
The explosion blew away No.1 although he tried to hold on it was no use, he was too close to the blast.

But as he was about to fall over, a hand grabs him.

"You're not half bad." A voice of a middle-aged man said. No.1 looked back to find a man holding his arm. The man is covered in thick armor, except for a little opening in his helmet showing a little of his face everything about him is hidden.

Despite his heavy armor the man only needed one hand to lift No.1 back to the wall.

"Thank you," No.1 didn't know who the man was but he could feel extreme danger just by looking at him. If he compared the man to the Ombakti before it was like comparing an ant to an elephant.

The man nodded and unsheathed his sword.

No.1 didn't even see the man move, he only saw him unsheathe his sword and every single orc on the top of the wall fell to the ground dead.

The soldiers stood dumbfounded as the orc they're fighting split in two.

The man readied his breath seemingly unaware of what had happened.

Raising his sword he swings it.


Silver energy comes out of the man's sword slicing every orc that is climbing the wall.

'Who is this monster?' No.1 thought seeing everything up close his mind is blown.

The man already killed thousands upon thousands of orcs but he is not done yet, he readies his stance, his sword glows with a blinding silver light.

With a powerful force, he swings it producing a crescent sword beam, it moves forward at lightning speed aiming towards an orc a few kilometers away, the orc is sitting on a throne of bone wearing a crown made with dozens of skulls.

The crescent sword beam dissipates any orcs that stand in its way.

Seeing this powerful attack the orc king didn't even move.

When the beam was about to hit the orc king, the orc in a robe beside it raises its wooden staff nonchalantly.

A blue barrier erected around the orc king.

The sword beam and the blue barrier collide but there is no explosion nor any shockwave, the moment the sword beam touches the blue barrier it faded into nothingness.

"Tsk! This battle is going to be more bloodied than I thought. Well, it's not my problem" The man mumbled.

Although everything happens several kilometers away, No.1 enhanced stats allow him to witness everything. From the crescent sword beam to the blue barrier, he saw it.

He was terrified.

The godlike man beside him, the staff-wielding orc, and the orc king their strength is not something that he can contend against. It doesn't matter what strategy he uses, in front of absolute power everything is useless.

'I need to get boo away from here'

After his sword strike failed the man did not attack anymore.

"You and your squad have done enough for today. Go back and seek medical attention. I'll take Rina with me." The man said looking at No.1

Hearing this, No.1 snap back to his senses.

"May I ask where are you taking her sir?" No. 1 asked

"It's none of your business." The man said, looking a little irritated.

Although the man is covered in armor No.1 noticed it but did not back down, he will not just hand over his boo to some random guy.

"May I know your rank sir so I can properly address you." He said trying to hold his composure.

"You can address me anything you want, I'm not in the army" Hearing his reply No.1 didn't hesitate and aimed his assault rifle at the man.

Seeing No.1's action, the man started to become angry.

"Insolence! stand down or die!" the man holds the hilt of his sword. An immense pressure suddenly pushed No.1 to the ground, pinning him down.

"Ahh!" No.1 with all his willpower ignored the pain in his body and fought through the pressure aiming his gun at the man's head.

Noticing that everything's going out of hand No.4 tries to mediate.

"Stop it! No.1 drop your weapon." He looks at No.1 warning him. Before bowing to the man.

"Sorry sir, I apologize on behalf of my comrade, he must have hit his head a little too hard"

The man ignores No.4 and turns around to walk in sergeant Rina's direction.

'What a bother? If not for a favor, I have no qualms even if every single one of these people dies here.'

Noticing the man's indifferent expression, No.1 knows that this man is bad news. He didn't hesitate anymore. Even if it cost him everything he would not allow him to take away his boo.

But as he was about to pull the trigger, someone came at him from behind.

"Thud!" No.1 falls to the ground unconscious.

"No.10 you're alive?! Where have you been?" No.4 said, noticing the familiar figure.

No.10 looked at No.4 but didn't reply, she then picked up No.1 and carried him in her back.

She casually walked towards No.4 while carrying No.1 as if he was made of cotton.

'No.10 is a beautiful petite woman with black hair and blue eyes. She shouldn't have the ability to carry No.1 who has an enormous build. She must have killed a lot of orcs but how come we didn't notice her.' No.4 thought looking at No.10 figure.

No.10 arrives at No.4 and without saying anything she picks him up too.

"Put me down No.10! I can walk." No.4 said protesting, his face turned red but no matter how much he struggled it was no use. No.10 is a lot stronger than him.

'This is embarrassing,' He thought, resigning to his faith. He closed his eyes pretending to sleep.

Unaware of No.4's feelings, No.10 carries him and No.10 to the medical facilities to get them treated.


Because of the man's action from before the whole battlefront came to a halt. The Orc suffered heavy casualties and retreated to regroup.

Seeing the orc retreat, the soldiers cheered!

"Yes! we did it! we won" The recruit cheered happily, some of them even performed a victory dance. Witnessing the horror that befalls them, no one can blame them if they celebrate.

The experienced soldiers however felt no such happiness, their faces show an unsightly expression. They know that this is only the calm before the storm.

There are more deadly battles ahead.