Establishment of three-five combination (iv)

At this time, all the audience clearly see, when zhu zhuqing rushed into the range of bluegrass, bluegrass in all directions at the same time erected, like a huge cage, tang SAN and zhu zhuqing two people enveloped.

Zhu zhuqing body of the first soul ring almost and tang three body of the first soul ring lit up at the same time.

ghost thrust launched, midair, zhu zhuqing's claws suddenly extended, the body quickly changed, speed is also in an instant to enhance the direction of tang three oblique leap up in the past.

Seeing her arrival, tang three just did a simple action. Lateral.

Right now, his two eyes have been covered with a layer of purple meaning, perhaps, in the eyes of others, zhu zhuqing's figure is difficult to identify, but has been hard to practice dark weapon he, by virtue of purple pole magic pupil, how can not see clear again?

ghost fans trace in between the time of hair, with the tang three body away from zhu zhuqing's range of attack, claws broken, almost stick tang three body across, the next moment, zhu zhuqing did not launch the second soul ring skill opportunity. The bluegrass, which had been waiting for her, had gathered round her in a moment when she was gone.

Bluegrass first soulring skill, twine, start.

A lot of bluegrass tied zhu zhuqing's body tightly. After all, it is our own people, tang three did not launch the bluegrass stinger, just tied zhu zhuqing. But the first soul ring attached paralysis or zhu zhuqing body of the soul force fluctuation instantaneous reduction, two people fighting, also in this short time to end.

"Control department gram sensitive attack department, your attack is not enough to break my soul control ability." Tang's monk 3 facial expression gentleness of let go blue silver grass.

Zhu zhuqing is still so cold, tang three know, she also understand. Just did not expect tang three will win so easy. At this time she has been fully aware that the reason why tang SAN and zhao wuji entwine so long, is not just subtle. In the battle timing is equally strong, oneself in front of him, there is no chance.

"I lost." In three simple words she turned and left the stage as quickly as she had come.

Of course, this is not to say tang three must be stronger than zhu zhuqing, sensitive attack department soul division, itself should be hidden in the dark, sneak attack, assassination, reconnaissance, is the most good at, this kind of positive challenge battle, for the sensitive attack department soul division, itself is unfair. If this is in a complex terrain, tang three to beat zhu zhuqing, never so easy.

tang three out of the soul channel, small dance is there waiting for him, simple integral registration, two people did not return to the one-on-one soul stand. They still have two against two.

the draw has been over, tang three asked, he and the small dance there will be two to go to battle, two people did not go to watch the battle, after all, the battle before although fast, how much there is a little soul force consumption, just in the preparation area simple rest.

Two on two fight soul time seems to be a lot longer than one on one, when it is their turn to appear, the soul of two people have been restored to the best state.

along the soul division came to the fight soul stage, tang three first simple observation around.

The two-on-two side was at least half full, and the crowd was better than the one-to-one side. Their opponents are already waiting for them on the dais.

Two on two battle soul stage than one to one to double, after all, the number of soul division twice, also need more space to display.

At this time, the host on stage is announcing soul combination.

"... Two against two, game five, tiebuduo versus triple-five."

Just on stage, small dance can not help muttering: "how is the strength of the war soul division, there is no point fresh."

Tang sanhe small dance opponent, is two 18, nine years old youth, are leopard head eyes, appearance is very similar, the body fitness degree is no longer under the iron horn cattle soul division. Although not topless, but the outside of the thick arms can show their strength.

Combination of iron and blood to see the stage is actually two children, some do not believe knead his eyes. Host also leng for a moment, but the battle soul to continue, can stand here, obviously has the corresponding soul level. "It seems that our three-five group is really young and promising. Game on."

The surprise on 2 people face of iron blood combination brother appeared very brief time only, they restored very quickly normal, do not advance backward, at the same time composed take a step backward. But also at the same time issued a low roar, two people's movements like a person so neat.

A rich grey light poured from their right hand, and the same weapon appeared in their grasp.

See this weapon, tang three can not help leng for a while, because, the weapon that appears in the hand of iron and blood combination he is really too familiar, that impresses is the foundry hammer that he often USES in blacksmith shop.

Of course, the iron brother hand hammer and his usual use of some different, not only larger, and the hammer there are some fine lines, there are two yellow centennial soul aura on its rhythm.

Weapon soul of the war soul division. Although the same is the strength of the war soul division, but tang sanhe small dance immediately judged, in front of the two opponents and before the small dance one-on-one fight soul opponent is completely different. Most importantly, the two men in front of us were obviously very experienced in the field, and did not let down their guard just because they were young.

The big fellow of left side: "I call iron dragon."

The big fellow of right side: "I call iron tiger."

They both shouted, "be careful."