Now that my life isn't in any immediate danger, I can check out my new ship and hopefully learn more about this world. I head directly to the Arsenal and instruct Ordis, to fix more and talk less.
"Tenno, we need to figure out what Vor has done to you, so we can reverse it. It will most likely be difficult but I have located someone who can assist us. First thing is first, you'll need a communication segment, for your ship. The coordinates for it can be obtained from the navigation system once you've activated it." The Lotus chimed in.
Acknowledging the Lotus's advice, I step into the Arsenal and start exploring its functions. I'm immediately met, with a visual interface that is very similar to the game's interface. The difference being I'm now standing outside of the Arsenal, since I can't see the holographic projections properly while standing inside the contraption. This Arsenal is manipulated, via "Minority Report" style manipulations. The inside of the contraption shows a three dimensional hologram of whatever I want to view. The actual exchanging of equipment didn't come, until all of the holograms technical details had been finalized and confirmed. Only then, would one step in to the hologram and one's equipment would be altered to exact specifications of the finalized hologram.
Although it had only been a little over a minute since arriving in the Liset, I still need to act quickly. The Ascaris was still working its dastardly magic and even more effectively now that the energy from the surge had fully dissipated. With the full weight of my situation sitting firmly and foremostly in my mind, I bullet jump directly to the front of the ship. Landing squarely in front of my navigation console, I activate it, retrieve the coordinates sent by the Lotus, and instruct Ordis to take us there immediately.
"Ordis, how long will it take us, to reach our destination?" I ask, as the engines are fully engaged and the ship blasts off.
"We should arrive in a little over five minutes, Operator, barring any unforeseen interference." Ordis replied.
'Damn, five minutes? That's not long. Probably not enough time, for Ordis to give me a full rundown of void energy and how to upgrade warframes and weapons. I should probably spend that time meditating, on my inherited knowledge of my frame's combat capacity and experience, since I'll be heading out on another mission very shortly.' I surmise, after which I instruct Ordis not to disturb me until we arrive.
Five minutes later, we are arriving at our destination. I ease myself out of my meditation and stand ready to deploy, at Ordis's timely notification. The meditation wasn't as effective as I'd hoped. It was only slightly more effective, than the time I spent quickly running over some of my inherited frame and combat knowledge when I first fell out of my cryopod. The ineffectiveness, of my meditations, could almost certainly be put down to the Ascaris's interference. The short travel time between the previous outpost and this one, is both a curse and a blessing. Not really allowing me time to familiarize myself with my current circumstances but also not allowing an excessive amount of time for the Ascaris to get the better of me.
The ship pulls into position above the landing pad, I jump out, land lightly, pull out my Cleaver, and begin swiftly dealing silent death to the unsuspecting Grineer that impede my path to the comms segment.
The only thing I currently have equipped is a single Cleaver. I decided that I needed to expand my Arsenal, due to it being completely empty. So I left my other Cleaver, my Grakata, and my Twin Grakatas in my Arsenal and I'm ready to pilfer some more arms from these bitch ass Grineer. Luckily, I manage to come across a Grineer Scorpion, and I equip its Machete along with my Cleaver. I also grab a Vulkar, a couple of Vipers, and surprisingly a Grineer Shield, which I can also equip.
All this extra equipment is slowing me down and making my movements too noisy. I place everything, except for the Machete, on the ground on top of the shield, and head off towards the Comms Segment.
Reaching and obtaining the segment was not difficult, the only difficult part was having to listen to Vor blathering nonsense into my ears(?) the whole time. Now, the only thing left is to high tail it out of here. I run back to my weapons, which are still where I left them, snatch them up and continue, on my merry way.
Back on the Orbiter, I waste no time installing the Comms Segment. I can feel the effects, of the Ascaris, gradually getting worse. The unbidden thoughts attempting to compel me, and the subtle dispersions of energy slightly impeding the use of my abilities. It's still at a level I can mostly ignore, but it won't stay that way for long.
"Good work, Tenno! Now that your comms are restored, I'm sending you the coordinates to a Grineer Gulag, Mariana, on Earth. This facility holds a Corpus black marketeer, named Darvo. He was captured and taken there, for having Tenno sympathies and refusing services to Grineer. Once you rescue him, he should be able to acquire what we need, to rid you of the Ascaris for good."
