Barktus Trial 3

"Fuck you!"

As Barktus drop the F word the room erupted with chatter and curses.

"You disrespectful abomination"

"Kill him"

"You dare insult the king"

"F*king half breed"

"Cut off his head"

"Smash him to pieces"

The great elder almost exploded trying to contain his anger.

He looked at Bartus maintaining a straight face 'Enjoy it as much as you can, after this trial is over you are dead.' He thought, comforting himself.

Barktus surveyed everyone's reaction but when his eyes met the orc king he stopped.

He paused for a second and smiled."That's all your majesty"

He didn't just pull such a disrespectful act just to irritate the elders or act cool. He did it to test the orc king. Although he knows that the latter might not do anything to harm him, it doesn't mean he would protect him.

'This punk' The orc king grumble to himself, he would be stupid not to know what the other party is thinking.

Seeing Barktus, the orc king can't help but reminisce about the time he spent with his big brother Mongul. Others might have known his big brother as the undefeated warrior who bested a dragon but he knew more than that.

He knew that the scariest thing about Mongul is not his strength but his mind.

He once watched the other party trample a dwarf kingdom with nothing but a handful of soldiers and a couple of drinks.

The orc king raised his arm, quenching the noises in the room. He then looks at Barktus and closes his eyes, showing he has no interest in processing the issue further.

Seeing the orc king's passive attitude the elders were angry and wanted to file a complaint when suddenly the great shaman's mana once again erupted, shutting everyone's mouth.

"Proceed," He said with a twisted expression.

The great elder swallowed a mouthful of saliva and tried to compose himself.

"This arrow is found in one of Wolvez's subordinates' body. We have reason to believe that Bartus maliciously plotted and killed Wolvez, one his fellow war scions." The great elder pauses for dramatic effect and smiles at Barktus.

"This is one of your strengthen arrows, am I right?" He said tossing the arrow to Barktus.

Barktus pick up the Arrow and examine it "Ahmmm, this was indeed one of mine and I did kill one of Wolvez lackey," He said without a hint of guilt

"Aha!, so you're admitting guilt " One of the elders exclaimed.

"Yeah, so what? He is the dumb one that decided to shield my target with his body. How is that became my fault? If you ask me I should be awarded instead, I just executed a traitor" Barktus smirk.

"Traitor? you just kill one of your fellow war scions and you accuse others of being a traitor, you must take us a fool"

Bartus stared at the elder like he was looking at an idiot. "I never said I killed Wolvez if you accusing me of something at least get your fact straight. That idiot got done in by one of the humans, not me."

"He was a disgrace among us orcs and I was ashamed to be ranked the same as him. His whole family should be killed as punishment for the humiliation he caused"

Hearing Bartus, one of the elders exploded in anger. "Oh great, so you want us to just trust your word for it, someone who can't even be classified as an orc."

"Go die you f*cking half breed" The elder stood in his seat and charged toward Barktus.

This particular elder is Wolvez's grandfather and Barktus just suggested that he execute his entire family. It's no wonder he was pissed.

Barktus ignores the charging elder and shakes his head.

"No no no not my world but his," He said pointing at the great shaman.

With his skill Mana endearment (Passive) Barktus was extremely sensitive to mana. He knew long ago that the great shaman has a habit of stretching his mana to watch everything.

Hearing Barktus the king look at the great Shaman.

"Sigh" The great shaman took a deep sigh and nodded.

He then forms his mana as a hand and grabs the charging elder.

"Your order, your majesty?" He asked.

The king put his hand in his chin and thought for a second " Inform the Dire clan and execute his entire family" He said nonchalantly

"As you command" The great shaman bows

Following the king's order, the mana made of hand started squeezing the elder until he was nothing but a pile of blood.


The surviving elders shook as they looked at Barkus 'What happened? Isn't he the one supposed to die'"

Barktus smile, being a war scion is not just all-pro, it was also filled with a lot of cons. Being someone that is only lower to the king, they represent not just themselves every time they go to battle but all the orcs.

A war scion can never lose. When they lose two things will happen, If it was to their fellow brethren the punishment is light as they will only be replaced but If they lose to another race it was not just their life that would be forfeit but so as their entire family.

To be war scion is a privilege as well as a curse.

'You think you're clever. Just you wait I burn that smile in your face until you're nothing but dust" The great shaman thought to himself, other than impure breeds the other thing he hates the most is being used.

"Is that it? If you excuse me, your majesty, I have to get back to my master,' Bartus said, turning away.

"Stop!" The great shaman said, freezing Bartkus's feet.

"What's the meaning of this?" Barktus roared, He stared at the king trying to ask for assistance but the latter remained unmoving.

"We will proceed, great elder," The great shaman said ignoring Barktus' resenting glare

"Yes great shaman, In addition to killing one of Wolvez subordinate, it was also found that Barktus massacre an entire fleet of our brethren"

"hahaha, And how is it my fault that they are weak? I was targeting prey and they didn't get out of my way. We are at war, not some playdate, casualty is unavoidable " Bartus said laughing

"Yeah you're right it was their fault for being weak," The great elder said.

"That's what I'm saying, so can I go n-"

"And it was also their fault that they targeted someone that the great Barktus is protecting right?"

Hearing the great elder's word, Barktus suddenly became motionless.