Chapter 31-Lets Get Ready To Rumble

The Colosseum was buzzing with excitement, some were already cheering for their friends who have taken up the challenge.

No one was dumb enough to believe that anyone willing to challenge the whole school was weak.

Acheron looked confident and ready to go and sat on the ground waiting for his matches to start.

Back in the audience, Akeno and Sakura were having an awkward time seating next to Rose.

They weren't exactly sure of her identity but they knew she was with Acheron, any person with him wasn't ordinary.

Sakura gathered up the courage to talk to Rose,

"Excuse me?" Sakura said

Rose looked at Sakura,

"Yes? How can I help you?" Rose said,

"Um, are you here to cheer on Acheron?" Sakura said

"No… There is no need to cheer when the outcome has already been decided, I'm here to keep Acheron-sama from killing anyone" Rose said with the same stoic and cold face she had when they first saw her.

"Killing someone? Are you sure? I don't think Acheron would do that" Akeno said

Rose gave Akeno a condescending look,

"That's how much you don't know little girl, Acheron-sama lives to slaughter, its a part of who he is... there's only a few things he might love more than killing"

"So? There's still no need for you to get involved in any way, our school can provide the security to the students" Akeno said with a little anger in her voice, she didn't like the way Rose was talking to her.

"This school? Security? Pfft, Oh Please! Acheron-sama could dismantle your weak attempts of security in the blink of an eye" Rose said

"If he is so strong, then why would he challenge all these students to a fight?" Sakura said,

"For entertainment, of course... for Acheron-sama hates to be bored" Rose said,

"So, Acheron is treating all of these challengers as entertainment? He can't be that bored, can he?" asks Akeno,

"Watanabe Akeno, right? listen, if you were at the top of the world in power, with almost no one able to give you a good fight, wouldn't you be bored?" asks Rose,

"That is a constant struggle Acheron-sama deals with every day, and how do I know he is the strongest? Even though I rank first in our family, that's only because Acheron-sama is not counted in the rankings.... he reigns supreme in everything"

She turns to look at Acheron and for the first time in the conversation, she smiles,

"And even though he could be called the zenith of this world, he never stops training...Every single second of every single day he trains 10 times, no, 100 times harder than anyone else, even now as he sits there waiting, he is training in some aspect, all to protect everything he loves or will love..."

"Also, How do you know my name?" Akeno asks, "I don't think we introduced ourselves yet…"

"Of course, Acheron-sama had me look you up, I know everything about you since the moment you were born, do you actually think you can receive Acheron-sama's affection with such a small mind?" Rose said,

Akeno gave Rose a death glare for outing her feelings like that in public, what if someone heard and spreads it around and Acheron finds out?

"No need to look at me like that, it pretty obvious if you ask me" Rose said before finally turning to look towards them again,

"and if you think Acheron-sama is oblivious to that fact, there's another thing coming… nothing escapes Acheron-sama's detection"

"You seem pretty sure that Akeno has no chance, is he in a relationship already?" Sakura asks,

"He is not, but there is a waiting line, and you little girls, are at least behind my sister and I" says Rose

"Who are you then?" says Sakura

"I am Rose Belau, Acheron-sama's 'assistant' and adopted sister.... first in line for Acheron-sama's love" Rose said that while putting slight pressure on both Akeno and Sakura

'Sister?' they thought, 'is she a bro-con?'

Kotone who had said nothing throughout the whole conversation, finally spoke up,

"Kobayashi-sensei has taken the stage; the fights are ready to start"

The other 3 girls stopped talking and faced the stage, they wanted to see how Acheron will fare through these challenges.

Down in the gladiator pit, sensei had already called out the first challenger and is ready to present the rules one more time for both the fighters and the audience.

With a mic in her hand, Kobayashi-sensei started to officiate the matches, the Colosseum quieted down to listen,

"Listen here! Student Acheron will now be fighting 268 students, there are no time limit for each match, winner is decided by submission, knockout or forfeit.

Weapons are allowed, No Killing!

The circle shown here will be the stage, leaving the circle means you forfeit.

Challengers have 10 seconds to reach the circle, if not it's a forfeit and considered student Acheron's win.

Student Acheron may give up on all the matches, but the number of people left will be considered official losses.

Matches will be postponed 30 minutes before 1700 (5 pm) to prepare for the main event, after that matches will resume, should there be any.

As of 10 minutes ago the sign up has officially closed and there would be no more challengers after the 268th."

Kobayashi-sensei looked at the both Acheron and the challenger, they both nodded their heads that they understood,

"Let the match, Begin!" Kobayashi-sensei exclaimed,


Before the crowd could even begin to cheer, Acheron had slapped the first contender into unconsciousness at lightning speed,

"How weak…" Acheron said with a bit of disappointment before looking up the crowd,

"If you are going to treat this as a game and show up here with such weak power, then you won't mind if I treat you like clowns, right?!…"

Acheron looked towards Rose giving her a wide smile causing the latter to blush,

"ROSE!!" Acheron shouted,

"Y-yes?!" gone was the cold and stoic Rose, she now looked like a maiden in love being called on by the love of her life.

"Hit it!!" Acheron exclaimed as she pointed at her,

"As you command!" Rose said,

Rose pulled out her phone and continued to hack into the Colosseum's speaker system, then from the speakers came music,

- "Somebody once told me the world is going to roll me, I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed"-

"That's my jam!" Acheron said, as he slowly began to dance to the music,

- "She was looking kinda dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an 'L' on her forehead"-

At this time 30 seconds had passed, so the next three contenders were eliminated due to forfeit.

The crowd found it extremely funny and amusing, some even started singing and dancing along with the song, they never met someone that fought with music playing.

Now this is entertainment!

The contenders looking on, however, were feeling a different kind of way, they didn't want to go up and make a fool of themselves like this.
