Chapter 1315 The Matriarch and Yoruichi part 1

Yoruichi didn't explain much to Kuroka and went towards the director's office where Sona, Medusa, and Riveria were neck-deep in the paperwork and data analysis jobs, "Yo, what's all of this?"

The three of them simultaneously looked at her entrance and Sona, the one in the middle beckoned her to come in.

As soon as the door behind Yoruichi closed, Sona sighed while the other two silently returned to their work, "We might have picked up the traces of the Sky Prime Ruler, Rugatimu."

"Rugatimu... Regalzeva's second in command?" Yoruichi muttered while rubbing her chin, "The situation isn't ideal, but we already expected this. He might be on Super Devil or even above level but their goal is occupation and not destruction. After entering the barrier, he'll probably lay low for a while."

Sona clenched her fists, "It's fine if it's only that..."

Yoruichi instantly frowned seeing her reaction, "What's wrong?"

"We're still not sure if it's indeed his traces that we found but the problem isn't the traces itself... It's where we found them. The Dungeon World."

Yoruichi's eyes went wide open in shock and she slowly approached Sona, "Are you serious?"

"...I already sent Akeno, Irina, Le Fay, and Rossweisse to investigate."

Yoruichi took a deep breath and slowly let it out. She wanted to go too because if this is real, this means that another pathway was created to the Dungeon World and important assets that they moved to that world became open to risks. Furthermore, the world they thought could serve as their safe haven suddenly became part of the frontlines.

The problem doesn't just end there as this would also mean that the Evies have the ability to compromise all the subspaces or pocketworld that's within the Dimensional Gap without using the Earth as the bridge. Whether the factions like it or not, secret and secure enemy channels could be built without their knowledge, 'No... If this was true, then there's probably already a fully operational enemy network out there.'

"What's your plan?"

"We're moving while assuming that we'll lose control of the people passing through our gate in the immediate future."

"I see... Even though other factions can't get this information, starting a rumor that there's another gate towards the Dungeon World would benefit the Evies so I'm imagining that it's only a matter of time."

Yoruichi is trying to think of a solution but nothing good is coming to her mind except for one and she's sure that Sona has already thought of it, "Are you planning to partially abandon the Dungeon World?"

Sona leaned back and looked up to the ceiling, "At this point, that's the only choice we have. I'll be asking Rossweisse and Hestia-sama's help to create a Sanctuary that is far from the Dungeon entrances and move our important assets there. And while they are preparing that, Riveria will be detaching the gate from the island and toss it in the middle of the Pacific for others to take and do whatever they want."

"Ah... That's understandable." Yoruichi nodded in agreement, "I can already imagine idiots using this to undermine your authority. And by freely opening the gate for everyone, it'll prevent the same idiots from doing whatever they want in that world." She then turned to Riveria busy analyzing the blueprints of the gate, "Is that fine with you, Riveria?"

Riveria nodded, "Those guys are not kids and even if they want to wreak havoc, the lazy and bored Deities would finally have something to do... But I'm telling you now, those Deities could also form relationships with these Evies and Etouldes. We won't know how they'll react to this."

But even with solid plans ahead, it still doesn't change the fact that they lost their footing and had to take many stepbacks.

"By the way, do you need anything?" Sona asked Yoruichi.

"I was going to ask Le Fay and Rossweisse a favor but this clearly is more urgent so I won't bother them."

"But don't you need it?"

"I do. I want to save my cards as much as possible, but I guess the timing isn't right. I'll deal with it myself."

"You're expecting a confrontation?"

"I'm hoping that it won't reach that degree but I doubt they could hold back." Yoruichi turned around, "Don't worry about me, and if you can, try sending Kisuke a message regarding this. He's moving another world into the vicinity so it would be great if he could make a countermeasure against these intrusions."




Three days later, Yoruichi was waiting for the Luxeux contact while staying on another inhabitable planet. Thankfully she didn't have to wait for too long and soon got the confirmation and instructions to reach the Luxeux home planet.

"Hmmm... The same method as Seraselbes', huh? Well, there are countless inhabitable planets out there that can be used as jump points so it's not really surprising." Yoruichi commented after reading through the instructions, "Besides, only those who have considerable power and wealth are capable of this."

But before she left, Yoruichi first checked her belongings. As she had expected, even locked behind a pocket of space, Tenjirou's hot spring waters still emitted Spiritual Power that made her look like a light bulb to the sensitive enough Etouldes. That's how potent his hotspring that's capable of bringing an almost thoroughly mangled soul back in one piece.

Next is that she took another terminal and sent two separate short messages, [Get ready.] and [Interfere as soon as they move.]

Yoruichi went through several gates and it took her around half a day of careful navigation to reach Streuwei, the Luxeux' home planet, or so she thought. The moment she stepped into the last gate, she was greeted by the same absolute darkness that messed with her senses.

Yoruichi stood still for a few seconds before a familiar voice resounded on her right, "Over here."

Without any hesitation, she started walking in that direction and soon reached the same ordinary metal door. Yoruichi could feel something going through her but she didn't mind it and just kept waiting in front of the door.

It would seem that the operator of the room was satisfied after a few scans and opened the door, revealing the matriarch, her aide, and Stralit under Benihime's influence.

"I can indeed feel a strange strain of Spiritual Power from you. Is that what you're going to use to treat her?" asked the matriarch curiously.

"Yep. Just watch."