Foreign Affairs

1989 August

Creation: Capricorn V

Species: Library System

Level: 8

Capable of mind defence, complex thought and processing 16800 words per hour. New Skill: Illegimency (Active)

Creation: Aquarius IV

Species: Inventory System

Level: 18

Capable of storing 29 objects. Summoning cost decrease tripled.

Creation: Pisces III

Species: Healing System

Level: 13

Magic focus increased x2 Dexterity increased x2 Precision increased x2

It had been a year since the events in Romania, and despite Azrael's death, the world seemed content to keep moving. The Apuseni coven had been shocked, to say the least when she'd returned with the scent of the blood of their enemies clinging to her form. The fear had been instinctive and expected, but Rienne was, fortunately, level headed enough to realise that the witch meant them no harm. The woman herself had lost many and knew grief could make or break a person. She was somewhat relieved Alana appeared to not have suffered the latter.

Marius had accepted exile as his punishment with a disarmingly pleased smile. It was lenience extended due to his role in ending the coven and one he was most grateful for. He had little attachment to his former coven despite having spent a significant number of his years with them. It had been some years since he had travelled alone, however, and he was anxious at the prospect. The coven had sorted the properties of those fallen easily and had even gone so far as to offer Alana one of their estates in the mountain ranges. Alana had accepted it graciously, mostly because she had no way to carry the large volume of books and odd magical items she had recently acquired back to London. She had quite openly gaped when they'd shown her the collection before her features rearranged themselves into a rather hungry look.

Returning home had been an arduous affair. She'd had to sneak across the border into Bulgaria and purchase a ludicrously priced international portkey along with a bottomless bag that emptied the better half of what travel funds she had placed in Aquarius. She had cried genuine tears at the loss of the money and gained some concerned looks from the shopkeeper. Still, she had returned to Romania to find out that bottomless bags were not quite so bottomless and were only able to take two-thirds of her treasure trove. Marius had also tagged along after some thought. With the coven's promised silence on the specifics regarding the identity of both Marius and Alana, they had returned to Britain peacefully. Unknown to her, the Apuseni toasted to the absence of their frightening ally that night.

Alana had not expected the onslaught of emotion entering her home would invoke. Marius seemed to have expected it and waited for her to compose herself. It had taken some time. The wards had needed renewing with the Azrael dead, and Marius had offered to do the job. Azrael had never closed the wards to him, and they were crafted with a vampire in mind, so she had conceded to his control, if reluctantly. He moved into the third room in the house with a boyish grin and explanation that it was his old one. His presence was a surprisingly welcome addition to what would have been eery silence without Azrael. They fell into a familiar routine soon enough.

"I'm surprised you're not blind from reading so much." It was a shame that, along with familiarity, came less endearing traits. She gave the teen vampire a glare.

"I'm surprised you haven't had sex with the piano with how you stare at it," She retorted. Marius had been giving the instrument doe eyes for the past month but hadn't worked up the courage to ask her if he could play it. It had belonged to Azrael.

"An instrument is meant to be used." Alana spared the poor man's feelings and put down the diary to finish her breakfast. A few minutes later, she was heading to Harley's in Knockturn. She was understandably surprised to find the establishment bustling with patrons.

"Oi Sparrow! Took your time coming in didn' you?" A familiar Scottish voice boomed across the room. A few of the more skittish folks quieted while the regulars gave her curious glances. She arched an eyebrow in question regretting having decided to go for polyjuice that morning rather than a cloak. Raymond's uncanny ability to recognise people meant she couldn't use this face again. Such a shame too. She'd have to try legilimency on another muggle and grab a few hairs some time. How annoying.

"I'll come in when I damn want to, Raymond, and not a second sooner." She informed the male not really wanting to admit to having no idea what was going on.

"At least you're here now. I don't suppose you've dealt with vampires before, love? There is an Italian hoping to start up a new coven, and he decided to set up a meet and greet. Rather hard to do a background check on those types, so I have nothing on them." Lilith, bless her two-faced soul, came to Alana's rescue. She sighed and gave Willow a signal for the barmaid to get her a drink. It was too early for this shit. She took a seat and pondered the situation.

"If they have Italy's support, it's best to sit back and play it by hand. If whoever comes has the support of the triumvirate we'd best back off. I've no desire to see the Italian, Spanish and French covens glaring at us from the border." She hummed thoughtfully while Lilith, Raymond, the newly arrived Greyson and a few other rogues were giving her sharp looks.

