Well.. this will be Fun!!! Part 1!!

Nastya's pov :,,,, My name Is Nastya and im 6 years old my mother died while giving birth to me Is What my daddy said and after four years my daddy took me on a boat to some place called new york and we Have a new home now and after a while daddy started drinking something like in a glass bottles and hugging ladies in his room and hitting them and one day he got mad and he took some sticks and put them in my ears and i couldn't hear anymore It was a very painful thing and i wanted to die and after one year while i was playing with Mr'teddy i saw a handsome big brother that was going up the stairs and when i looked closer and i thaught this Is not his real Face oh and a cute Black Cat on his shoulder then he looked at me and said,,,,John : "are you lost? Where are your parents?" ,,, i knew he was saying something to me then my daddy Came and took me inside and closed the door and slapped me i got to my room and slept after one week while i was playing with Mr'teddy i saw the black Cat that was on that big brother's shoulder on the window and then i got up and followed her and she got inside through the next window when i reached there i sat on an empty bed and i felt it's nice and i slept on It and when i heard some shouting i woke up and looked around and found big brother playing with his cat and then he looked at me and walked to me and put his shiny blue hands on my ears softly and i felt some warm water going into ma ears and then Nastya : "i could hear!!?" ,,,then he said something to himself and then he put a paper with weird words on his forhead then could speak to me Is he a magician?,,, John : "now can you understand me?" ,,,, Nastya :"yes!!Yes!!! I cloud hear you and understand you big brother" ,,,then i got tired from all this happiness and i slept,,,, Pov end:,,,,, when John woke up in the morning at 5:00 am he walked out to the back of the pagoda to start training he cant stop gitting stronger he has to be ready,,, after the training he got inside and to the kitchen to make breakfast for him and the little girl he realy doesn't need to eat but the little girl does but he has to keep a normal image so she doesn't that think he's weird or something,,, while he was cooking he saw her come inside the kitchen with her teddy hanging on the floor in her hand and then he walked to her and picked her up and put her at a table nearby that Amate Is sleeping on he put her on a chair and sat in front of her,,,, John : "now can you tell me your name? " ,,,, nastya : "big brother my name Is Nastya" ,,, John : "beautiful name Nastya'' can i ask you some questions?" ,,,, Nastya : "it's ok big brother" ,,,, John : "who did that to your ears i know you were not born like that" ,,,, Nastya : "my daddy did that to me" ,,, John * i knew It that sick fuck!!! If he comes back or i find him he will be dead i promise* ,,,John : "now eat your breakfast then we will go buy you some clothes" ,,, John thaught *thank god!!! Its a friday and a day off so i can relax!!!*,,, after breakfast John changed his clothes to blue jeans and a hawaiian red shirt and sandals and picked Nastya and put her on his left arm and got out of the pagoda while Nastya was looking around with stars in her eyes John *i knew my man cave Is cool!!!*,,, then he took sakura out of his spatial ring and cut in space in front of him and got in It when he Came out he was close by to a super market then he walked towards the supermarket's main entrance they got into a clothes store then they saw the front desk attendant then John walked towards her,,, John : "excuse me do you Have clothes for 6 year olds in here?" ,,, attendant : "yes follow me Customer" ,,, then John followed her and then they reached a wall full of children's clothes then,,, attendant : "it's here take your time Customer" ,,, then she left them when she was about to go far,,, John : "excuse me!!! Can you help her try clothes in the changing room please!!!)!" ,,, attendant : "ok! i dont mind" ,,, then she changed her clothes multiple times,,, John was trying to turn his phone camera on to take some pictures but he doesn't know how?!!!,,, unknown person : "let me help you with that" ,,, John : "oh thank you!!! Whatt!!! Lara what are you doing here?" ,,, Lara : "im buying clothes for my little brother" ,,, her little brother Is a 7 years old kid that has black hair and black eyes wearing striped shirt and blue short pants. Lara :"so we Came here and then i saw you" ,,,, John : "oh ok then" ,,, Lara : "and who Is that little girl with you? I know you Have two sisters and one brother so who Is she?" ,,, John : "oh she's my adopted daughter" ,,,, Lara :".... Whattt!!! Since when?" ,,, John : "no im joking ok!!! She is my mother's friend's daughter from russia they lost her clothes so i Came here to buy her new ones" ,,, Lara got relieved and looked at her the girl looks so happy,,, Lara : "John we are going to a football game do you wanna come with us?" ,,, John :" count us in i don't Have anything to do after this" ,,, after they bought clothes for the kids they left for the stadium,,, when they reached there,,, at the ticket booth,,, John : "two adults and two kids please!!" ,,, ticket booth : "ok here you go that's will be 60$" ,,,, after John gave the ticket booth the money they entered and they sat down on the chairs watching the game It started 20 minutes ago so they Came a little late after half the game there was a break,, while John was talking and eating popcorn with Lara he was cleaning Nastya's mouth with a napkin then he sensed something and looked at the sky then everyone in the stadium looked at the sky,,, then John frowned because he know who they are,, Death Bringers,,, and this time there are three of them two men and one woman they were flying in the sky the one on the left has Black hair and Black eyes and he's a little short and wearing an ancient chinese battle uniform and the woman was wearing a black dress and has long red hair and green eyes and she was tall as 6'3 feet and the one on the right was a big man full of muscles that looks ready for battle with black hair and bushy eyebrows and a battle uniform and they were all looking at him when they landed on the ground some foolish football player got close to them,, random football player : "hey you!! Are you performers or something this Is not a circus" ,,, John : "Lara take the kids and leave from here and do It fast!!!" ,,, Lara : "what why and what are you going to do?" ,,, John :" im gonna Have to fight and i'll explain It to you later" ,,, kiyaaaa!!!,, then they heard a woman screaming and looked to the field and found all the players dead,,,, John : "tsk!!!" ,,, John wasn't concerned about those three all of them are in the grand master high level he was worried about the two that were coming from out of space right now that in the king realm,,,John walked down the stadium stairs was about to go far Nastya : "where are you going big brother?" ,,, John : "im going to beat the bad guys and i'll come back fast i promise" ,,, Nastya : "umm" ,,, Lara couldn't understand them they were talking in russian?!!! When John reached half way there he changed back to his real form with long black hair and black eyes and a scar on his right eye and was wearing an armor like lu bu's when he reached 5 meters in front of them he took sakura and took a stance right foot in front right hand on sakura left foot two steps back and then he disappeard!!! Woman death bringer : "be careful and fly up now!!!" ,,, but It was too late!!! When John appeard he was behind them then the muscular one's head fell down and the short one's got cut in half and the woman's arms got cut of,,, woman death bringer : "ahhhh!!! You bastard you will Die nine and eight are on the way and you will Die!!!" ,,, then John cut her head off and smirked,,,,...