Chapter 62- Why Is My House Trashed?!

Acheron headed back home after taking a shower and putting some clothes on. He wore some casual attire this time, unlike the usual expensive suit. Though Acheron likes to wear suits because it makes him look better, there are times when even he likes to wear some shorts and a t-shirt.

The walk home was interesting as people stared at him and saw his tattoos, nothing to be ashamed of, but they're always people that stared for a little too long in disapproval. This day and age, tattoos are more common and more socially acceptable, at least in western culture, but as always he attracted the weary eyes of authorities.

It was a good thing his criminal affiliated tattoos are on his torso, or there would be a lot more fuzz to deal with.

Finally, Acheron returned to his base but as he walked down the stairs, a thick stench of alcohol assaulted his nose. He came down to find his living room a complete mess.

Shopping bags were tossed everywhere, shoes and clothes alike, and there were the alcohol bottles. Beer, wine, whiskey, tequila, rum, every alcohol that you could think of, there was a bottle of it somewhere.

His couch was torn to shreds as cotton and goose feathers from the pillows covered most of the floor. And there in the middle of the mess, two beautiful half-naked women laid passed out unconscious reeking of alcohol.

The girls were stripped down to shorts and a workout bra as they snored loudly. Acheron chuckled before flashing an evil smile.

Acheron walked up to the girls and took a deep breath, his chest expanding like a balloon.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO MY HOUSE?!?!" Acheron's voiced broke the sound barrier as the sonic boom sent the girls flying towards the already destroyed couch.

Rose and Violet screamed in pain as the held their ringing ears. After the initial pain their survival instincts took over and they dashed to the exit.

"Stand there! Not another step!" They froze as they heard the voice full of annoyance come from behind them.

"Lord Acheron.. welcome home… haha… we weren't running away, we were just going to grab some cleaning supplies" Rose said,

"Yeah, Big Bro Ash! What she said!" Said Violet.

Acheron gave them a fierce look before pointing to the floor in front of him,

"Stand right here and do not move"

They both turned around and walked towards him with their heads down.

Acheron paced back and forth in front of the girls.

"I don't care that you bought all these clothes and shoes, that's fine, money doesn't matter to me and I have an unlimited supply of it… I don't care that you got drunk after drinking almost every bottle of alcohol in the kitchen…"

Acheron stopped pacing as he spotted an old wine vase in the corner of the room.

"You went into my room?!"

Rose and Violet turned red from shame as he questioned them, they got so drunk last night that they even went snooping through his room.

"Jesus Christ himself gave me that wine you know! It's almost 2000 years old! You could buy a small city with that wine!"

The girls just wanted to dig a hole and jump in it from the shame.

Acheron sighed as he looked upon the girls who were on the verge of tears.

'it seems I went a little too far with my teasing' Acheron thought.

"The wine doesn't matter either, I keep the good stuff in The Vault anyways, I keep the cheap shit in my room"

Acheron stopped in front of them and raised their chins with his hands.

"Would someone please explain to me, why there are two tigers at my house?!?"

They turned to look as they saw two adult white tigers running towards them from down the hallway.

They snarled and showed their ferocious teeth as they lunged towards Acheron intending to rip his throat out.

Acheron simply took a step towards the tigers' direction and hit them with a roundhouse kick to the side of their heads, sending them flying towards the wall. The tigers yelped as they smacked into the wall with enough force to crack it.

" Attack me again and I'll turn you into rugs," Acheron said,

The two tigers snarled and roared towards Acheron. Acheron's eyes took a feline shape and his teeth grew long and sharp before roaring at the tigers.


The tigers shivered as their fur spiked up from head to tail, they dropped on the ground before showing him their belly, a clear act of submission, towards Acheron.

"Now stay there and be quiet"

Rose looked at Acheron with admiring eyes, while Violet was shocked, not by the act of making tigers submit but the way Acheron transformed.

"Big Bro Ash? Are you a mutant?"

Rose looked at her like she was stupid for not noticing until now.

"Really, Violet? That's how you figured it out? It wasn't the fact that Lord Acheron hasn't seemed to age in the last 10 years you haven't seen him? or the fact he said that the wine was given to him by Jesus?" Rose admonished how slow she was being,

"Hey! I just thought he aged well, like me and the wine was him showing off the age of the wine" Violet said,

"So how old are you really, Big Bro?"

Acheron could help but chuckle at this girl in front of him.

"Ummm… let's see.."

Acheron held his chin as he put a little bit more thought into his age.

"I am at least 10,000 years old… days were difficult to track before that time… for a certain reason…"

"What?! 10,000?!? How is that possible?!" Violet exclaimed

"Well you can say my mutant power include an undying body or immortality," Acheron said,

Violet just had her mouth wide open; she didn't know how to respond to that.

"To think immortals actually exist! Big Bro Ash are you a god?!"

Acheron laughed before shaking his head.

"There is no such thing, all those gods from mythologies were just super-powerful mutants that had humans worship them… but let's not get into that now, that's a story for another time."

"But how did you transform just then if you only have an undying body?" Violet asked confused,

"Who said anything about that being the limit of my power?" Acheron looked at her before smiling.

"Now, it's time for your punishment! After you are done cleaning all this up, meet me in the gym, you won't be done until you collapse on the floor from exhaustion! It's time for Extreme Workout!"

Acheron laughed as he left the girls behind looking pale and dreading what was to come.



1) 18+ teaser posted on Patr*on, I'll finish it by next week and posted then. To be honest? it's super long, just the teaser is over 1200 words. The flashback might be 2 or 3 chapters long.