"I take it you had a run-in with them when you were overseas?" Lilith asked with dangerously curious eyes. Alana sweatdropped at the woman's puppy-like expression. The woman would totally sell this information.

"Another group, actually. They weren't related, but I've got the general gist of the social structure."

Lilith pouted, "How dull. Did you at least slit a few throats?"

"You know they can smell if you've murdered, right? And if it's a vampire from their coven? I don't have a death wish. But that's beside the point. Did you get a time for when they're coming? Merlin forbid the ministry catch their asses in Knockturn."

Raymond growled at the thought. "I don' have time to deal with their damn raids." There was a series of nods of agreement at the proclamation.

"Tonight, after sunset." Trust Lilith to know.

The activity in Harley's died down as midday approached before increasing towards sunset. The occupants were growing restless while Alana had chosen to read for the entirety of the day and taken a corner table. She had left to change to a cloak before the polyjuice wore off but returned swiftly to provide some source of comfort to her small community. Pfft. Her providing comfort. If comfort took the form of knowing someone was there to brutally murder your enemies, who was she to judge? She was pretty sure everyone in Knockturn knew what was going on by the day's end. The sun fell around 8:40 pm, and the tavern grew silent except for the loud sound of flipping pages. Flip. Silence. Slip. Silence. Several minutes later…

"Morgana's Tits, Sparrow! Can't you see we're trying to be nervous as fuck over here!" It was Greyson who yelled the profanity as the door opened.

"Have I, perhaps, interrupted something?" The cool voice held a distinctive Italian accent. Alana observed locks of curly brown hair, sharp features, a slim figure and red eyes unabashedly shown for all to see. She really hoped her new earrings were strong enough to mask a whole coven's murder, though Marius had assured her they were.

"Nothing of concern," It was Lilith who answered with blue eyes twinkling beneath a fringe of blond hair. Alana mentally cheered the woman on. '2,4,6,8! Who do we appreciate! Not the queen, not the king, only Lilith Bathery!'

"That is a relief." The vampire smiled. He actually seemed rather… pleasant for a vampire. Alana wondered if it was just the Romanians who had a stick up their arses. It was worth investigating. Lilith rose to greet the vampire properly and then Raymond followed by Greyson. Alana moved across the room silently to follow suit. Unfortunately, she forgot she was wearing her quiet clothes and the man jumped a good two feet up into the air when he noticed her. She coughed in embarrassment as her fellows gave her glares.

"Apologies. I forgot I was wearing my quiet clothes today." The vampire, as well as the two accompanying him, gave her a disbelieving look. Lilith was quick to guide them to the backroom set for the occasion.

The discussions were lengthy, but Alana listened with forced attentiveness. The man's name was Otavio Russo, and the triumvirate had selected him as their representative. They hadn't convened with the ministry as it had no laws surrounding vampire coven establishment except feeding regulation, so he thought it unnecessary. Alana had almost snorted at that. 'No laws yet… just a few decades worth of ingrained distrust towards all magical creatures.'

Otavio seemed to be the decent sort from what she'd seen. A pacifist for sure and one interested in establishing closer relations with the other creatures residing in Britain. She wondered if the man realised his eagerness would be seen as naivete amongst the creatures and an act of rebellion by the ministry. Nevertheless, if he wanted creatures, he had come to the right place. Knockturn Alley was the social hub of the destitute and marginalised as well as those purebloods with more flexible views towards other races. Raymond himself was a werewolf and Lilith half-veela. The matter of his coven was settled with little trouble much to Greyson's visible relief. Feeding boundaries were to be set well away from central London, and each took turns pointing out possible areas to set up their coven headquarters.


"Here would be better."

"Are you an idiot? This area is clearly safer."

Otavio seemed to take the bickering in stride.

"There are several twitchy aristocrats in the first suggestion and the second is too far from a food source," Alana cut in. Unfortunately, you couldn't win every battle, and Otavio kept casting her strange glances whenever she gave input. Eventually, she decided she ought to leave and get a drink.

"The constant glances are getting creepy, so I think I'm going to get a drink." There was pin-drop silence after she called him out. She rolled her eyes. Dear merlin. Everyone in the room was unnaturally aware of each other's movements. They really ought to grow a spine. If the vampire wasn't offended by their bickering, she really doubted he'd be affected by her statement.

"Are you old enough for that?"

