Going to new york

When John finaly put his siblings down.. Chloe : "thank you very much Crista for calling me first hand" .... Crista :"oh don't say It like that we are friends remember" .... Chloe looked towards and found him playing with Sarah and the kids : "so John are you ready to go to new york with us?" ...John : "yeah im ready to go" .... While they were on the airplane going to new york John was for the first time in his life nervous he can fly with qi but this is an airplane he cant control this John : "umm when are we gonna reach there".. his sitting beside his father by the window ... Carl : "well a hour and a half to go" ...John *ohh shitt!!*...on the way home while he was playing in the car with the triplets he got a Soul message from kakashi sensei.. Kakashi : "kid there Is a death bringer in your realm he slipped thrugh the guardians be careful his in the grand master high level message ended" ... John :" well this Is bad" ...while he was in thaught his father hits the brakes hard and the car finaly stops and then he gets out of the car to see what Is happining. then Carl walks to a nearby man that was looking at the sky... Carl : "excuse me what Is happining why Is this traffic is there an accedint in front?" ...random guy : "no dude there Is a man flying in the sky!! Look up there" ... And he points in front of him Carl and then Carl looks at the sky and he's right!! there Is a person flying in the sky he was wearing chinese black clothes and has a hair Defying gravity and looks menacing and then he heard someone gitting out of his car oh and its John and the next thing Carl saw didn't make him believe his eyes John just started flying up Carl *whatt!! The fuck!! Did John just fly and where is he going don't tell me*.... Chloe doesn't know what Is happining the car stopped suddenly and then a man flying and now her son got out of the car and flew to him do you she didn't believe It!!!... John i know who that Is a death bringer and a powerful one at that this will be fun!!!...