Mission Start

The time of the mission had finally arrived.

Although the sun has yet to come out and the gruesome battle has yet to begin, there are ten individuals gathered outside the wall with their weapon ready.

This ten individual are Arthur and the nine who is task with the suicide mission to eliminate the Orc Archer.

"Now that we are all here, I'll begin with the introduction. I'm Lieutenant Jeffrey Barns and I will be your team leader for this mission. The person beside me is Lieutenant Victor Steel , if anything happens to me he would be the one to resume command, Understand?" Lieutenant Jeffrey said.

"Yes, sir" All the people here already familiar with each other due to the briefing yesterday but Lieutenant Jeffrey is a traditional man and would always start his mission with an introduction for good luck.

"Some of us might not be able to return here alive, I want each and everyone of you to memorize everyone's names and faces so that even if we die we would not be forgotten."

Following what the Lieutenant said everyone looks at each other, trying to commit everyone to memory. It's not clear who started it but everyone started hugging each other, even Emmanuel and Ron had reconciled.

Ron is the burly guy from before who Emmanuel almost blew up. Him, together with his other squad members Ran and Sergeant Jessie started joking happily with Emmanuel and Arthur, clearly showing that they shove their past grievance aside.

"Let's all drink after all of this are over"

After a heartfelt moment, everyone composes themselves and resumes a straight face.

"Alright, check out your Argard Military interface, the mission is already been share to you"

[Special Mission (Active) Kill the Orc Archer]

The Orc Archer had been a thorn to the army side eversince the war had started. It was a proficient archer that could kill its target for miles away. Its kill count had already passed the thousand mark and it was responsible for the majority of the army officers' death. As of now no one had ever seen its face but it was known to be in the top of a distinct tower far away from the wall's cannon fire.

Objective: Sneak into the enemy's territory and kill the Orc Archer.

Task Giver: Asgard 5 Star General (???)

Reward: 100,000 Merit Point

Everyone looks at their Asgard Military Interface, although the reward of 100,000 Merit Points is staggering, even enough for Arthur to directly be promoted to lieutenant of the Army, no one has a smile on their faces, everyone here knows that after all of this is over they might not be alive to spend it.

"Is everybody ready? Let's move out!" Lieutenant Jeffrey said, leading the squad deep in the forest.

It might be the first time for Arthur and Emmanuel exploring the outside of the wall but for the rest of the squad they've been here before. All of them is a veteran that help build the Asgard fortress from ground up and they knew the danger lurking inside this unassuming forest.

"Be careful, there are a lot of monsters in this foress, some even more dangerous than the orc." Lieutenant Jeffrey said, warning Arthur and Emmanuel.

If it was up to him, he would not have allowed Arthur and Emmanuel to be in this mission. In his eyes even if they manage to survive the Orc Archer assault, they are still green horn, if not for the general persistence he would have picked any other veteran to fill their spot.

["Everyone remember where the enemy scouts are, once we hear the horn of the battlefield, we would rush in and swiftly eliminate them"] Lieutenant Jeffrey said, after avoiding another one of the orc scouts, through their journey they already spotted around 13 -14 of these orcs who seemed to have lost their way.

[Yes, sir]

After traveling for miles, Lieutenant Jeffrey finally stops, and jumps over a tree.

[Sarah, is this close enough for you?] He asked.

Sarah also jumps over and survey the area [Yeah, This is perfect.]

[Alright, we will wait here]


Arthur approaches Sarah with Emmanuel in tow, wanting to introduce them when Sarah pushes him aside.

"You two reeks of alcohol" She said, blocking her nose.

"Sorry about that, we got a little bit carried away last night, this is Emmanuel by the way, one of the squad member I mention, you met him in the briefing yesterday"

"I remember" Sarah nodded, seemingly uninterested.

Emmanuel also nodded, seeing that the other party didn't want to talk, he wasn't going to intrude. He goes to another tree and closes his eyes. He wanted to be in his best shape when they started charging through

Seeing the change in Sarah's temperament, Arthur said "Come on now, what happened to the chummy little girl I met that wouldn't stop talking."

Sarah pouted "She is angry, her friend didn't invite her when they were having a drinking party.

Arthur scratch his head 'This kid, we are about to go in a suicide mission and you are still thinking of something so childish'

"Alright, after this is done, we will have another drinking party, okay?


"Here take this is a lollipop as a token of my apology" Arthur said handling Sarah a lollipop.

"Yeaaahheeyy" Sarah munch over the lollipop like a little girl

Seeing this Arthur can't help but caress her hair.

"Sarah, Sergeant Lucy asks if you need help setting up" A woman with curly hair walkover.

"Damn" Seeing this woman, Arthur cannon helped but exclaimed.

The woman has a nice figure and a beautiful face although she is not as beautiful as his wife, she has a nicer figure, her darker skin color also adds flavor to her natural sexinest.

Arthur's perverted side can't help but take over, seeing this disgusting display Sarah push him out of the tree. "Pervert"

"I'm done here Sister Vanya" Sarah said with a smile.

"That's good, just remember you have to run away as soon as possible when you see an enemy approaches, alright? and don't be a hero. Me and your Sister Lucy would not be here to protect you"

"I know sister, you be careful too" Sarah said giving Vanya a hug.

"By the way, when did you get close to Sergeant Arthur? Is he okay?"

"He would be fine. It serves him right being so perverted in front of my sister" Sarah said with a pout.

At this moment Arthur's voice sounded in Sarah's head [Why did you do that for? I was only looking, I would not do anything]

[Sister Vanya and Sister Lucy is off limit] Vanya said angrily

[Alright, alright, I'll be leaving now, be careful]

Everyone has been brief of their role. Sarah would be incharge of providing long range support and would not be joining the charge.

Sergeant Jessie and his team would be incharge of protecting Sergeant Lucy and Corporal Vanya, while the latter would take care of support and escape.

Arthur and the rest would be incharge of assaulting the orc and killing the orc archer.

The time passed smoothly and not long after everyone could hear the horn of the battlefield rang across the forest, although they where miles apart, no one would mistaken that sound. The defeaning sound of death.

Everyone takes deep breaths.

The time had finally arrived for the mission to officially start.