First mission part 2

John woke up the next day in the afternoon and walked to the closet and opened it then he took his armor out It was a black chest piece with red hawk wings on It and black arms and legs protectors and he thaught *black and red colours look cool together... Nah!! who am i joking so the blood would look beautiful on it. hehehehehe! oh shit the demon got!! Out shut the fuck up bitch and stay there!!!*.. John was slapping his face hard, Whoo!!. *That was a close call ok! we are ready*... John got outside of his pagoda and then he threw the talisman in the Air and before It dropped on the ground he unsheathed his katana from her sheath and slashed it then he put it back again in the sheath at the speed of sound and then the talisman caught on fire, not a normal fire but blue fire and then the fire caught his whole body and then poof!!! he's gone to the wasteland realm.... The wasteland realm discreption is in the name It became like this when two Immortal titans were fighting for 500 years how the realm didn't expolde nobody knows or why they were fighting in the first place... John appeard with blue flames on him and then he said..John :"kai" and the flames got extinguished he doesn't have to say that word he just made It like that cause he rememberd an old anime he saw when he was 6 years old on TV he just needs to exert a little bit of qi to extextinguish It... He landed on grounds with one foot and one knee on the floor and looked around him It was a wasteland as far as the eyes could see with over 100 mountains huddled together and then he thaught *this guy's hide out Is the most supidest place ever why hide in a wasteland with mounatain huging each other looking like booties while he can like hide in an ocean well lets go kill that motherfucker*...