As the locker opened the restlessness that had been plaguing Ian vanished as Sam began reciting the list of pulse rifles, coherent beam breaching devices and some heavier artillery that Ian knew he'd eventually want to try. After clearing it with Sam he checked out a pistol and holster as well as a pulse rifle, two spare energy cells and a weird shoulder harness for the rifle that he couldn't quite figure out at the moment.
Ian took a moment to secure the pistol holster and his sidearm. He had to have Sam guide him through how the rifle harness worked a couple of times before he got the hang of it, but once he did it felt so natural he nearly forgot about it.
The training deck turned out to be a subtle combination of real-time holographic projection and matter replication. Although the scenery appeared realistic the AI Avatar appeared very primitive by comparison.
After an hour of weapons familiarisation and marksmanship practise on a range that seamlessly morphed from a close range pistol facility to a rifle range. Sam declared Ian proficient and was willing to allow him to attempt to qualify for combat proficiency status.
Ian replaced the energy cell powering his sidearm, and checked on the rifle which was still at 3/4 charge. The range was replaced by a room with four doors, one in the middle of each wall. As well as four separate benches containing a series of general utility items such as rope and the like.
Sam's voice announced, "Each door leads to a individual combat scenario set in a unique location. Each location has been tailored to conform with your current equipment and life support capabilities. To qualify proficient you must successfully identify the requirements of each scenario and then complete them without suffering a simulated fatal wound. Each scenario will be followed by a five to thirty minute break during which you may recuperate within this room and replace or remove any item contained within, though such items are not necessarily needed to complete the scenarios. You may also repeat any scenario should you fail. However no two scenario's are exactly the same. You may begin when ready....."
Several hours later, an exhausted Ian emerged from the training room, barely able to walk straight, yet he maintained a fierce grip on his weapons and a ridiculously large grin on his face. Although he had not qualified combat proficient this time, he had rushed through alien jungles, unknown moons while pushing his untrained self to the limit. He had managed to clear one scenario after several attempts to Sam's utter disbelief considering Ian's utter lack of any formal military training.
He removed both weapons power cells and then began the customary clearing procedures before checking the weapons and their holsters back into the small arms lockers. He turned to go when he suddenly remembered Sam telling him about Melee weapons in the final remaining weapons locker. In one of the scenario's the lack of a knife had stopped him from completing a key task and he wanted to see how two radically different cultures had approached the business of slicing and dicing the enemy.
When the large locker opened, it struck Ian straight away that this wasn't just about blades. All sorts of powered stun batons and what looked like a force-lance out of Andromeda, which made sense. The ranged weapons represented represented lethal force while this locker contained a whole range of non-lethal options. Ian was about to close the locker when the image of it jumped into focus with startling implications. An entire rack of what looked like Japanese Katana's sat there defiant of history with their very existence.
Ian ran his hands over the hilts of these weapons. The label read "Breaker Blade" and what astounded Ian was that each seemed to possess it's own unique design, shape and size. He picked up one that reminded him of Zatoichi, the blind swordsman. No guard adorned the hilt of this blood red coloured sword, this was a purely aggressive weapon. He eased the sword out of its sheathe a little and was almost disappointed to find the blade wasn't folded steel. But rather some strange onyx coloured metal.
He re-sheathed it and put it back in the rack as he was about to call Matt down here, he would go nuts when he saw this. Yet another sword caught his eye and Ian reverently removed it from the rack. It was coloured blue and it glowed faintly in the artificial light and for some reason it felt more natural then the last one. As if the balance of the last sword had been slightly off. This sword was just over a metre long and had the traditional curve in the middle.
Even though he was utterly exhausted he couldn't help himself as he smoothly drew the weapon. His hand settling on the hilt, which was about twenty centimetres long. His thumb fit under the guard that was made up of two sinuating serpents, built out of two different metals. The sword felt as if it had been made just for him and a sense of rightness flowed through him as he struck a pose and then seamlessly returned the sword to it's sheathe.
Ian's hand settled about his waist as he thought, enough play time. Time to hit the showers and then get some rack time before Matt goes ballistic about me wasting precious repair time. With a feeling of remorse he began to put the weapon back when the sheathe started to glow. With a startled curse Ian's hand released the sword but it seemed stuck to his palm. Ian started dumbly at the weapon for a few seconds before the glow reached it's maximum intensity as the pain crashed through him like a wave as he collapsed to the deck.
For Ian the pain was exquisite and utter agony, as he felt like he was in a sea made up of razor blades which did nothing but slash, hack and stab at his brain. This sensation slowly faded and was replaced by what felt like something trying to rip it's way into his brain. When the padded faded a couple of minutes later, Ian was lying on the deck drenched in sweat with the sword pulsing contentedly in his hand.
He shook his head determinedly to clear the stars that seemed to be dancing across his eyes, as his vision cleared he looked at his hand to see a series of blue symbols dancing and cavorting about his skin. With another oath he dropped the sword and backed away as far as he could hoping that severing contact with stop the interplay going on, on his hand.
The symbols slowly spread from his hand, covering him in a series of dancing unintelligible symbols. Ian was beginning to reach fever pitch panic when they appeared to sink into his skin, which he really didn't know how he felt about that. At least he didn't look like he'd lost a fight with a glowing tattoo gun. Ian stood up unsteadily, feeling better and growing stronger second by second as he stood up and moved around. His strength came back to him in no time and just as he was wondering what he was going to do about putting the sword away cause there was no way he was going to touch it again if it caused that much pain for an unauthorised user as he heard an unknown voice.
"Hello Ian, you have no idea how good it is to finally meet you."