in his hand.

The master took a look at the proof, eyes and then transferred to tang three, looked him up and down a few eyes, do not know why, although the master's eyes are not sharp, but tang three has a kind of look through the feeling.

"It turns out to be true, Sir. I apologize on behalf of the house for what happened. Leave the child to me."