Barktus Trial Final

Barktus circulates the mana in his body to maintain his cool. "Your majesty is not that I didn't want to kill her but because I can't."

"You're telling me you can't kill a half-dead human girl. Do you take me for a fool!" The orc king taps the handle of his chair, completely obliterating it. His killing intent overflowed changing the atmosphere to the eerie air of the battlefield.

Everyone's vision turns red as they are overwhelmed by the feeling of blood and madness.

Barktus tries to maintain his sanity, overworking his mana to combat the kings' aura.

Gritting his teeth he held the arrow in his hand tightly and stabbed himself.

"Ah!" The pain from the wounds managed to stop himself from going crazy.

Eventually, the orc king once again suppressed his aura.

"Ha, ha, ha," Everyone breathes heavily trying to catch their breath. If the orc king continued releasing his aura everyone in the room would have gone crazy and killed each other.

"Tsk '' the orc king clicked his tongue, he was hoping for at least two elder to succumb to madness so that he would have a legitimate reason to postpone the trial but the great shaman interfered and cast a calming spell on the elders.

The great shaman looked at the orc king giving him a meaningful look.

'You egotistic bastard' Barktus might not have a good view about the shaman system but more so the orc king. He didn't just hate it, he despises it.

Shamans are entitled bastards who poison the orcs' mind to worship a monster who only views them as food. If not for their covenant with Demon King he would have already slain that snake even if it means destroying their whole kingdom.

The great elder stood in his seat and offered it to the king. He looked at Barktus and smiled. 'What Now?'

"Your majesty although I indeed have great control over my mana, it doesn't mean I have an unlimited supply of it," Bartkus said calmly but in his mind, he was already playing the scenario of his escape.

"Before facing the woman from before I have fought two more men both with similar strength. One of those men is even responsible for Wolvez's demise. The great shaman must have forgotten to show it."

"Preposterous! Do you think humans with similar strength as the war scion grow on trees? Stop making stuff up and accept your punishment!" The great elder roar.

"Accept your punishment your traitorous bastard"

"Kill the traitor"

"Kill him"

The elders shout voicing their opinion.

"Quiet," The king said, silencing the room.

He looked at the Great shaman "Is that true?"

Instead of answering, the great shaman waved his wooden staff and cast the spell again.

The mana in the room once again gathered in his staff and projected a giant screen but unlike before the screen shows nothing black.

"What happened?" The orc king asked.

"There seems to be some kind of interference, my mana wasn't able to record anything before that human girl," The great shaman said faking innocence.

"Bullshit!" Barktus roar, his mana erupted in his body.

"Stand down," The orc king said glaring at Barktus.

"Your majesty it seems that there is no proof to prove Barktus' claim." The great elder said with a smile.

The orc king entered into deep thought.

Barktus is a frontrunner to be the next king. The orc king could see that the great shaman and the elders don't want that to happen and would do anything to prevent it.

They want him dead and he can't let that happen but he can't let him get out of here unscarred either. The orc king is in a dilemma.

The great shaman can see a conflict in the orc king's eyes and decides to push him further. "Your majesty Barktus is a traitor. You have to make your judgment now or we might think you're taking favorites"

Hearing the great shaman the orc king frown. 'These bastards dare to threaten him'

He was having urges to just kill everyone in the room but decided to refrain from taking action. He was now a king and should prioritize the kingdom, not his emotion. To avoid a revolt he has to tolerate this bunch of garbage.

"Seal his mana and destroy his Ballista," He ordered.

The only reason Barktus can overwhelm the other war scions is because of his amazing control of mana, taking it away from him is the same as crippling him. He would be even weaker than a normal Ombakti.

Barktus couldn't let that happen, he held the arrow tightly in his hand and was about to make a move when the orc king's voice sounded in his mind.

[Don't do it kid] Barktus is surprised the native of this world are not entitled to the same privilege as Emmanuel who came from a different dimension. This is the first time Barktus has experienced something like this.

He looked at the orc king seeing that he has no intent to harm him; he let go of the arrow and prepared to accept his punishment.

"But your majesty" The great elder protested.

"Don't push your luck" The orc king said, focusing his killing intent on the great elder.

The great elder knees felt weak and he fell to the ground gasping for breath. Seeing that he was about to die the great shaman interjected.

"Hump!" The king harumphs and stood to his sit.

"Don't think I don't know what you are all up to." The orc king glared at the great shaman "Hurry it up so I can go"

"Yes, your majesty" The great shaman bow.

Although they didn't manage to kill Barktus their goal is more or less accomplished. Now that he is cripple there is no way he would be able to succeed to the throne.

The great shaman brings out a parcel made of snakeskin and places it into the Barktus' back.

The parcel dissolves and changes into a snake tattoo embedding itself into Bartkus.

"Ahhh" Barktus screams in pain.

What the great shaman just used is not just any sealing magic but a magic spell created by their God Python even Mongul would not be able to dispel it.

The great shaman smirks as he looks at the king.

Seeing this the orc king grunt and proceed to walk away.