

"Frag out!"


"Cover fire!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

I looked around trying to find Sergeant Rina when I spotted No.1 and No.2 shooting at the orcs with assault rifles and decided to approach them.

I was relieved that besides myself there's still someone alive at my unit.

No.1 immediately notice me "Good, you survive," he said with delight

"Thanks, you too, can you fill me up on what happened? I blackout" I replied to him.

"As you can see everything went to shit pretty fast. Besides No.2 here, I don't know if anyone in our unit survived. Seeing as you made it maybe some of them also did." No.1 said hopefully as if hinting something.

I'm not sure if I should break the news to him but in the end, I decided to just keep my mouth shut.

Seeing the conflicted look on my face No.1 became depressed and continue his explanation.

"When Sergeant Rina ordered us to dodge, a dozen of those orcs started falling down the sky. I, No.2, and No.7 manage to run all the way here but unfortunately, this place is crawling with those orcs."

"No.7 unluckily got his head smashed before Sergeant Rina arrived with unit 101 and 57 to save us," looking back No.1 face contorted.

I was amazed just imagining what they had endured, compare to them I was truly am pathetic

"And then?"

"After that, she left and hurry back to save your sorry ass"

"Your one lucky son of a beach" No.2 commented.

"Sorry, It seems I put you all in a lot of trouble," I said apologetically.

"You don't need to apologize to us, the one you should talk to is Sergeant Rina. She is the one risking her life running around saving our asses."

"I will.... hmmm. No.1"

"What is it?"

"Can you tell me how can you stay calm even in this situation? Are you not afraid of orcs?" Even now I was afraid, I was terrified that at any moment an orc will come and cut me in half.

Why was No.1 seems fine?

Maybe feeling my unease No.1 patted me on the shoulder "Relaxed, can't you see we are in no such danger" he said pointing straight ahead.

I look at where he was pointing at and saw Sergeant Rina. She's using a giant ax, killing orcs left and right. She's like a beautiful bloodthirsty goddess of war. No orc can last a single stroke of her ax.

"See that, Sergeant Rina is scarier" I was dumbfounded such a stupid way of thinking. I look at Sergeant Rina one more time.

She was smiling with her face covered in orcs' blood.

'No.1 might be right.'

Noticing my shitless face No.1 said, "So you better apologize to her if you don't want to end up like those orcs."

"Alright, I'll apologize to her now."

My whole body shakes as I contact Sergeant Rina. 'Shit this is it, I have to choose my word wisely if I don't want that ax to be aimed at me.'

[Sergeant Rina, I apologized for wh-] I have a whole speech made up but before I can finish a single sentence she cut me off.

[Shut It! save it for later, don't forget to prepare yourself for military discipline.]

Hearing her words, a chill runs into my spine. 'I'm dead'

[Go Team up with No. 1 and No. 2 make a triangle formation and support me, shoot any orcs that manage to slip by.]


Taking a deep breath, I put my punishment at the back of my head, right now the most important thing is to kill all the orcs.

I quickly relay her orders to No.1 and No.2

"Sergeant just gave an order. We must perform a triangle formation and provide her with fire support"

"It doesn't matter what formation we use. We hardly matter anyway, look at how she's slaughtering the orcs. " No. 1 replied nonchalantly like everything is under control.

"No.1 is right we're just practically bussing here. We must have leveled up to around 20 times already. So just relaxed" No.2 said, trying to calm me down.

I looked at the situation and realized that what they're saying is correct. They're no help at all, they're just practically hitting dead orcs, it's no different than leaching but still, I cannot relax, more than half of us are already dead, and in any second one of us might be next.

"Ok I report what you said to Sergeant Rina later"

Their faces turn pale, especially No.1 he's looking like a scared little girl.

"Come on man, we're only joking please don't tell the sergeant," No.1 said.

I'm not in the mood to entertain his antics so I ignored him.

I move to my position and start unleashing bullets at the Orcs aiming for Sergeant Rina.

"Bang! Bang"

It did not take long before I realize what I was doing is pointless.

I look at my gun and I instantly find the problem.

This gun is sh*t.

[Beginner Pistol]

Attack 5-5

A magical pistol gifted to Earthling, It has an unlimited number of bullets and has no need for reloading. It dealt fix damage to an enemy target but has weak firepower.

Seeing the pistol stats no wonder it causes practically no damage. This gun can't even kill me, must less an Orc. Discovering the problem I quickly asked the two where they got their weapon.

"Guys, can you tell me where you get your assault rifles?"

"Are you stupid? There are a bunch of them lying around, just pick one and don't forget to take the ammo only the beginner pistol has unlimited bullet" No. 2 Answer

I look all around me and I see a bunch of guns lying around still strapped on dead soldiers' bodies.

