My name is little dance, dance dance (five)

The master took out a paper package from his arms and handed it to tang SAN. "eat it first. The food was bad when you were growing up."

Tang's monk three leng once, open paper pack, see inside put two chicken leg and a steamed bread. It's still warm.

"The teacher... "

"Well, hurry up, and I'll have something to say to you after dinner. The time of youth must not be lost." "Said the master, his face calm and serious.

Coarse cake itself is not easy to eat full, tang SAN's appetite is good, soon the master brought him to eat the food.

The master poured him a glass of water, went to his desk and sat down.

"You this year six years old, congenital full soul force, twin wu soul. Release your other soul and let me see it."

Tang nodded at three, the master already knew he was a twin soul, there is nothing to hide. Lifting his left hand, the black light surged out, condensing again into the small hammer.

Because of the training during the period between coming to the college, he has made great progress in physical strength, and now he can barely hold the hammer without feeling too heavy load.

Seeing the hammer in tang's third hand, master meng stood up from his seat, eyes revealing a very excited look. Dead stare at hammer, mumble of way: "tang's monk three, tang's monk three, surname tang's monk... , all right, you put away the soul. Don't show it to others. Without my permission, will never give this soul on the additional soul ring. Keep that in mind."

Tang SAN looked at the teacher with some surprise, "father also said so to me. Why can't you give the soul additional soul ring?"

The excitement faded from the master's eyes. "what does your father do?"

Tang three way: "is the village blacksmith."

"Blacksmith? The master looked strangely at him and sighed and shook his head. "a blacksmith, a hammer," he said.

"Now less than tell you, you just need to remember, now do not let you use this soul and give him additional soul ring, just for your future plan. You must remember that."

Father said so, the teacher said so, tang three of the master's trust and increased a few points, "I will."

"Tomorrow is the opening ceremony," said the master. But it's just a waste of time for you. Now the priority is to make your soul can continue to practice. Morning accept you as apprentice after I think carefully, tomorrow morning you first leave the college with me, I take you to find a suitable soul ring, let you into the soul division level.

Tang's monk 3 hear a speech great joy, after obtaining soul ring only he ability affirmation oneself xuan day result is because of soul ring and was restrained, the practice of the great master is with his meaning, hurriedly happy promise 1.

The master continued, "I will answer for you on the house side. You need not worry. On the way back and forth I will teach you the knowledge of the soul. Tang 3, to your blue silver grass wu hun, what view do you have?"

Tang's monk three way: "everyone all say it is waste wu soul, however, I feel anything all have certain function, also have its characteristic, even if be the most common blue silver grass also should be so."

The master satisfied nodded, said: "yes, every soul has its own characteristics, my research, low soul accounted for a large proportion, I have always advocated, no waste soul, only waste people. Tomorrow will take you to find the soul ring, so, now you need to decide the development direction of the soul.

Tang trinity leng, "the development direction of the soul? What does that mean, Sir?"

The master said: "this should be from the classification of wu hun itself. On the whole, there are only two kinds of soul, beast soul and weapon soul. Plant class soul also contains in the soul, like your two soul is the soul. Weapon soul and beast soul the biggest difference is in the form of performance.

"Beast spirit in use, is the beast's power added to their own, that is, the body effect. By virtue of the combination of human body and animal soul to enhance its own strength, achieve the goal of human soul unity launched an attack. And the weapon soul is completely different, all the weapon soul is from the body to play a role. Therefore, the auxiliary spirit will be more than the beast soul. Take a simple example, if your soul is our usual food of the longest sword of rice, then, your soul can be used as food. And because it is formed by the soul force, the effect will be better than ordinary rice."

Tang's monk three surprised of way: "wu soul also can eat yao?"

The master nodded in affirmation and said, "all the weapons and spirits of food class can be eaten. Therefore, the higher level food is the soul division has always been the army's most desired talent. A food division over level 30 provides enough food for a hundred warriors. Greatly reducing the consumption of military resources."

Tang's monk three dull way: "I still don't understand."

"The truth is very simple," said the master patiently. Food is a source of energy for any living thing. And the soul force is a kind of energy. When the soul force itself can be changed into energy that can be absorbed by people, then it is no different from real food for us. It's the same energy the body needs."

Tang's monk three listen to of have a little understanding, but probably of meaning still understand, "that is to say, implement wuhun mostly use auxiliary, be."

The master said: "always no absolute, some of the owner of the soul can also become the war soul division. For example, if your weapon soul is a sword, can be used as a weapon, so, you can also become the war soul division, as outside said the artifact, in fact is the weapon soul of the war soul division to their own soul to the top, can be called the artifact. Although there is a division between soulmasters and war soulmasters, but there are some similarities between the two. Each soul has a direction of development, such as food, reconnaissance, combat, healing, control and so on. Now, before obtaining the soul ring, you must first decide the direction of the future development of their own soul, soul division soul cultivation, must be in a direction to develop.