New apartment and work

When John and Christina reached the animal shelter Christina opened the door with her key then she got inside with John behind her and then she opened the lights,,,Christina : "my dad doesn't come here until 4:00 pm sometimes so i Have to take care of the animals by myself and now that i got help It will be a lot easier" ,,,,John :" im happy to help" ,,,,Christina : "your job will be feeding and washing the animals" ,,,and i will be at the front desk if you need anything,,,, John : "yeah i'll call you if i need anything" ,,,, when she left to the front desk he looked around and found empty feeding cups so he filled It when he reached the Black Cat's cage he found her dirty and a sleep so he took her out of the cage without waking her up and thrown her in the washing sink filled with water,,,,Black Cat : "ahhhh!!! You bastard why Have you done this?!!!" ,,,, John : "well to clean you of course" ,,,,Black Cat : "why did you Have to throw me?!!! And its soo!! Cccold too" ,,,,and then John put the water on medium not too hot and not too cold,,,, John : "you could take It little cat don't worry" ,,,, he started rubbing her fur with soap and cleaning her paws,,,,Black Cat : "now can tell me what's your name? and what do you mean by cultivation levels yesterday?" ,,,,John : "oh and if i told you about that will you give me 50 years of your life as my pet" ,,,, Black Cat : "and what would i get from that?" ,,,, John : "well i will make you live more than that spirit beast that lived two million years and i always keep my promises all you Have to do Is protect my family" ,,,, Black Cat : "i will do It!! " ,,,, John : "ok! i am John Smith will make Black Cat live more than three million years if i dont do let It begone with my cultivation our realm law" ,,,,and then Black Cat felt a strong force prush by her fur and she got scared,,,,John :"don't worry that's just the realms law if It wanted you dead you would be daed by now" ,,,,John : "and now listen up the cultivation levels for all realms are areapprentice,,,,desciple,,,,master,,, grand master,,,,, king,,, overlord,,,and they go by ,,, low,,, middle,,, high,,, and there are levels above overlord but my sensei thinks they are a myth but i don't" ,,,, Black Cat : "am i strong?" ,,,, John : "nope you are not i could kill 10 of you with one finger without making a sweat!!! And im not bluffing!!" ,,,Back Cat : "ok!! Ok!!" ,,,, John : "now let's dry you up" ,,,, when John thaught about It again *why don't i adopt her stupid!! stupid!!*,, He started hitting his forhead repeatedly,,, Black Cat *what's wrong with him?*,,,,he put her back in the cage and walked towards Christina's direction,,,, John : "Christina can i adopt?" ,,,,Christina : "yeah you can but not more than one ok! what do you want to adopt" ,,,, John : "that Black Cat that we talked about yesterday" ,,,, Christina : "ok! then you just Have to buy her stuff" ,,, after John said Goodbye to Christina after work he walked to an allyway and put Black Cat's stuff in his spatial ring and got her out of the cage and put the cage too,,,, Black Cat : "what did you just do?" ,,,, John : "oh this Is called spatial ring there is space inside It as big as a football field i got It from a demon cultivator before,,, Black Cat :" a demon cultivator?" ,,,, John :" i'lll tell about you some other time",,,,when John finished Black Cat sat on his shoulder while he exited the allyway,,,, John : "now i Have to give you a name what Is It gonna be? Got It! your name will be amate short for amaterasu the Black fire that burns everything" ,,,,Black Cat : "i like It!!!" ,,,, when he reached his new apartment he walked through the front door and looked at panels for his name he found the apartment on the second floor when he walked on the stairs and reached the second floor he found a little girl of about 6 years old that has a shiny blonde hair and blue eyes with a teddybear wearing a pink shirt and blue pants sitting on the stairs alone he sat on her eye level,,,, John : "are you lost? where are your parents?" ,,,the little girl didn't answer John shrouded her with his qi to see whats wrong with her and found that her eardrums are pierced.. *the fuck!!! Its like someone pierced her eardrums with chopsticks the sick fuck!!*,,,, then there was this guy that looks in his thirtees that Came and took her away by the hand John thinks its her father because She did not resist him and then the siad something to him like random guy : "Это брат, новый резидент" ,,,, John didn't know what did he say to him and he didn't know the language,,, after he closeed the door of theer apartment behind him John walked towards his apartment and opened the door with the keys and got inside to explore the place and found there was two bedrooms and one bathroom and a kitchen in the living room and a big window in the living room with a view to the city but to tell you the truth this Is all just a front for him to make his own handmade void realm now that he is in the king high level of cultivation he can make his own void realm don't think anyone can make his own realm you Have to Have arts for that arts are a heaven defying things to Have *but i'll tell you something i Have two dantians so think about It im like two kings high level in one so i can make two void realms muhahahaha!!! Aren't i most overpowered sensei of all time!!!'' John then looked around if there Is something weird and didn't find anything John *i mean!! In the minor realms in the minor realms!!!*,,, sensei doesn't like someone stronger than him that's why John was scared,,, John *ok i Have to sleep* he looked around and found Amate sleeping on his bed so he slept too...