Chapter 91- Fighting Amazoness

Akeno and Sakura watched the fight from behind the hedges, they were speechless at what they were witnessing. Acheron dodging every strike from Amazoness, countering and in return sending Amazoness sliding away from the impact. The ground filled with holes and trenches from missed attacks and counterattacks.

"Ne~ Ne~ Akeno-san?" called Sakura absentmindedly,

"What is it Sakura-san?" responded Akeno with the same level of absentmindedness.

"They are high school students, right? Not monsters, right? Are they really our age?" Sakura asked,

"Yes, they are our classmates" Answered Akeno, not once taking her eyes of the battle happening dozens of meters away.


"Ne~ Ne~ Sakura-san?" Akeno called absentmindedly.

"What is it, Akeno-san?" answered Sakura, just as absentminded.

"Why is Acheron calling out his martial moves like an anime character?" Akeno asked,

"I don't know, but it's a bit cringy" answered Sakura,

"I'm going to ask him when this is over," said Akeno,

From the corner of her eyes, Akeno saw Sakura slowly shake her head.

"Don't even bother, he is probably going to say he thought it was cool or something like that. He is always trying to troll people, he's toxic that way… I'm just glad he's not playing music this time" said Sakura.

Akeno and Sakura stopped talking and continued to watch.

"Holy shit!" Someone exclaimed,

At that moment, Amazoness was sending a spear thrust towards Acheron. Acheron once again easily dodged the attack by slightly tilting his body to the side.

Amazoness grinned,


Amazoness had suddenly accelerated and sent a shield bash towards Acheron's chest. Acheron, realizing he was going to get hit, put his scythe in front of him to block the oncoming attack.


The old wood couldn't take such a powerful strike after all the powerful attacks Acheron had used and snapped in half, the shield continued unimpeded and struck Acheron right in the chest, sending him and the upper half of his scythe flying into the air.

Acheron nonchalantly flipped in the air and landed perfectly, seemingly uninjured.

Acheron looked down and touched where he got hit, a wicked grin spread on his face as he looked at Amazoness who also had a smug grin on her face.

'When was the last time I was ever hit in armed combat by a stranger? 500 years? 1000? I don't even know exactly... This is truly the best!' Acheron thought,

Acheron was currently in just his base form, no extra powers, no mutations, just his original form. If Acheron's body was compared to an Amazonian, he would be at least 10 times the density of a regular person.

Though Acheron couldn't do anything about negating his immortality, like his other powers, he could at least control the speed of his regeneration, something he had been working on for centuries and finally succeeded just a decade ago.

To be honest, Acheron's talent for martial arts is mediocre at best. He was born in a time where such things didn't exist, he remembers and has figured out that much. On the other hand, Acheron's talent for hunting and killing is unmatched.

They say that it takes decades just to master any craft, even if you are talented at it. That never applied to Acheron though, even when it was something he wasn't good at, he had all the time in the world. Acheron's lack of talent meant nothing to him as he sometimes spent centuries practicing until he mastered the skills.

Acheron felt a little jealous at Amazoness's talent, it had taken him 120 years to master the spear, and the little girl in front of him was slowly mastering it right in front of him, already exceeding some of her predecessors he had once met.

Acheron couldn't help but shake his head with a reminiscent smile on his face, as her talent reminded him of his children throughout the years. He was called a genius by those that barely knew, but to him, his children were the true geniuses in the world.

Though Acheron stood above most of his children due to his experiences and long life, there have been times some have even equaled him. He was immortal and had lived for thousands of years so his experience was unequaled yet, in comparison, some of his children reached god-like levels with their limited lifetimes.

As the upper half of his scythe was falling towards him, Acheron looked up and laughed, he was feeling overjoyed from this whole experience.

"A weapon is still a weapon until it turns to dust!" Acheron exclaimed as he jumped towards the falling scythe.

Just as the blade and Acheron were going to meet. Acheron sent a kick towards the blade.


Acheron's kick had shattered his scythe's blade, turning it into dozens of metal pieces as sharp as knives and were sent flying at high speeds towards Amazoness.

