The View of Hell

Emmanuel [Synthesize Human] Lv.1

HP: 1000

SP: 150

Str: 5

Vit: 50 + 50

Int: 15

Agi: 10

Unassigned points: 5

Special Skills

Blood of Life: Doubles your Vitality and Regeneration.

'Is this number amazing?' I thought to myself. I have no idea about the average stats but I'm pretty sure my vitality is off the charts.

'What's [Synthesize Human] supposed to mean?' I don't know why but I feel uncomfortable about it, I hope Sergeant Rina can clear things up. I was about to ask her about it but No. 2 asked her first.

He is a thin but tall man with hair all mess up ruining his face. He gives off this street vibe like he was someone who lives on a knife-edge, a survivor that is willing to kill to survive.

"Sergeant, can you tell me the average stats a normal adult should have?" No.2 asked

"Stats vary from person to person depending on their physical condition but the usual average is 10." as sergeant Rina explained Number 2 faced turned ashen.

"Sergeant mine only averages around 5, will it affect my chance of survival?" he asked with a worried look.

"Relax, you all will only be attacking from afar until your level is high enough. I don't need you to die unnecessarily" Sergeant Rina said while glaring at No.1, surely he still holds a grudge from before.

No.1 can't help but shudder.

I felt relieved when I heard what Sergeant said, no one wants to go to the frontline especially when they know they're not strong enough to survive.

"But to be safe I will recommend you add your unassigned points to vitality just in case." She added. Hearing this, I didn't waste a second before adding all my unassigned points to vitality.

"Permission to ask questions ma'am," No.1 said. His face is still bang-up and full of fear due to what happened earlier.

It's kind of funny how a big man like him is so terrified with such a beautiful girl like the sergeant.

"Granted," Sergeant Rina said, showing some irritation.

"Ma'am based on my observation and the fact that we are not using a car despite the situation, I deduce that we are unable to bring any equipment of earth here other than scouter and some basic clothes right?."

"Your point?" Sergeant Rina said, No.1 hesitated but he decided to continue.

"Do we have enough guns to supply these millions of soldiers ma'am?" Number 1 is surprisingly a smart guy despite how he looks, everything he said made a point.

But my amazement with him quickly faded when I saw him trembling like a little girl. His face looks like he was about to die, he must be regretting his life choices right now.

"Have you ever played video games before no.1?" Despite expectation, Sergeant Rina didn't punch No.1 head out of his neck but instead asked him a bizarre question.

"Yes ma'am?" No.1 asked puzzled

"That's a rhetorical question stupid, and stop acting smart it irritates me." Sergeant Rina said

"Yes, ma'am" Seeing sergeant Rina's face No.1 has no choice but to act meekly if he wants to survive. I look closely at his face, his eyes are closed. It seems that he was praying not to be punched again.

"Like an RPG game, this world grants us a basic weapon. In our case, we are provided with a pistol with an infinite number bullet." Sergeant Rina suddenly grabs the air and like magic, there's suddenly a pistol in her hand.

"Think of something like imaginary storage like an inventory you often see in games and some transparent box thing will pop up." Sergeant Rina's face shows annoyance that she has to explain things that are supposed to be common sense.

As I looked at her annoyed face, I thought to myself. 'Is she that bad at explaining stuff or she just really doesn't want to?'

How can she expect us to know this stuff, we just got here for crying out loud! A table in my head just flips over. I look around me and It seems that my squad also has an ugly look on their faces.

I supposed that we can't expect her to tell us stuff from now on. We have to take the risk of being punched and ask her questions actively if we want something from her.


The sounds of gunshot and explosion became louder and louder the more we walk. It came to the point that It became difficult to even hear our own voice.

There is no need for Sergeant Rina to say anything. All of us can tell we are here.

We arrived at the western battlefront.


In front of me is a giant wall that looks slightly identical to the Great Wall of China of the old Earth, hundreds of thousands of soldiers are station on top of the wall equipped with different kinds of firearms.

Thousand of cannons mounted on the wall with the power to wipe out dozens of enemies in a single shot, looking at those monstrous arsenals gives my heart with ease.

'We might do it, we might get out of this alive.'

While contemplating, I hear the voice of Sergeant Rina in my head. Telling me that we arrive in the western battlefront.

"We are here, take out your weapon. You all need to support me from behind and that's all, understand? Don't do anything stupid"

We all retrieve our pistol in our inventory and shout as hard as we can trying to boost our morale. "Yes ma'am!"

Sergeant Rina nodded satisfied "Now let's go up the wall and kill those bastards!"

"Sergeant! Are we just going up there? Did we have to report to someone first?!" I shouted to her ear so that she could hear me amidst the noise.

"I already reported it the moment we arrived." She said rubbing her ear

"You know we can send each other messages by thought right? You don't have to shout in my ear." Hearing what she said, I facepalm.

I want to shout to her face 'how could I suppose to know something like that if you didn't tell me shit but I held myself back. I don't want to die just yet before experiencing the actual battle.

I quickly explain to my unit how to transmit a message through thought. I know for a fact that they don't know shit either. They all express their gratitude to me. We all promise each other we will drink until we drop after all of this is over.

After exchanging prayers, all of us ready ourselves for war.

But not long after then that we realized what a fool we have been, thinking that we can prepare ourselves for what's to come.

The thing we saw in there, the thing that welcomes us is something that can only be described by one word.
