Chapter 44- Motel

They had arrived in London in the early morning, the sun hadn't risen yet, Acheron's jet had turned a 12-hour plane ride into an 8-hour ride.

The moment Acheron landed, a secret British organization, was in chaos at his arrival.

Alarms of the highest level were being set off and blaring throughout the facility.

"Agent! What is going on?!?! Are we under attack??!" asked a woman in her 50's, she appeared to be the one in charge.

"No Director! Face recognition has picked up someone entering the country!" the agent said,

"Well? What are you bloody waiting for?! Put it up on the big screen!" the Director said,

On the big screen above them, 2 people were seen getting off a private jet, one was a beautiful woman with red hair wearing casual clothes, while the other was a young man in a suit and purple tie.

The camera zoomed in on Acheron's face, and scanned it, on the screen words appeared underneath his face.


The agent paled seeing the threat level, while the director turned as white as a ghost as she stumbled backwards when she saw the name.

"Oh, Dear God, No! Not him!" The Director exclaimed,

"Anyone but him!"

"Who is he, Director?" the agent asked,

"Someone I wished I wouldn't had to meet for the rest of my life.... the only reason he is labeled as an 'Omega' level threat is because we don't have anything higher than that!" The Director said,

"Warn everyone, Damn it! Send a warning to everyone! Even the Queen!"

The director said, she slowly left thinking of plans to deal with this threat.

"Should we send Z-Squad, madam?" the agent called out,

"Are you stupid?!?" the director screamed back,

"We would just be sending food to the tiger's mouth!"

Back in the airport.

Acheron had just gotten off the plane before turning his head towards a security camera that was pointed in his direction and smiled.

'I wonder if that little girl is still working for them…' Acheron thought,

The last time Acheron was here was around 30 years ago, he had created quite a bit of trouble for an organization named Mutant Intelligence 0, or in other words, MI0.

MI0, unlike her sister organizations, like the well-known MI6, is organization that deals only with mutants. He had a run in with them 30 years ago after they kept trying to stop him from killing a mutant he had his eyes on. There was a foolish young agent back then he had fun messing with.

"What's wrong, Lord Acheron?" Rose said in English, Acheron had pointed out that they shouldn't speak in Japanese anymore during the plane ride,

"Nothing much, just remembering somethings" Acheron said,

They both got in the car that was dropped off and was waiting for them.

"Head here" Acheron gave Rose a slip of paper with an address on it,

Rose typed it in the GPS and took off,

Before they arrived, Acheron had Rose park a couple of blocks away, they walked the rest of the way.

When they pulled in front of the building, Rose blushed,

"Lord Acheron! I-I-I'm not ready!"

They had walked up to a small, run down motel, usually the ones people used for nightly activities.

"Calm down Rose! It's not what you think!" Acheron said,

Acheron and Rose walked in, they were met but a young man and old man behind a counter, the old man seemed to be sleeping in chair propped against the wall.

'Americans?' the young man thought as he watched them approach the counter.

"What do you need, bruv?" the young man said,

Acheron looked at the young man, before directing his gaze at the sleeping old man,

"It is my job to send them to the River Styx…" Acheron said,

The old man's eyes snapped open, and stood up, with a speed that one would not see for someone as advanced in age as him, thumping his fist to his chest as if saluting,

"While it is the job of the Ferrymen to guide them!" The old man said,

Gone was the feeble old man that sat there sleeping listlessly, now stood a soldier that has been through a thousand battles, ready for his orders.

The old man's eyes landed on Acheron, a look of fervent worship and happiness flashed through the old man's eyes.

"What are your orders, My Lord?" the old man said,

"No orders, old friend" Acheron said with a smile,

"Just renting a room for a month"

"Yes, My Lord" The old man responded,

The old man went towards the wall, there was a picture of an 'Omega' symbol there, he lifted it up revealing a key, a keyhole and a red button.

He grabbed the key, stuck it in the keyhole and turned the key twice and then he pressed the button.

The building seemed to hum as if something was powering up, deep below their feet.

"Thank you, old friend, as you were" Acheron said as he headed for the room with a zero on the door.

"Anything for you, My Lord" the old man saluted before sitting back down in his chair.

The boy that behind the counter was forgotten throughout the whole conversation,

"What the bloody hell was that, Gramps?!" the boy said,

"Who was that?! And did you see how hot that girl was with him, fam?"

The old man opened his eyes,

"He is the owner, and I suggest you put a little more respect in your voice when you see them again, unless you want to die… I may have raised you boy, but I will put you in the ground if he asks… remember that, Charlie"

The look in the old man's eye was the same look he had when a bunch of gangsters tried to rob them a couple of years ago, the old man had put a bullet in their heads, no questions asked, no remorse, no hesitation.

"Forget you ever saw anything…" the old man said,

"I got it, okay?!" the young man said,

"Bloody old geezer…" he said under his breath,

The old man hurled an eraser at the back of his head,

"I heard that! You ungrateful little mongrel!"

Acheron and Rose had walked in their room.

What greeted them was a shoddy but clean room with 2 twin beds and a mirror that took up a whole wall, no other furniture.

With a look of disgust in her eyes, Rose looked at Acheron,

"Are we really staying here, Acheron-sama?"

Acheron laughed,

"I have trained you to survive in any condition, this is better than a forest, no?"

"Yeah… but I'm used to the good things in life Acheron-sama" Rose said while pouting,

"Relax… tis but an illusion" Acheron said,

Acheron walked up to the wall sized mirror, he put his hand against the mirror.

Once he made contact, lights came on the surface of the mirror scanning his hand,

A voice said, it sounded similar to Athena but more robotic and with less feeling.

Acheron thought for a second before saying,

"Open the bloody door!" Acheron said in a perfect British accent,

"Pfffftt! Bahahaha!" Rose started laughing really hard,

She loved this part the most when visiting a new base, Acheron passwords were never the same.

Some were inspirational and deep, some disturbing, some were in languages already forgotten, and some, like this one, were just plain hilarious.

"Welcome home Darling… and Rose" Athena said with a proper British accent, she was waiting behind the door the whole time.