Silence. 'Death almighty, please give me strength.'

"I've killed men and women who'd put up a better fight than you," She took a deep breath, "I think I'm good."

"Really? My apologies if I offended you in any way. It's just that I've heard of your reputation and was somewhat surprised at your appearance."

"I'm twelve. It's understandable." Oops. The sound of Lilith squealing in the background had her ducking behind the male vampire with no shame.

"I knew it! Hahaha! Dwarf my ass! Come on, Greyson, hand over your damn money!" Raymond's holler had her wincing in distaste, but she had bigger issues. Lilith was currently trying to grab hold of her and making cooing noises.

"Oh, who knew our little Sparrow was still a fledgeling. You have to call me aunt Lilith now, sweetie." Lilith cooed. Alana thought she could taste her lunch in the back of her throat.

"Keep your crazy away from me, woman!" She hissed. "Insane! The lot of you!"

Otavio seemed unable to keep up with the situation and was still processing the girl's age when he had an epiphany.

"Why are you not in Hogwarts if you are a witch?"

The words were greeted by silence, and everyone turned to the vampire as if they had seen the light. It was a good question. Had Raoul known as well? They turned to ask the subject of there thoughts but found her to have vanished.

Alana grumbled as she dragged the drink to her lips and Willow cast her a worried look.

"I'm fine, love. Just stupid," She assured the woman. She would forever remember this day as a lesson to never let her tongue loose. She sighed, knowing she'd have to clean the entire mess up herself and without Raoul this time. The thought gave her a headache. It took barely twenty minutes for the discussion to end and the backroom to be emptied. The few who'd remained at the tavern wondered how the presence of vampires would affect their own trades. The beeline for her table seemed to include all three of the vampires, much to her chagrin. She cast a silencing ward around her corner silently only to receive suspicious looks at her wand.

"I didn't rob it off a dead person if that's what you're thinking. I went to Gregorovitch." She said accusingly. They each took a seat. She cringed as Lilith sat to her right. 'What have I ever done to anger you, Fate?'

"So… No Hogwarts for you then?" Greyson seemed to be taking things well, probably due to knowing her the longest. She nodded curtly.

"Just so we are clear, Aunt Lilith," She started and the woman beamed at her. "If you so much as think of letting another soul know about this, I will hunt down those dearest to you before I tear you to pieces." Her words were said sweetly, but the threat was clear.

"I'm perfectly aware of who you are, Sparrow." Lilith was visibly unaffected by the threat and smiled angelically.

"I've no interest in entering a magical institution as rife with prejudices as Hogwarts. Experience will always be my favourite teacher, and I am reluctant to part with it." Alana tilted her head at the group. Would they keep their silence? Probably not.

She summoned Aquarius, much to their alarm, and allowed the creature to rub itself against her hand. She rarely did such feats in front of others without killing them after, but it was easier this way. The slime felt her orders and quickly generated the materials she wanted. Thankfully, they were ones she usually had on hand.

"I try to avoid such things, but it can't be helped in this case. I don't suppose you'd be willing to sign a contract on the matter of my age?" The silky formality of the words tinged with a french accent was unintentionally reminiscent of Azrael's own speech, and Otavio stiffened at it. It was a style of speech frequently used by older vampires. There were uneasy nods as the others felt the switch. It was easily perceived as a threat to their livelihood as well as their good relations with the child. Sparrow was the pride of the tavern, and they knew it would be difficult to run things without her frequent, calming presence. Alana felt nothing but relief as she wrote the contract with elaborate strokes. She would have to make it in blood considering the vampires signing. This meant an older form of magical contract with a more lethal backlash. She had seen a few in Azrael's library, and her memories would not fail her. Perhaps that was her second mistake of the evening.

Otavio saw the contract, and he knew it for what it was. Sure proof the young girl had ties to a vampire. An old one. More than that, he knew of only one who resided in Britain before his moving. He said nothing of his thoughts, and his company of two obeyed the silent order. He would deal with this when there were less pesky ears to hear.

Alana couldn't quite say how or when she knew Otavio suspected her. It was an itch in the back of her mind that ordered her to pay closer attention. The contract was signed with no problem, and she gave the group a grin that was felt more than it was seen.

"Well, if that's all I think I'll be heading home. It's past my bedtime." Her usual enthusiasm returned tenfold. The group collectively deadpanned at her shift in mood.

"Sweet dreams, little Sparrow."

