White tiger dai mu white (I)

Tang's monk three tiny smile, way: "I call it sleeve arrow, also can call silent sleeve arrow, need to start a switch only, inside of three small arrows will according to your control shoot out, can shoot 1, also can shoot out 3 all. Because the launch is very quiet, not easy to be detected by the opponent, so, in the face of similar strength of the enemy, can produce a good effect.

Small dance surprised way: "before we exchange views of time, how have never seen you use this kind of thing?"

Tang's monk three indifferent smile, way: "fool, we are classmate, is a friend. How can I use such a lethal weapon? Remember the time I stoned you? Do you think that's just a coincidence? Look, there's a mosquito."

Small dance along the direction of tang's three fingers, three meters away, as expected, a mosquito is buzzing over, with the help of moonlight to see clearly.

"Would you believe it if I told you I could hit its left wing without killing it?"

Small dance stare at him to say: "are you joking?"

Tang's monk three eyes purple light flash, the right hand suddenly raise, a light shadow quietly and pass, that mosquito also disappeared without a trace.

Hold the hand of small dance, tang's monk three way: "follow me." Pull her to not far before a tree stopped, don't need tang three can point to, small dance can clearly see, there is a three-inch long steel needle on the trunk, shining in the stars.

The needle was pinned to the tree, and something was struggling.

Small dance looked down carefully, can not help but be surprised almost call out. Under the needle is nailed a mosquito, steel needle through the left wing of the mosquito, it firmly nailed to the tree, and the mosquito alive and kicking, obviously no life danger.

"You, how did you do it?" Small dance frightened to look at tang SAN. If it wasn't for the fact that she was with tang SAN all the time, she would have thought it was preparation.

Tang three pulled out the steel needle, when he opened his hand again, the steel needle has disappeared, "this is my secret, I call it a hidden weapon, even the father does not know. I just want to tell you that I have the power to protect my sister."

To new thing, small dance always very interest, shake tang's monk three hand caper way: "good elder brother, that you can teach me."

Tang's monk three bitterness smile a way: "with your violence tendency, if again learned concealed weapon, still don't know how many people want to suffer disaster. And the secret weapon practice is not a matter of a day. The arrow I have given you is one of the hidden weapons. You can use it first."

Want to learn tang door hidden weapon is not easy, first of all, there will be xuan day work as the basis, and small dance soul force is not weak, re practice xuan day work is obviously impossible, tang three has secretly decided, later will make some machine bracket class concealed weapon armed in her body. That's enough.

Tang three hand will wear the sleeve arrow on the left arm of the small dance, adjust the size of the sleeve arrow when closed, completely fit in the small dance arm, and then he will be silent sleeve method of use in detail to the small dance told a time, soldiers let her try a few times. Little dance likes this treasure almost immediately.

Small dance to the side to test the sleeve arrows, tang's monk three slowly raised his head, looking at the stars in the sky, said to himself: "dad, you are really afraid of me in your side can't become strong? You can rest assured that I will try my best to cultivate and become a real man. I will be your pride one day."

"Tang door, I have left you for six years, but I will always be tang door people, in this fight luo mainland, I will certainly tang door all carry forward."

The hands of jade-like white jade jilt suddenly, countless silk-thread like silver light skyrocket, tang three eyes is a purple awn.


Five years later.

Barak kingdom, located in the south of the tiandu empire, bordering the province of fasuo, is said to be the kingdom, in fact, its area is only three quarters of the province of fasuo, belonging to the tiandu empire, tiandu empire in the territory of one of the four kingdoms. King kundera of barak is the cousin of okula, who is today king of the empire.

The kingdom of barak, to the south, borders directly with the kingdom of sinro. Therefore, of the four kingdoms of the kingdom of tiantou, the kingdom of barak has the most powerful military force, which can be said to be the gateway of the kingdom of tiantou.

The tiandu empire originally had ten provinces, and later, with the enfeigment of the four kingdoms, formed the six party power. The empire itself directly controlled five provinces, each of the four kingdoms controlled one, and the principality, second only to the kingdom, occupied the smallest province in the east of the empire.

On the surface, the four kingdoms and the one principality were all subject to the tiantou empire, but in fact, these five states had already become states within states, completely autonomous except for the necessary tribute. Had it not been for the tiantou royal family's heavy military presence, civil unrest would have been possible.

It was a similar story with the astro empire, so both empires looked strong, but in fact, were declining. You never know, one day the whole continent will suddenly change.

There are two most important cities in the kingdom of barak. One is barak city, the capital of king kundera of barak, which is the political and economic center of the whole kingdom of barak. The other city is soto, barrack's granary, in the middle of barrack's richest plain in the kingdom of barrack.

Both of these cities are heavily fortified and are the most important in the kingdom.

Soto city is a big city, this point from its wuhun temple configuration for the third level of wuhun main hall can be seen.

At this time just after noon, scorching sun, the city of soto west gate into two young people. They appeared to be teenagers with no luggage, a man and a woman.