Amazoness never expected for Acheron to shatter his scythe instead of continuing to use it and was caught wholly unprepared. There was no time to dodge and her shield wasn't big enough to protect her whole body. Amazoness lowered her head and raised her shield to protect her vitals.

*Fwoosh, Fwoosh* *Bam bam bam*

The sound of metal hitting her shield and armor and objects whooshing past her rang through Amazoness's ears.


Amazoness grimaced as the sharp metal pieces cut into her uncovered flesh. Some pieces were even embedded into her parts of her uncovered legs and armor.

Amazoness knew just how tough her body and armor are, though she wasn't bulletproof, she wasn't that far off. A 5.56 round from an assault rifle will penetrate, at most, only 3 cm into her body.

The fact that Acheron could stab her like this, showed just how powerful Acheron's kick was.

Amazoness lowered her shield and glared at Acheron, anger coursing through her eyes. Though Amazoness was a huge M and felt pleasure from Acheron's attacks, the feeling of getting cut and stabbed just wasn't in her strike zone.

Acheron whistled in appreciation of how tough Amazoness's armor and the body was, anyone else would have been riddled with holes like a honeycomb.

Amazonians were one of the strongest humans Acheron has ever seen… Yes, 'humans' and not mutants. Acheron researched the Amazonian people long ago and found no unnatural mutations in Amazonian's DNA. Meaning that the Amazonians were a product of evolution and not a sudden mutation at birth, like most mutants.

Amazoness, realizing that Acheron was without a usable weapon, quickly pulled out most of the metal shards that had penetrated her body and repositioned herself in front of Acheron's armory. She wasn't going to make it easy for Acheron to grab a new weapon, she wasn't sure if Acheron was as proficient with the others as he was with the scythe.

"You think you can stop me?" Acheron asked with a smirk,

Acheron then dashed towards Amazoness before leaping towards her.

"Halberd!... Fire!" Acheron exclaimed in the air,

Amazoness then heard a voice coming from behind her, she turned her head to look.

[Tracking…. Locked on…. Firing!]

Everyone watched as the wall piece holding the Halberd was raised itself over the box, flipped over so that the halberd face Acheron's direction and…


The sound a low energy pulse rang out through the field and the halberd was launched towards Acheron.

Amazoness watched as the halberd flew over her head and was caught by Acheron, who was still in the air flying towards her.

Acheron raised the halberd as if it was a giant hammer. Seeing this Amazoness quickly raised her shield over her head, trying to block the attack.

Acheron smiled wickedly; in the blink of an eye, he flipped the halberd over so that the spearhead that came out from the side pointed forwards.


The force of the impact made Amazoness sink into the earth.


Then, a blood-curdling scream that sent chills down everyone's spines echoed through the old tree garden.

When Acheron's attack hit the shield the spear tip penetrated it like butter and stabbing through Amazoness's forearm where the shield was strapped to it and penetrating all the way to the other side. Amazoness's own blood splattering all over her face.

Acheron twisted the halberd, snapping the spear tip and leaving embedded in the shield and through Amazoness arm. Acheron jumped back to enjoy Amazoness disbelief and pain.

Amazoness's shield arm trembled from the pain. Amazoness couldn't believe what she was seeing, no one had ever hurt her this bad before.

She didn't want to believe it but the metal spear tip coming out of her forearm covered in her blood and the pain told her it was all real.

Acheron laughed seeing her face twisting in pain and disbelief.

"Is this all you got?" Acheron asked,

"Is this the best you got? You bring shame to your people if this is really your full strength. You're really wasting the potential of that body of yours."

Amazoness glared at Acheron, she was now seething in anger. It was one thing to get injured but to be made fun of by your opponent and possible future mate was another thing.

A low growl escaped her throat as she raised her arm towards her mouth. She bit down on the spearhead and clench her teeth with all her strength. The spearhead cracked under the pressure of her bite before she ruthlessly yanked the head through her arm.

The spearhead fell from her mouth and landed on the ground with teeth marks clearly imprinted in the metal.

"I think the warm-up is done," Amazoness said,


Papa Ainz the Bone Daddy's Announcements:

1) Pictures of the Acheron's weapons have been added to my discord. they are not an exact match but it close enough to what I envisioned.

2) The next chapter will also be as long as this one. Word count: 1600+