WebNovelLily Evans100.00%

Company president - check

The last few months have been great for getting money and getting to improve my magic (really it feels like I am a combination of jean Grey and professor X from X-men). I got a beauty and skincare company created with the help of Katherine husband's, so he uses his black money to make it legal. It's not making any profit yet, but I am hoping it will become a brand soon. I have named it Phoenix Enterprise. As for Rob well, I continued only take a small amount of cash (about 10 to 20 thousand pounds) from there account per month.

I have continued meeting rob frequently to just keep track of everything in his area and slow he is beginning to become more useful.

He also gave me all the info he has on Daniel and let me tell I am disappointed. He is just a muggle-born, a good looking one but who helps this gang with just manual labor and making pills. He makes the ok amount for his skill given that muggle doesn't know how extensive and the danger it is to make a potion in their warehouse.

Today was the day I need to have chat with this pathetic sounding (at least on paper) person.

I ditched school (easy when you can just get all your teachers and classmate to just see your image randomly throughout the day) and met with rob outside the school.

We drove to the warehouse that was mostly empty, thanks to rob. When we entered the lab I draw my pistol towards Daniel and said "It seems that he has not noticed us yet rob"

Daniel was not having a great day; the big boss wants him to develop a drug to make user addicted after one hit and it's not coming out well so far. Something he wishes he could go back in time before he asked these criminals for help. On top of it, his girlfriend broke up with him as he is spending too much time in this warehouse.

When Daniel saw rob and a little girl come towards the lab, he through its not his problem what rob did to this girl. Give that last time he tried to help someone from killing or raping he got a broken shoulder and knee.

"It seems that he has not noticed us yet rob" Daniel quickly turned around and saw a cute looking girl with a GUN pointing towards me standing partially behind rob. Before he could say anything else, his wand from his pocket jerked out of his pocket and into the girl's hand.

"Let's talk Daniel" Girl started walking towards him with the gun still pointing towards me.

Daniel froze for a while then moved to sit in the chair she pointed at. "Rob, guard the warehouse. Give the signal when anyone is coming".

Lily stared at Daniel for a minute and said "I will make it short I have a deal for you. This deal can change your life. I want your skill for the company that I work for. It's a beauty and skincare company that needs a skilled portioner to help. I will eventually expand the company into the wizarding world also. "

Only think Daniel could say was "What.." But lily did not talk just stared at him and this made Daniel think back on the word she just spoke.

1- She is a little girl (maybe around 6ish or so)

2- She knows about wizards

3- She a part of a company.

Lily saw his expression and continued on "Yes, I am working for a pure-blood wizard who wants to create and run company in muggle work make a profit out of it " Lily opened her backpack and took a contact out of it and put it on the table.

"Read this and make your decision within a half-hour or I will look for a different muggle born to assist me," Lily said still point the gun at me.

Daniel took the contact into his hand and started reading it, initially he was fearfully due to the gun and then he amused by this little girl talking in this serious manner but now he was in shock after reading the contact. This contact is basically an employment contact and non-disclosed mixed in one. It's asking for Daniel to the face of this company in muggle work and use his skills to create enough profit to open a store in wizarding. He also will be acting as president of this company and can hire muggle-born for potion creating or other skills that are needed in this company. If he is reading this correctly then he will be rich by the end of the year.

Daniel thought of what this kind of money can do for him, his mom and his sister who is in Hogwarts. But is this really happening to him? He wanted to ask this little girl about this, but he was hesitant. Still, he asked, "Who are you working for?" He asked in a small voice.

For now, you can say I am working for Phoenix (Company Katherine husband created for me) but you will be given more details after 6 months if you sign the contract.

"Are you working for this gang? "Daniel asked he really want to jump on this opportunity but was still hesitant.

"No, Rob is work for me so he can be in contact local gangs and give me all the info about their movements" Lily replied. She continued "Are you in or not"

"ok, let's do this" Daniel said after being silent for 10 minutes.

"Wonderfully, please go to your home and pack a bag for yourself and your mom and move into this address. Make sure you have moved all wizard world related books and stuff to this address also" smiling and handling Daniel the paper with an address.

"Now can we make this warehouse exploded. This can be considering the revenge for all you have been through "lily said jumping out of the chair making her way to the door still holding the gun in her hand.

15 minutes later rob, Daniel and lily were driving a few blocks out of the warehouse they heard a huge blast.

"This is going to be the best or worst year for me" Daniel through staring out of the window.