Chapter 41- Mt Oeta, 1226 BCE

Big shout out to Matthew for becoming a Patron! Welcome to the House of Nazarick!


Mt. Oeta, 1226 BCE

It has been 74 years since the death of his beloved Helen and the start of Acheron's journey in search of power. He has finished his journey through the west and will soon head east but before he can leave, he has to get over one of his demented episodes.

A group of 3 can be seen climbing Mt Oeta, they have searched far and wide but finally they have a lead on certain someone they have been hunting.

"Are you sure he is here Herakles?" asked a female archer in the group, she wore red leather armor with both her bow and quiver strapped to her back,

"Relax Lea, it has been confirmed, and no one has seen him leave the mountain for 7 days." Herakles said, this stood at a monstrous 250 cm and 300 pounds of pure muscle, he only wore leather armor on his lower half, while his upper body had only a lion skin hanging from his back like a cape.

"Why have you been hunting this guy anyway? Father says you have unceasingly been searching for the couple for decades now, way before our birth" asks the man with carrying the big shield on his back, his name was Urieus,

He was short compared to Herakles at 190 cm and 200 pounds worth of muscle, he was built like a wrestler,

"He stole something from me, and I will not forgive him!" Said Herakles,

They finally reached the summit where a lone cave was carved out of the side of the mountain,

"I know you are in there Acheron! Come out!" Herakles exclaimed from outside the cave,

Glowing purple eyes can be seen coming from deep inside the cave,

"You shouldn't have come here Son of Zeus!" Acheron said,

Acheron stepped out into the light and revealed himself,

"He is but a child Herakles! What do you want with him?" asked Urieus,

"Don't let him fool you with his appearance, he still looks the same from when I met him 125 years ago" Herakles said,

"Are you serious? What god does he belong to?" asked Lea,

"Not one of us knows, but he has been alive far longer than even I" said Herakles,

Acheron could feel himself losing control over his mind, the urge to kill has become unbearable, they could not have picked a worst time to bother him,

"State you purpose Son of Zeus! You are not welcomed here!" Acheron said almost urgently,

"Where is Helen? Giver her to me!" Herakles demanded,

Hearing the name of his late wife, Acheron's blood lust diminished a little at the thought of her,

"…She passed away 74 years ago" Acheron said with a tone full of sadness,

"You speak lies! She is a demigod, like us! Her lifespan will surely surpass mere mortals!... You are hiding her! Where?!?!" Herakles exclaimed full of anger, he didn't want to believe Acheron's words were true.

"Her life span was double what mortals usually live! But she was not immortal! None of you are! Just look at your cousins and brothers! Either being killed or dying from old age! You were just blessed by Zeus with strength and vitality far superior to that of a mortal but…. I can feel it… your life, your vitality…. You only have 50 more years before you too should join the rest" Acheron said,

"LIES!!! ILL BECOME A GOD!!! ILL LIVE FOREVER!!!" Herakles roared,

Herakles had dashed forward in his anger and drove his arm that was as thick as a tree, through Acheron's chest, he didn't even resist.

Herakles, full of disgust, threw Acheron's body to the side,

"But your time ends here!" Herakles said, "Lets go, we are finished here!"

The male and female companions nodded their heads and followed behind Herakles as they descended the mountain.

Behind them, the hole in Acheron's chest rapidly closed and he opened his eyes, now fully glowing in a violet color.

"I still don't understand what he did, but he was very cute!" Lea said,

Urieus couldn't help but shake his head at her words,

"Whore!" he admonished,

"At least I'm not a virgin boy who…ugh!" Lea exclaimed,

She spitted out a mouthful of blood as she looked down in horror, the last thing she saw before the river Styx claimed her was… an arm sticking out of her chest as her still beating heart was crushed right in front of her eyes.

"LEA!!!" screamed Urieus,

Before the men could react, Acheron had ripped the arm off the female's body and threw it towards the shield carrier like a spear, impaling him unto a tree through his chest, he was dead before he could even reach for his shield.

"How are you still alive?!?!" Exclaimed Herakles,

Acheron didn't respond, he had lost himself to the blood lust after Herakles's attack, the Acheron in front of him was nothing but a beast acting on pure instinct.

Over and over again, Herakles had 'killed' Acheron, but he just wouldn't stay dead, they fought for hours but no matter what Herakles did to Acheron, he was as good as new within seconds.

Then he noticed, Acheron was getting harder and harder to kill as time passed, it felt like his strength was slowly being sapped away the longer he fought.

As they fought, Herakles had failed to notice that the plant and animal life around them seemed to slowly wither away every time Acheron healed himself, almost as if he was sucking the life right out of the environment.

Acheron's mind was a mess, originally it was just his urge to kill but as time passed his instincts were telling him something else.

'Kill!Kill!Kill!Kill!Kill!Kill!..... Hungry!Hungry!Hungry!.... DEVOUR! DEVOUR!' these thoughts ran through his mind,

The mindless beast that Acheron was currently, felt something within Herakles, he felt something delicious, something he wanted to devour, and devour he shall…

Acheron, for the first time wasn't torn apart by the Herakles superhuman punches and while Herakles's was distracted by his feelings of surprise, Acheron lunged.

He drove his arms in Herakles's chest, easily piercing at what once were muscles that couldn't be pierced by the strongest spear.

Acheron instincts were telling him to reach for the heart, Acheron eyes were still glowing purple and were focused on the area above his heart, in his eyes, there was a sky-blue gas that hovered there.

That was what he wanted, what he craved!

To Herakles horror, he could only stand there as his power slowly left his body and watched as Acheron reached for his heart.

Once Acheron reached Herakles heart, he squeezed and crushed Herakles's heart, killing him instantly.

The sky-blue gas was released from Herakles's body and Acheron's instincts told him to eat the gas! Devour it! Absorb it!

Acheron opened his mouth and inhaled, the sky-blue gas started to come out of Herakles's mouth and nose and into Acheron's.

Once he had absorbed the gas, Acheron for the first time in millenniums had fallen unconscious on the ground.

His body twitched and spasmed just like that fateful night with the 'Sky rock'. Acheron was evolving further, power cursed through his body as something deep within him was unlocked.

3 days later, Acheron woke up with the biggest and first hangover of his life, he clutched his head in pain as he tried to get up.

The ground crumbled beneath his feet, cracks spread through the ground at every step he took.

He looked around and only saw a barren land, not a single living being could be found on the mountain.

3 mummified corpses could be seen in all the destruction, Acheron had guessed they were Herakles and his companions.

As he looked around, Acheron had tripped and as he put his hand out towards a 2-ton boulder to stabilize himself, when he came in contact, his arm embedded itself into it all the way to the shoulder.

Acheron was surprised as he pulled himself out of the boulder, he looked at his hands and clenched them, he felt the power coursing through him, he felt as if he could raise this whole mountain over his shoulders.

He looked back at the mummy that once was Herakles,

"I don't know what happened Son of Zeus… but you have my gratitude" Acheron left laughing towards the sky, as if he wanted to mock the king of the gods for sending his son to his early death.