Wind hammer method (5)

After hearing tang's three words, the big man's face suddenly softened, are poor origin, the heart suddenly big feeling sympathy, what's more, the child is still in nording college, the big man simply said: "all right. Come if you like. You can do the chores for us and serve tea. However, the salary is not too high, but the food is full. Well?"

"Yes, no problem." Tang's monk three exultation, quickly promise 1.

The blacksmith all smile to tang's monk three good-nature, the big man stare everyone one eye, way: "see what see, need not work yao. Hurry up and I'll treat you all to ale this evening."

Hearing the big man's words, all the blacksmiths immediately with great energy, one by one brandishing their hammers to continue their work.

The big man lifted the foundry hammer in his hand, forging the pig iron in front of him, and said to tang three ways: "I call shi three, stone of stone, you can call me a three uncle. This forge comes from my family. Later you come to me here work, every day of lunch and dinner I pack, and give you ten copper soul money, it is a silver soul money. If the profits are good, I'll give you more. Oh, by the way, what's your name?"

"Third uncle, my name is tang SAN."

"Tang three? Ha ha, good, we all have three words in the name, it seems to be really predestined relationship. Which village are you from?"

Tang's monk three way: "I come from holy spirit village."

Shi SAN dao: "you just said you learned to be a blacksmith from your father when you were young. You are so young. What can your father teach you?"

Tang's monk three way: "certainly was the casting, three uncle, you don't see my stature small, but I have strength, cast pig iron also no problem."

Shi SAN laughed. "boys, our new boy says he can forge too. Can you believe it?"

Blacksmiths also immediately burst into laughter, tang three look only six, seven years old, this is still after the first soul ring, the body grew a little higher. From the outside, who can believe that he can forge?

The feeling of being looked down upon by others is always not good, tang's monk three way: "three uncle, I really can cast, not letter, you let me try."

Shi stopped his work and leaned the casting hammer on the ground. "well, if you can hold my hammer, I'll trust you." Then he handed the hammer handle to tang SAN. Because hammer head and ground contact, he is not afraid of tang's monk three can not move hit.

"Uncle, you are to remove impurities for this pig iron. I'll finish it for you." Tang SAN took the hammer handle from shi SAN.

Stone three natural power, he used the casting hammer is obviously bigger than others on a, than tang three height is also higher on about half a foot. At this time, he became the focus of the whole blacksmith shop, all blacksmiths looked at him, are a face of amusement. But soon they stopped laughing because tang SAN had lifted the hammer from the front of his body.

It's thirty percent heavier than a normal casting hammer. As soon as the casting hammer was off the ground, tang SAN had a judgment. Although some heavy, but even before he did not get the soul ring, also can barely, let alone now.

Seeing tang's monk three casting hammer slowly raise, stone three is also stare big eyes, praise 1, "good strength, worthy is our blacksmith's son."

Tang's monk three eyes burn stare at the pig iron on the stove, breathe out open sound, fierce of the cast hammer of stone three swung up.

"Hey," he said.

Sole of the foot fastening buckle ground, crus suddenly hair force, strength upload, tang dynasty three body half turn, huge casting hammer is in the air inclined swing a whole circle, heavy hit on that piece of pig iron.

A loud clang, has made all the smiths smile into surprise, then, with the hammer rebound, tang SAN a rapid turn, the hands of the hammer again swing, another bang, the hammer heavier than before fell on the hot pig iron.

"Uncle, please help me with the bellows. Not enough heat." Tang's monk three quickly said 1, his third hammer has swung to rise again. This time, the casting hammer fell even faster, blowing the wind.

Shi SAN is also an old blacksmith, naturally understand the consequences of insufficient temperature, quickly squatted on the side, pulled up the bellows.

The next scene was unforgettable for the blacksmith. The heavy hammer seemed to come alive in the hands of tang SAN, and one circle after another was drawn in the air, full of rhythm, like the beating of the storm in the forge.

They did not notice that tang SAN's hands had become as white as jade, accompanied by the sound of jingle, the piece of pig iron constantly beating in the casting hammer.

Stone three side to pull bellows, while closely staring at the swinging beat tang three, his eyes can not be used to describe the surprise.

Other blacksmiths knew how heavy the hammer was, so they knew how hard it was to hit it continuously. Especially like tang three such a hammer heavy over a hammer, it is extremely difficult.

Ringing. The last knock is finished, tang three with the casting hammer in place even turn two circles, dissolve the hammer momentum, sledgehammer head down, fall back on the ground, make the smiths and blacksmiths heart at the same time shocked.

Twenty-seven hammers, the whole twenty-seven hammers keep beating, the shape of the piece of pig iron that shi SAN forged before has not changed at all, but it has shrunk in a circle.

Tang three do these, stone three ask yourself can do, but it takes a whole day. Shi SAN has been a blacksmith for 15 years.

Looking at a little pant forehead see sweat of tang's monk three, stone three stutter of way: "this, this difficult way be disorderly put on wind hammer method? The strongest continuous casting in forging?"

"Sledgehammer? What's that?" Tang's monk three doubt way.

Shihsan's cheeks were already flushed with excitement. "the so-called flapper hammer method is a method of continuous hitting and casting. It is said that the most powerful blacksmith can swing eighty-one hammers continuously to make a piece of pig iron exactly as he wants. Most importantly, it is the most powerful casting technique to remove metal impurities. I thought it was long lost, but I didn't expect to see it in your hand today."