"We ask ourselves what the world has become for people only think about themselves and nothing of others. But do you know what happens to people who think about others first? Most die, most are beaten to the ground with no fortitude to stand."

"The few with the courage to pose would damn the fault of their downfall, hence they affix the world in it's selfishness. As the earth rotates, the world is moving, moving to perfection. So maybe in a few years from now humans will become robots striving for survival. No ardor, no thrill, no conscience. Possibly, soon the world would be set aflame. The gasoline greed, it's lighter blindness."

"But, if there be a miracle, maybe we would finally realise that we cannot truly be independent and others vital. Imagine a world where you are the only survival, won't death have been a better Grace? The miracle is love."

"Religion only cannot keep the peace. Love is what we need. God is love and love is God. Literally and spiritually. Love your neighbor, love everyone. Preach love be love." He looked up and closed the notebook. His interpretations of the gospel called in sinners yet it couldn't call him in.

He worshipped himself on the altar of God for he was the god of love.

He had no remorse on his Face during his sermon and his actions when he broke the bread and blessed the wine showed no attrition_ When he fed the unknowing congregation with his sinful hands he did it without shame.

He acted as though he did not invade my core before mass. As though his acts of sin were actually acts of righteousness. As if God himself had approved of his actions.

It scared me how someone could be so_so_ I do not know the word to use.

After mass I was scolded by my choir mistress for not taking the body of Christ but I rather be labelled a sinner than to be hypocrite.

And then it occurred to me that I have been lying to myself. I wanted him, the whole of him.