Chapter 9-The Rules and The Bro-con

As the group walked, they explained to him all that needed to know about the school and how things worked. In Tokyo's International High School students were very diverse, so some aspects were taken from the West and incorporated in the school system.

Here, school hours are from 0700 to 1900 (7 am to 7 pm). The first 7 hours are for the student's 5 core classes, classes are an hour long and there is 30 minutes in between each class. Also, this school follows the custom of switching to a different class room for every class, but classmates do not change.

Since some of the children belong to very powerful groups, they school came up with this idea. It was implicated so that each student can be responsible for each other and have accountability, and to make it easier for those teachers that need specialized equipment to teach their class.

The 5 core classes are mandatory for every student to attend, if they want to graduate, should you miss a class due to valid reasons, there are multiple ways to make it up. The last five hours are for specialized classes, or better known as 'clubs. The school clubs are mainly characterized as either an academic club or an athletic club.

Knowing that each student has different areas that the specialize in, the school created these clubs to fulfill their needs. The academic clubs range from subjects like farming to nuclear science. While the athletic clubs range from a personal training to counterespionage.

For these classes, students are only mandated to attend one club for the duration of an hour. Of course, you can join up to 5 different clubs, attend for one hour each or just join 1 club and attend all 5 hours until school closes. Every facility is equipped with the latest equipment and every subject has the most qualified of instructors.

Unless you are in an academic club, instructors rarely give a lecture for a large group of people, everything is one on one. The school also has implicated duels into the school system, this was done for those martial arts students, so that they can grow and become stronger.

Due to grudges being formed between students, all duels follow the same rules and regulations for the safety of the students. Duels are not to be refused, so students can think twice about offending someone or getting revenge on someone.

Every duel must be witnessed or refereed by a teacher or instructor, all teachers have training on conducting duels and cannot refuse to oversee a duel, the closest teacher or instructor that is present when the duel is proposed will oversee it.

No one can interfere unless a student fighter is in mortal danger. Anything short of death is allowed, but crippling, maiming or intense acts of violence throughout the duel will be punished after the fact. Duels that are of martial art intent, must only be between two students that are part of the martial arts faction.

"Hohh~, These duels sound very interesting and fun" Acheron says as a wide smile forms on his face "To think I'll be winning our bet so easily, now that I know I can be challenged by anyone at any time between classes... I can't wait to crush them beneath my feet!" His last couple of words were arrogant and domineering but it never showed on his face... it was as if someone else had said them.

"To think you are so arrogant!" Sakura says, "Crush them? Some of these students are prodigies in their respective martial arts, just look at my brother! He is unparalleled with the sword and ranks in the top ten throughout the whole school, he is the coolest!" she couldn't help but look excited as she talked about her brother.

"There is simply no one that can defeat me" Acheron simply states with a confident smile.

"Arrogant!" she exclaims "Out of all the students here, the top 100 are the best of the best, should Akeno show her power, she would rank in the mid 20's"

Acheron couldn't help but giver another small smile "Like I said, the rankings mean nothing to me, be it 20th place or 1st place, no one can defeat me!"

"Hmph!" Sakura couldn't help but get angry at his arrogant words and how easily he had dismissed her brother. She began to walk faster trying to get away from him.

"I apologize for her, she believes her brother to be the strongest, and hates when someone contradicts her belief " Akeno says, with an apologetic look.

"I don't mind, but tell me… is this what you call a bro-con?" Acheron asked,

Akeno froze for a second before bursting into laughter "Pfffftt! Hahaha! I guess you could say that she is one" she wiped a tear from the corner of her eye.

'No one had dared call her out on her affection for her brother like that before, this boy is really wild and unhindered' Her affection for him grew the longer she spent time with him.

Akeno turns around and speeds up trying to catch up to Sakura while saying "Wait up Sakura! We are supposed to be showing Belau-kun around the school!"

Sakura had stopped in her tracks and is now waiting for them to catch up, she looks at Acheron and says "Hurry up! there is much to show you and there is only 25 minutes left till next class"

"Let's go to the music building! Maybe we will get a chance to see the top beauty in the school!" Akeno says.

"Hoh~, someone more beautiful than you, Watanabe-san?" Acheron says intending to tease Akeno.

Akeno not knowing to say, could only turn her head in embarrassment at his compliment, the way she blushes all the way down to her neck, reminded Acheron of someone he knew a long time ago, he found this very cute and fun, just like he did to 'her' all those years ago.

Sakura couldn't help but wonder what was going on with Akeno. She had never seen her so shy before and she is usually the one teasing other people. At first, she thought that she liked Acheron but quickly dismissed the idea, after all, they just met.