Chapter 50- The Forgotten Vow

The old man once again stood up and saluted as Acheron passed by. He couldn't help it, it was ingrained into his very bones, after so many years of following his master, it was all muscle memory at this point.

Acheron gave the old man a nod as he passed by the front desk of the motel, it was pretty late in the night but a quick look around and you could tell that business was booming.

Acheron and Leon walked into the room, and faced the mirror, as usual, Acheron put his hand on the mirror, said the password and the secret door opened.

They were met with the faint sound of music as they walked in through the door.

Acheron tilted his head trying to listen,

'Rose must be blasting her music again..'

As Acheron walked down and neared the living room, he realized that Hips Don't Lie by Shakira was playing loudly. It made sense, Rose was from Brazil and was raised in Latin America, that her taste in music revolved around this culture.

When Leon walked into the room along with Acheron he was gob smacked, there in the living room was Rose and Athena dancing to the song.

Rose was wearing black leggings with a neon green sports bra, her curvaceous body moved to the music, glistening sweat covered her body, her hips moving just like in the music video.

Alongside Rose, Athena wore short shorts, the ones were the butt was barely covered and a short tank top barely long enough to cover her mouthwatering watermelons. Her moves mirroring those of Rose.

While behind them, 3 cute little girls in different colored dancing leotards, were acting as back up dancers. It was quite the cute scene to witness.

Leon wasn't yet aware of who those little girls were but the eyes of the girl in black gave him the creeps, it was as if she was looking for a weakness she could exploit all with the purpose of killing him.

Acheron and Leon stood there watching their performance until the song was over. Once it was, Athena and the girls disappeared from where they were and reappeared around Acheron.

Gone were the dancing outfits and they were back to wearing their own sundresses. Rose quickly wiped the sweat off her body as she realized that Acheron was home, it seemed that Athena purposely didn't inform her when he reached the base.

Acheron stood there clapping at them,

"That was wonderful, you girls were amazing"

Leon played along with Acheron, he had now realized that the little girls were probably AI that Acheron must have created,

"It was great"

All the girls just ignored his comment and his existence all together, they didn't care about him.

Seeing he was once again ignored by women; Leon couldn't help but grumble at how unfair the world is.

'I'm part of the family too you know!' Leon thought.

"Welcome home daddy!" The three girls said, as they crowded around him.

"Welcome home, Darling" Athena said,

Rose rapidly ran up to the group, a little out of breath, she had been dancing for at least 3 hours already.

"Welcome home, Lord Acheron" Rose said,

Acheron smiled at them,

"I'm home everyone"

Acheron proceeded to walk to the couch, he was going to brief them of what happened.

"I'm here too, you know?! Where is my welcome?" Leon said,

They once again just ignored him, the just followed Acheron from behind. Leon just walked behind them looking defeated.

Acheron sat down on the couch and told them of his experiences throughout the day.

"So, these 'Vamps' are the ones causing all these gruesome murders?" Rose asked,

"Yeah, according to Charles, the vampires split up in to two different groups after their war with the werewolves a couple of centuries ago" Acheron said,

"He theorized that the Vamps were behind the murders, since it was more their style and I agree with him, I just have to make sure that is solely just the Vamps doing it and not the True Bloods having some hand in it"

"So how come you waited so long to take action against them Father?" Leon asked,

"That's because their Queen had made a vow to not let her people go astray around 600 years ago… It seems she has forgotten it… I'll be sure to visit her before I leave, I might even have to wipe their whole race if I don't like what I find" Acheron said,

"Is she beautiful?" Athena asked, her face coming dangerously close to Acheron's.

"Don't know, she must be, I hear female true bloods are quite the beauties" Acheron answered,

"Lies" Freya said,

Everyone turned to look at the cute little girl in purple.

"Records indicate that daddy was in Transylvania around 600 to 700 years ago, it coincides with the time that legends of vampires, like that of Dracula, started to spread"

Hearing what Freya said, Rose moved her face close to Acheron's, a dangerous glint in her eyes,

"Lord Acheron, did you perhaps know the Queen i-i-i-intimately?" Rose asked,

Averting his eyes like a guilty husband that was caught red handed having a secret mistress by his wives, Acheron responded,

"Of course not, I was only there couple of weeks"

"Lies" Freya said,

"Records show that daddy was there for at least 10 years and was really close to someone named 'Thalia Dracul'"

Rose flipped out,

"Oh My God! You are married aren't you, Lord Acheron?!?!"

Athena's eyes started to twitch, a dark and dangerous glint slowly appearing deep within her holographic eyes.

"Freya, my princess? Can stop trying to get your daddy killed?" Acheron said while looking towards Freya.

Leon and Freya's sisters were laughing at the chaos Freya created.

Rose was waving her hands all over the place freaking out, claiming that she was supposed to be the first wife. While Athena's holographic projecting glitched in and out of existence, while code seemed to flash in her eyes as she murmured something about dropping a Hydrogen bomb on London.

Seeing things spiraling out of control, Acheron tried to calm them down,

"I'm not married!"

Just this statement seemed to freeze both Rose and Athena from their antics,

"I was engaged to Vlad Dracul's twin sister before splitting up"

"Oh" Rose quietly exclaimed,

"Did you guys fight?

"No, she believes I died while I held back the church from hunting her down after fighting the Ottomans…. I never told her what I really was.." Acheron said,

"So, Thalia is the Queen of the True Bloods, while Vlad must be the King of the Vamps" Athena said,

"Nope, it can't be Vlad…" Acheron said,

"Why?" Leon asked,

"…. Because I killed Vlad after that battle, before the church arrived…" Acheron said.