The true color of witch (4)

Dai mubai came back soon and nodded to friend, indicating that he had let Oscar comfort ning rongrong.

Friend waved and said, "let's go. Follow me."

Say that finish, see his tiptoe point ground, fluttering leap up to go out, toward the direction outside the college forward.

The crowd hurried to follow.

Friend kept up a fairly fast pace, and the gap between the five students became clear.

Flemish was followed by the white tiger with the deepest soul. Dai mu behind the white is not tang three, but zhu zhuqing.

Tang three ghost fans in the subtle, on the linear distance acceleration, but not as sensitive as zhu zhuqing department soul division. So he and xiao wu tied for third place. Ma hongjun was in the end, but not much behind tang SAN.

On the way, friend did not say a word, don three they did not say a word. I was still thinking back to the conversation between friend and ning rongrong.

Soon, don three found the destination of friend's trip, is the city of soto.

It was not far from shrek college to soto city, and it was just before the southern gate of soto that friend slowed down. Have all five trainees follow.

The city of soto is located within the kingdom of barak and is not under any external threat, so its gates are open all day long. A group of six people smoothly into the city.

Although it's dark now, the city of soto looks like it's just waking up, and it's even busier than during the day. On both sides of the street, all the shops are *** Ming, some only in the evening out of the business of small vendors have found their most accustomed place to sell some snacks or small items such as things.

Tang sanhe small dance although also lived in the city of soto for two days, but did not come out in the evening, tang sanhao is a little better, small dance but high spirits looked at, see some interesting things, quietly gather up to see a few more eyes. If it were not for tang's monk three always pull her, perhaps she already lost.

Zhu zhuqing still has a cold face, as if the outside world has nothing to do with her, the eyes always stay in front of his friend, and was not affected by the outside world.

Dai mu white eyelid inside collect, showed his composed one side, appearance is almost identical with zhu zhuqing, just his face little that layer of frost, everything is very natural.

Ma hong jun eyes are a bit not enough use, although no interested in anything like little dance, but his eyes were going round and round, the target is the location of the women are the most characteristic in the street.

Under the age of six, on to sixty, ma hongjun's eyes are almost not let go, once see a figure a few plump, immediately is big swallow saliva. Luckily he was at the back of the line and the others had not noticed what he looked like.

Friend stopped suddenly, looked at the sky, and said to himself, "there's still time. Come with me."

With these words, friend led the five into a humble tea shop down the street. The six sat down at a round table, and friend ordered the six cheapest cups of tea.

Little dance looked at the full of tea foam in front of the tea frowned, "dean, our first class will not be here on it.

"Of course not," said friend. He raised his hand and pointed out.

Following the direction of his finger, tang SAN saw that there was a large building not far away from the tea shop. From their point of view, the building could only be seen with a height of nearly 100 meters. There was a faint gleam of light from the huge building.

Dai mu white face changed, low voice way: "dean, the first day let them go there?"

Friend said faintly, "remember, you are monsters, not ordinary people. Since you are a monster, you must have a monster's way of training."

"Here, he paused, shen said:" your soul are different, each also have their own way of cultivation. College can teach you, is how to better use their own soul, help you get a better soul ring, have more actual combat experience, as far as possible to develop their potential. The rest, is about the soul of all aspects of knowledge, and the mainland soul division. Of all the things you need to learn, the most important is practical experience."

"The same level and strength, the actual combat experience, will determine the key. Only through constant combat can you improve your resilience in battle as much as possible. So, your first lesson is combat. And that place is your classroom."

< / p > < p > dai mu white and ma hongjun eye, ma hongjun is not dare to comment, dai mu white evil eyes is revealed helpless, they obviously know that is what place. And tang three, small dance and cold zhu zhuqing, have revealed the expression of doubt.

"Something like this is something that only a major city can have," friend said. Its size can be said to be a sign of a city or even a country. Such a building, called the great battle soul field. It's named after the city. Therefore, this one in front of you is called soto's great battle of souls."

"The so-called big battle soul field, is the fight soul place, is the soul division versus. No matter it is day dou empire or star luo empire, there is such a saying, the battle soul field determines the rise and fall of the country.

Tang three frown way: "dean, soul division is not the most noble profession? Why there will be a big battle field such a place, such a monkey like to watch the soul of what?"