I hesitated.

"Don't be stupid and just take the guns. Those guys are already dead, they have no use for it. If you keep acting like that you'll be joining them soon" No. 2 said irritatedly.

Thinking about what he said. I found that he was right. I need to stop acting like a wimp.

I take a couple of assault rifles and strap one of them in my back just in case.

I also scavage a bunch of ammo and explosives and put them in my inventory.

[M-16 Rifle]

Attack 20-20

M16 is a family of military rifles adapted from the ArmaLite AR-15 rifle for the United States military. It is a 5.56mm automatic rifle with a 20-round magazine. Dealt fixed damage.

[M67 Grenade]

Attack 1500-1500

The M67 grenade is a fragmentation hand grenade used by the United States military. The M67 is a further development of the M33 grenade, itself a replacement for the M26-series grenades used during the Korean and Vietnam Wars, and the older Mk 2 "pineapple" grenade used since World War I. Dealt fixed damage.

Carrying such a heavy load even inside my inventory put a heavy burden on my body. I guess there's a limit in how many items I can put in there before experiencing negative effects.

I add my unassigned points to strength hoping that it can help and luckily it did.

Emmanuel [Synthesize Human] Lv.3

HP: 1140

SP: 170

Str: 17

Vit: 57 + 57

Int: 17

Agi: 12

Unassigned Point: 0

Special Skills

Blood of Life: Doubles your Vitality and Regeneration.

With the effects of my increase in strength, I feel my whole body lighten. I even feel confident that I can equip two rifles at the same time without a problem. Thinking of the additional firepower that it can give me, I decided to give it a try.

Seeing this No.1 started laughing.

"Oh, trying to look cool, are we? hahaha you know you don't have to go that far. We just need to shoot the Orc right before Sergeant Rina kills it so we can gain experience"

"Dumbass" No. 2 said

I ignore them and try to familiarize myself with the assault rifle but No.1 continues to bug me.

"I know you want to be helpful but what you're doing right now will do more harm than good. Just listen and calm down first you're not thinking straight. Help me here No.2 " Seeing that he wasn't getting through to me. He decided to enlist the help of No.2.

"If he wants to be stupid, just let him be," No.2 said as he shot an Orc on the head.

"You two are such a piece of work," No.1 said grinning his teeth.

Ignoring the two beside me. I aim both of my rifles at an Orc before opening fire.

"Pa! Pa!Pa!Pa!Pa!" a rain of bullets hit the orc quickly draining its health. The difference between the assault rifle and the default pistol is like heaven and earth even before the magazines emptied the orc life is no more.

"thud!" The orc fall to the ground dead

"Hahahahaha" I laughed hysterically, I did it, I finally killed one of those bastards. I am static, it feels like a heavy load is lifted at my shoulder.

"Goddammit what the f*ck are you doing!!" No.1 walks towards me and punches me in the face.

"Do you want to get us all killed? You fucking bastard"

No.1 is looking at me angrily while No.2 is aiming his rifle at me.

I was confused, I just avenged my fallen comrade. Why are they so angry at me? "Bastard! What did I do wrong? I just killed an Orc. Is it wrong to be happy!"

"Shut the f*ck up, can you wake up already," No.1 said, slapping me in the face


I was about to punch him when I saw what is happening around me, and was shocked.

'I've been a fool.'

My frantic shooting attracted the aggro of the Orcs and worse of all I even hurt Sergeant Rina, the one who is giving her utmost to protect us.

One of my bullets must have hit her in a crucial moment allowing an Orc to land a blow on her otherwise with her strength it was nigh impossible.

My heart broke "I'm the worst. I deserve to die." I kneel on the floor and start crying.

"God damn it! stand up you moron, now's not the time to be crying" No.1 said having no idea what to do.

Due to the Sergeant being severely injured and me attracting a lot of aggro. The orcs are now coming at us in all directions.


"No.1 If he wants to die, just let him. His more helpful dead anyway"

"Shut up! No.2 you're not helping"

While No.1 and No.2 are arguing, a loud voice sounded in our heads.

[SHUT IT! all of you sh*theads only need to do one thing, shoot the damn Orcs. Is that so hard to ask!] Sergeant Rina roar. She is now covered with red energy, her hair and eyes also turn red.

[AND YOU NO.4 STOP BEING A F*CKING CRY BABY. ARE YOU A GIRL?] She went berserk, ignoring her injury she hacks the orcs with much more ferocity than before.

With a single swing of her ax, multiple orcs split in half.

[If you want to die so much, don't worry I'll personally kill you when all of this is over] she said glaring at me with her red eyes, turning my whole body cold.

If before she's like a war goddess of heaven, now she's the devil from hell.