Chapter 5- Saegusa Sakura

Saegusa Sakura POV

"Hey Sakura-chan!"

"What do you want, Akeno?" I ask. Saegusa Sakura, an heir to the Saegusa Clan and, more importantly, The Saegusa Conglomerate. Though she is an heir, she knows it is highly more likely that her twin brother, Sora, becomes the next Clan Head and CEO of the company. Though there is no doubt that she is leagues above her brother when it comes to academics, her brother inherited their father's business and martial arts talent. She reigns supreme on all academic subjects, getting almost perfect scores in every quiz, test and exam.

"Did you hear news? There is supposed to be a transfer student coming today, which that explains the homeroom period, and I hear he is going to join our class" Akeno says,

"Did you find out if they are male or female?" I ask, "I am not sure, but I am guessing it's a male, if it was a girl these male students of ours would be more excited" I laugh at her comment "Elite students or not, they are still hormonal teenagers" Akeno and I laugh at my joke.

She continues to say "I also heard he is a foreigner" I shake my head with a smile, I didn't want to ask her how she knew this info, but she was sure Akeno must have taken a quick peek at this new student's file. She couldn't help but take another look at her best friend.

Though she may look like your typical big boobed airhead, she is part of the Watanabe Clan. The Watanabe Clan on the surface seem to just be the owners of Japan's greatest security firm, but behind the scenes they are Japan's most powerful Shinobi Clan. She had had known Akeno ever since they were 3 years old, our clans have been allies for centuries and have come to depend on one another.

I sometimes find it hard to believe that this girl in front of her is the greatest ninjutsu practitioner that the Watanabe Clan has ever seen since their First Clan Head. Her family has tasked her to protect both my brother and me but since Sora is stronger than her, she just stays by my side.

As the class leader, Akeno quickly got everyone's attention. She stood up and said, "Hey guys! I don't know why the new student is late, but he should be here any moment now, so let's give him a warm welcome, okay?" Everyone seems to nod in response to her words.

'They only listen to her because she's beautiful' I thought to myself as a smile formed on my face. Suddenly, the classroom turned eerily quiet, I looked around as to see what had happened when I heard the footsteps in coming from the hallway outside the classroom.

'What is going on?' I thought '… those footsteps, why are they resonating inside my chest? They seem to come from deep within the earth…" I took at glance at Akeno and the rest of her class 'it seems I'm not the only one finding something weird, almost everyone has puzzled look on their face' the footsteps seem to get louder, and I start to get a cold chill down my spine.

Akeno's face seem to turn serious, a look she hardly ever sees. She turns to look at her brother, on the other side of the classroom, and he looks back, the look in his eyes startles her and make her take a sharp breath. He only has this look when we are in mortal danger, being heirs to one of the most powerful forces in Japan, we have had our fair share of assassination attempts. She could only look at her bother with his katana in his hand, as if he is ready for any attack, knowing full well that it's not a person he will be able to handle by himself.

Just as the footsteps seem to almost reach the door, her world collapses. Suddenly, an overbearing pressure came crashing down on everyone. To me, it felt as the weight of the entire sky had fallen on my head! Across the classroom, everyone simultaneously headbutted their tables, 'That hurts!!' I scream in my head, 'I can't lift my head! Why can't I lift my head?! What is going on?!' I can hear as Akeno, Sora and a couple of other students gritting their teeth as they try to push their heads of the table, to no avail.

Their bodies aren't responding to their commands, it as if their bodies are instinctively bowing down in front of this almighty presence. But just as the pressure arrived, it similarly disappeared, as if it was nothing but an illusion. Most of the class seemed confused, they had no idea was just happened to them, while few in the class were in high alert.

Then we hear the door open, and everyone seems to turn towards it. In walks in the new student 'huh?! Doesn't he seem a little too normal? I thought. 'Other than his clothes and hairstyle, his looks are just above average, but did that pressure come from him? He doesn't seem strong at all!' I take a closer look at this new student.

This boy was around 185 cm tall with long, black hair that seems to be intricately braided in a style that basically screamed 'Viking Warrior'. He was wearing an all-black expensive suit, that seemed to somehow seem to give his overall appearance a certain charm. He gave off a refined aura of a noble but at the same time gave off a wild feeling, like a majestic lion.

Then I looked at his eyes, and I froze for a second, though my own eyes have a slight pink hue to them, I've never seen eyes like his before. They were black, an abysmal black, eyes that seem to be able to suck the soul right out of you and when light hit them, they seem to slightly glow purple.

'Though he is not the most handsome man I have ever seen, he definitely has some charm to him' My face starts to feel a little hot at this thought. I hear him start to introduce himself and wake up from my little stupor.