The Battle Begins

Arthur and Emmanuel arrive at the western battlefront.

The pungent stench of sulfur wrought by exploding gunpowder still dominated the place. With the firing of tens of thousands of guns and hundreds of cannons, the distinct smell of gunpowder rendered the top of the wall a wasteland of rotting eggs.

Being back in this place brings back memories. The image of carnage and destruction comes flooding into Emmanuel's mind.

The hunting death of No.5 and the squashing of his head cut directly to his soul.

He can't help but quiver at the thought of experiencing it again.

Noticing Emmanuel's abnormal behavior, Arthur taps him on the shoulder. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I just can't stand this place, the smell alone makes me want to vomit," Emmanuel said, trying to compose himself.

Arthur retrieves used clothes in his inventory and rips them apart. He then used it as some sort of a bandana to block the smell.

"Stop winning and contact Aleria, she won't return any of my calls. She might still be angry about what happened but we're gonna need her help."

Emmanuel snatches the remaining clothes in Arthur's hand and copies him. "You're one to talk. I already tried contacting her but you know her, she doesn't really talk."

"What's up with that anyway is she mute?" Arthur asked.

"Nah, I already heard her speak before and she actually has a very beautiful voice. She might just be shy." Emmanuel said.

He remembered events from before and can't help but inadvertently smile.

"Hahaha look at you, thinking of something dirty," Arthur teases.

"It's not like that," Emmanuel said with his face red as a tomato, his hand is inadvertently squeezing the air as if trying to hold on to something.

Seeing this Arthur explode into laughter. "Your hands are telling me otherwise. hahaha."

Arthur and Emmanuel continue to joke around until a thundering sound echoes towards Asgard's fortress.

"Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooornnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!" The intensity of the sound is powerful enough to shake the wall.

Emmanuel covered his ear. "What is that? Is that an earthquake?"

He looked at Arthur waiting for an answer but the latter remained unmoving and unresponsive like a statue gazing at the horizon.

"Arthur! Arthur are you alright?" He tries calling out to him but Arthur remains perplexed.

He tries to look around him to find what the hell is going on but notices that Arthur isn't the only one, numerous officers became like statues staring at the distance.

Emmanuel tried following their field of vision but discovered nothing.

'What is beyond that numerous hills that are making the officers so perplexed.' Emmanuel thought, feeling puzzled.

'Wait, why does it seem that the hills are getting bigger?'

He tried focusing his eyes and noticed something shocking. 'Is that a tusk? N- No, this can't be, this is n- not possible?'

As the hills got bigger and bigger their image became clearer for everyone to see.

One word came out of everyone's' mouths. "We're doom."

Despair instantly fills the area as the orc army drew near.

"Arthur, is this real?" Emmanuel asked.

"I'm afraid so," Arthur answered.

Dozens of Mammoths the size of the wall marched forward with thousands of orc riding on its back.

"Aho! Ahooo! Ahoooo!" The orcs war drums hammer throughout the battlefield following the orcs cries for battle.


The Asgards army's morale plummeted. Thousands of soldiers drop down their weapons and deserted.

Millions of soldiers freeze in fear unable to move. The battle hasn't started yet but the Asgard army already loses all hope.

As the thousand-meter mark was breached, vigorous voices filled with fighting spirit echoed throughout the battlefield. "1,000!" 1,000!" "1,000!" 1,000!" "1,000!" 1,000!" "1,000!" 1,000!"

The emotions behind the voices touch the soldiers' souls, waking the ember in their hearts.

'They're still people willing to fight, there's still hope'

"1000!" Emmanuel shouts at the top of his lungs trying to revitalize his spirit.

Thousands upon thousands of cannon lay waste upon the orc army, dwindling their numbers.

"Nice!" The reserved troop celebrates witnessing such destruction.

The veteran troops on the other hand knew better they looked intently at the cloud of smoke waiting for the Orc army to breach another mark.

"Don't celebrate yet!" Arthur shouted at the noobs around him.

Everyone looks at him with contempt. 'Look at this cham trying to act tough'

Noticing this Emmanuel quickly acted. "Noted Captain!"

He saluted Arthur showing respect.

Arthur easily notices Emmanuel's intention and realized his mistake, he forgot to take into account that everyone around him is like Emmanuel, they're greenhorn, new to the battlefield, and will act all stupid if frightened.

Remembering the hardship Emmanuel caused his squad and thinking that every one of these noobs might act the same way gives him the chills.

He straightens his posture and puts his hand behind his back. "Although the orc army looks scary, didn't I Arthur Wardragon easily slaughter a bunch of them before?"

Unsheathing his blade, he raised it and said. "With me here, what is there to fear?"

Emmanuel shook his head looking at Arthur's shamelessness.

He wanted to smack him in the head but decided it was better if he fans the flames instead.

"All hail the Captain! All hail Arthur Wardragon!"

All the soldiers around Arthur and Emmanuel remembered something and cheered. Their spirit revitalized.

With Arthur and Emmanuel being one of the few individuals wearing a military uniform and having been the only one equipped with something like a katana and a shield, looking very cool. Everything looks very believable.

Most of them are present when all of the orcs suddenly fall to the ground dead. Seeing Arthur is equipped with a blade they mistakenly attribute the achievement to him.

"All hail the Captain! All hail Arthur Wardragon!"

Seeing everything when smoothly Arthur is dumbfounded. 'All of them is as stupid as Emmanuel.'

Grasping what he was thinking Emmanuel can't help but smile wryly.

All the veterans see what's happening but only shake their heads at the duo's shamelessness and decide not to burst their bubbles.

All of them know after today's battle most of them will die so what's the harm if someone decided to have some fun before then.