"Night, brat."

The vampires caught up to her just as she entered London. She considered her options.

a. Stop being a wuss and face her problems like a witch or

b. Run and don't look back

Such a difficult decision. Looks like the cards are all out. Secrets were, more often than not, not worth the struggle of keeping. She dearly hoped she didn't go down in flames holding onto hers.

"I don't like being followed at night. It gives me the creeps," She called out and was slightly pleased when footfalls sounded behind her. An escort was infinitely better than stalkers. Marius was going to kill her when he saw her entourage.

Fortunately, her guess was wrong, Marius didn't immediately impale her. In fact, he didn't really do anything other than stare. She whacked him on the head before telling him to let them pass the wards in scolding Romanian. He finally moved. Everyone was going insane today apparently. The three vampires entered with minimal staring at the residence. It was with exhaustion that Alana flopped onto what had been Azrael's favourite armchair with Otavio taking the other.

"I'd offer you tea, but you don't drink, and we ran out of alcohol yesterday," She lied through her teeth. It was hard enough conserving the vintage Azrael had without dishing it out to every vampire to enter the front door.

"That's not necessary. May I ask who the original owner of this residence is?"

"If you want to ask then you already know. If you needed to ask, I wouldn't speak a word." Alana's gaze was flat.

"Vincent de Azrael. My sire and that girl's bonded," Marius ruined the moment.

"Thank you, Marius, I really want more reminders of my dearly beloved's departure," She commented dryly.

"You're welcome." The cheeky brat.

"It's true then. We heard the news from Romania, but we weren't able to find any leads on his bonded." Alana growled softly in remembrance. The Apuseni had not hidden the involvement of an outsider in the massacre, only her identity. Now, that effort had gone to waste.

"I'm well aware of that. The Apuseni coven was kind enough to honour my wishes on the matter." She would have to tread carefully from here on out.

"They hid information regarding a member of our coven," he protested.

"Azrael forfeited his membership when he left to get some peace. You'd deny his bonded the privacy to grieve?" Marius cut in with surprising tact. Octavio looked sufficiently chastised.

"You killed an entire coven, and yet you carry no scent," One of his companions decided to push from a different angle. Alana winced at the memory of the last time she had removed her earrings.

"It's common knowledge that such things can be masked."

"That much is impossible."

"You'd be surprised."

"You understand that if you were lying about killing the coven, Marius would be implicated." The words had her turning to the third male softly. Whatever good humour she had vanished at the threat. For a vampire to kill their own coven was unheard of. It was why she had kept him at the borders of the wards while she worked. Those he threw bags at were technically killed by another living creature, a plant, so he was in the clear. She seethed at the vampire's gall to threaten one of her own.

"You think I would let you touch him?" Her vision was black with anger as she restrained her aura. At this rate, she would break the earrings with sheer will power.

"We meant nothing of the sort," Octavio was quick to rescue his henchman from the witch. "We only wish to be able to report the truth and nothing but the truth."

The girl gritted her teeth. She doubted that they would leave her in peace if she didn't satisfy them and with their move to Britain… At the very least, they didn't know her name or her face as she'd yet to change clothes. Small mercies she supposed. Small fingers reached for the earrings and fiddled with the clasps. Marius moved closer to her to provide some comfort. He had an inkling that the reactions to her aura made her uncomfortable. Once released, her aura poured out thickly into the room.

Otavio had smelt many auras in his life and, to be perfectly honest, this one was not half as bad as some he had seen. What truly made him feel sick to his stomach? He could not say. Perhaps, it was her age. Not yet past her twelfth summer and she was already cloaked in blood with the frayed ends of a bond. Whatever it was, it caused cold darkness to settle at the back of his mind. The feeling was a black hole that pulled the light from the world. He marvelled at how the younger Marius could willingly stand so close. Just as quickly as it came, it was gone. Somehow those small earrings managed to mask the entirety of her aura from his senses.

"Was that sufficient evidence?" The question was stiff with discomfort, and Otavio quickly nodded in reply. How had Azrael found a witch willing to go to such lengths for him and his sired child? The demonstration of loyalty seemed obscene to him. But it was not in his prerogative to ask. He left quickly with the promise of no future questions on the events which happened in Romania. He would ensure she remained unbothered, though the triumvirate was unlikely to investigate the matter further.

Alana closed the door with exhaustion weighing heavily on her mind. Forget a drink, she needed sleep and lots of it.