Wang past life (part three)

The holiday is coming, their family is planning to have a long vacation to go to the mountains. They choose that place because it is a good sports area. Their plan is to make Wang and Jiao more get along and comfortable with each other. It is the first time for them to have a family holiday. They do some activities such as going hiking in the mountain. After that, they rent some rooms in the villa to sleep.

The next day is Jiao's birthday. He invites her to go with him. Their families give their free time. So, they can play together. In the forest, she gives red ribbon as a sign or clue of their way. In the way, he takes the red ribbon and throws it into the garbage. She does not realize of losing the red ribbon. He does that cause of wants to be together with her for a long time. He pretends does not to know anything happened. Until they lost in the forest.

"Happy birthday my Jiao", said him. These gifts are for her. He gives her "a love letter and pink ribbon." He put the pink ribbon in her hand. He knows her favorite color is pink. It makes her be a happy woman in this life.

The love letter from Wang to Jiao:

Dear Jiao,

Happy birthday my love. I love you with my heart. You are the one and only beautiful woman. You are my first and my last love. You cannot change with everything I have. Without you, I am just a "quiet stone" without a partner. I cannot live without you. You are my everything. I promise to marriage with you. I will always take care of you and make you happy forever.

Hug and love,


They decide to put the love letter and pink ribbon on the ground. He digs the ground and puts it inside the hole. Besides, he grants her a wish. Her wish is to have a sister. So, he pretends to be a woman by wearing a long wig and putting some makeup on his face to make him more girly. Not only that, but he also put on some women's clothes with a mini skirt. She laughs at him "Haha" and said "you are more girly than mine, It is suitable for you." and he reply with a smile to her. He is not angry with her because it is his decision to make her wish come true. One day is precious for her to have a sister.

In the night, they still cannot come back to the villa cause of losing the way to come back and the sky is dark. So, they decide to make a tent for them. Before sleeping, they see the stars in the sky. The sky is dark but still can see the bright sparkling of the stars. The wind blowing hard. Her body becomes cold and shivering. He started to make a campfire with some woods. Besides, he gives his jacket to her and hugs her to give warmth.

The next morning, they find a way to come back to the villa. The truth is he understands the way to come back to the villa but he cannot speak to her. Arriving at the villa, their parents hug them. The cooperation with the two families ran smoothly for the first time. In the end, his family decides to end this relationship before they can get into marriage. His family success to snatch her family land. His family decides to move to America. Wang cannot meet her in the end but must obey his parents to move to America.

She does not trust after hearing his parents' statement. She runs fast to Wang's house and waits in front of the gate. She hopes he will become out of this gate and tell her that everything just only dreams. She trusts him a lot. She knows he is a good man. She almost wait one week in front of his house without eating and drinking. In one week, someone wearing a black hat approaches her and gives her a letter. Suddenly she grab it and read the letter. It is from Wang.

The letter from Wang:

I am Wang. I promise to come back to you. Please wait for me. I will tell everything to you.

After reading the letter. Her eyes fall the tears and she starts to cry. She still does not believe it. She suddenly fell to the ground. Besides, she was almost kidnapped and killed by an assassin paid by his parents. It fails to cause her parents to appear before the assassin. They success bring her to safety place. But they give up their soul to the assassin to protect her child because they know the goal of an assassin is to kill them.

Her child was awake and saw with her eyes that the assassin kill her parents. His body trembling and scared suddenly. She wants to save her parents but she does not have any power. Moreover, someone appeared to save her. His name is Lee. It is the first moment she meets a new person especially men. She trusts again with men so she hides her identity. She decides to forget her past. She decides to follow him.

He asks her name but she suddenly holding her head. She said she forget everything. She tries to have a new life without remembering her childhood. Meeting with him is one of her mistakes in life. He ruins her life. She cannot forgive him. She must repay it with her hand.

Lee understands that she is having amnesia. So, he decides not to discuss her identity. He wants to make her happy. But tomorrow is the day he comes back to his country. He is from Korea. He offers her to stay at the orphanage. She agrees with his statement. He promises to take her and marriage with her after he becomes a successful man. She cannot answer this because she still cannot open her heart to someone else. She still loves Wang.

In the orphanage, she does normal activities. She almost stays at this place for around two months. After two months, the foster parents want to take her as a child because they cannot have a child. The foster parents take care of her nicely and give good education to her. One day, they go on a holiday trip. On the way, they got an accident.

Their car bumps another car. She and her mother are saved but her father died in the place. Her face broke after that accident. Her mother decides to bring her to plastic surgery to fix her face to become beautiful again. Besides, her mother has heart disease after the death of her love. She is very panicked cause of losing her love again. So, she decides to work to get a salary to pay her mother's hospital. Finally, she succeeded to work in a company that can give a high salary.

In that company, she meets with a monster. The monster is the CEO of the company. His name is Wang and also her past life. Her CEO still does not realize the existence of her as his love childhood. Both of them do not realize their past. Cause she has already forgotten her past. That monster marries her. She cannot release herself from him. Her life will change a lot. He still finds his childhood and he does not realize his childhood is his wife.