Chapter 14 - King of Jujitsu vs King of Thugs

In the Arena, Alexandre was slowly warming up his body as he looked at his opponent a couple of meters away. He could see that he was also warming up by doing some push ups and stretches. The referee walked between them and asked them to come closer.

He explained the rules and how the winner will only be decided by either knockout or submission. Thug King ruthlessly smiled at Alexandre, "I am going to pummel ya straight into the ground and ruin that pretty face of yours!"

Alexandre said nothing at his opponent's provocation. The referee asked them to separate again before he rang the bell to signal the start of the match.

Alexandre's plan was to wear down his opponent before getting him on the ground and finishing him with a choke hold. He knew he must not get directly hit by this thug, his opponent was almost twice his size.


The match had started and with it the Colosseum ignited. These students were here to see an amazing match. The Thug King moved fast and quickly reached Alexandre before throwing a couple punches.

He blocked and dodge the best he could while returning a couple of blows to the thug's body when he saw an opening. Alexandre's blows seem to barely face him, his huge muscles seem to negate most of the damage.

Noticing this he started to target the joint with a couple of kicks and punches. Suddenly, Thug King caught Alexandre with an uppercut and sent him into a daze, the only thing he could do was put his hands up as a barrage of punches was sent his way,


Alexandre was soon caught in a disadvantage his stamina was slowly being depleted and was taking heavy damage. He needed a way out of this situation, or he would lose this match.

Back in the stands, the crowd was going wild either calling Alexandre's or Thug King's name. Emilia sat there worried sick for her brother, she turned to Acheron hoping for him to tell her that her brother would win.

Noticing the look, he could only sigh and try to comfort her "Don't give up hope just yet, he still has a lot of fight left in him, he just needs to create a chance for himself, let's see if he has what it takes to be called a prodigy"

Emilia put her hands together and started to pray for her bother. Noticing this action, Acheron could not help but look down on her. "Don't put your belief on something that might not even exist, put it in your brother that is fighting right in front of you"

She gave him an angry glared for admonishing her faith but felt like his words held some truth.

"Now is your brother's chance to turn this around in his favor, is he either going to rise above or fall beneath the feet of his enemies? Will he be crushed by his weakness in the face of the strong? Will he survive or not?!" in that moment, Acheron usual temperament had changed.

Nobody noticed his face at he said those words, not even Emilia who was sitting next to him. On his face was a frightening smile, a smile so wide and blood thirsty that it would bring nightmares to those that laid eyes upon it.

This smile had brought terror to enemies and friends alike throughout history, for a moment, his eyes had also changed, his eyes had started to glow purple but quickly disappeared along with that smile. As if nothing had ever changed, Acheron had reverted to how he was moments before.

Back in the Arena, Alexandre was still under the barrage of punches.

Suddenly, a right hook broke through his defenses and hit him right in the face. As the punch landed on his face, a glint passes through Alexandre's eyes, he had found his chance!

The crowd had gone wild at the sight!

Holy shit! What a move!

Alexandre had used his opponent's forward momentum to catch him off guard with a flying triangle choke. As he hit the ground, he put massive pressure on Thug King's throat!

Surprised at the sudden turn of events, he struggled for a bit before putting his feet under him. Thug Kings' muscles bulged as started to lift Alexandre off the ground while still in the choke hold.

Noticing what Thug King was doing, Alexandre quickly undid the choke hold before climbing over his head and landing behind him.

Taking advantage of the situation, Alexandre threw a kick to the back of Thug King's knees, causing him to buckle and fall forwards. Before Thug King hit the ground, Alexandre was already putting him in an arm bar.

Once again, he broke himself out of the hold with pure strength. Thug King couldn't help but laughed thinking that everything that Alexandre was doing was useless towards him, but before he could get up, he found himself with Alexandre mounted on top of him, throwing a barrage of punches.

Thug King quickly started to block and found the situation he was in had started to annoy him. Though he felt Alexandre's hits weren't that powerful, accumulated damage had started taking a toll on his body.

He smiled at Alexandre as he dropped on of his arms to the ground, leaving one arm to defend. Alexandre knew he was trying to retaliate by throwing hits too, but in his position, the damage will be kept to a minimum, so he didn't worry too much. Thug King's smiled grew wide when he noticed that Alexandre wasn't going to block his hit.

He clenched his fist and threw it right at Alexandre's side, towards his ribs. Alexandre's sense of danger went off just as he was about to get hit and quickly jumped off him. Alexandre was there meters away holding his left side, grimacing in pain.

That hit had barely graced him and it had so much power, how? He looked at Thug King as if waiting for an answer.

Emilia, along with the most of the crowd, were puzzled. Why did he dodge that it? It shouldn't have caused any damage from his position, so, why is Alexandre holding his side in pain? Emilia turned to Acheron in bewilderment "What happened Acheron? What happened to my brother!?"