"You heard the Lady, Ordis. Time's a wastin. Get us to this gulag, immediately."
Upon arrival at the gulag, I practice the utmost caution, only killing those in my way and hiding bodies whenever possible. Any weapons I want to keep I place together, in secure locations along the way.
I finally arrive at the prison block. I have Ordis talk me through the hacking, of the console that controls the prison block door. Once open, I peek through and see a lone Heavy Gunner Warden operating a console, approximately thirty feet ahead of me 'Hmmm...I wonder if I should try and take him down or try and slip past him? Come to think of it, Darvo isn't a hella badass Tenno he's just a little bitch made Corpus. He might end up fucking things up, on the way out. Yeah, I should take him out, assuming that I can. I mean I'm pretty sure I can but will a stealth attack be enough, to instakill a guy like that. Well if it's not, I'll just sleep arrow, full assault, wash, rinse, and repeat until it's dead.'
Well that was kind of anticlimactic, the Warden went down without so much as a peep. I'm currently standing next to the Warden's corpse, with Darvo, preparing to head out. I pick up the Warden's Gorgon and replace my Cleaver with its Sheev and head out the door. I briefly glance back at the Warden, making a mental note to always watch my six. 'Stealth attacks are a bitch!'
I let Darvo, fully equipped with weapons of course, board first. I then joined him and we headed back to the Orbiter to wait for his entourage.
Once his entourage arrived, he quickly boarded his ship and returned. "The Lotus has informed me of your troubles, Tenno." Darvo says. "I'm truly grateful for your assistance, in getting me out of that hellish place. Please, accept these as a repayment of my debt."
He hands me the Ascaris Negator blueprint and a Mod Segment.
"It was a simple task, something any Tenno could accomplish I'm sure. Although your payment is most welcome and will aid me greatly." I reply.
"A pleasure doing business with you, Tenno. I look forward to dealing with you in the future." Darvo says, as he returns to his ship.
Finally, with the Mod Segment installed and the negator blueprint at hand, I simply need to retrieve the Foundry Segment along with the materials needed to craft the negator.
"Tenno, there's a mining outpost not far from where you are located. It's surely to have the technology you need for your Foundry. However, I suspect that the Grineer may already be there, as I've just recently lost contact with them. You should head there as quickly as possible." The Lotus explains.
"I'm already on it, Operator."
I immediately sit down and begin to meditate. The Ascaris's interference has recently reached a whole new level. It's no longer something I can ignore completely. I have to conjure up all of my focus in order to use any of my abilities and the attempts at compulsion are more incessant than ever. The compulsion and required extra focus are even causing severe headaches, at this point. I spend what little time I have, during the trip, trying to dampen the effects of the Ascaris so I can focus on this mission.
I come to rest on the mining colony's landing platform, and immediately make my way to my objective. I managed to suppress the Ascaris's interference, almost back to its ignorable levels, but it continues to resist and is now rapidly approaching headache inducing levels again. Once I reach the Foundry Segment, I pick it up and feel the Ascaris's interference continuing to become more burdensome. The headaches are now full on migraines. I make my way back to extraction, made easier due to the lack of enemies in my way.
As soon as I'm aboard the Orbiter, the Lotus informs me of a Corpus outpost, in the Himalayan Mountains, that should have the resources required to craft the negator. Upon hearing this, I'm a bit confused. I've seen multiple resources during my missions, but none of them were able to be carried onto the Liset, due to the nature of the rotating hatch mechanism. If I were to hold onto them, then I wouldn't be able to board properly. While the hatch was different from the one ingame, in that the back panel would open up, once a foot was placed down inside the groove, releasing several mechanical arms that would snatch up all of your weapons, nothing like that existed for resources. In regards to things like the Foundry Segment or similar sized objects, they had to be held awkwardly in one hand until boarded.
"So how exactly am I supposed to gather resources, with the hatch mechanism the way it is? I can't just hold it in my arms now can I?" I inquire of the Lotus.
" would seem that you're memories are far more damaged than normal. Although I can't completely discount the interference of the Ascaris as a possible explanation, your explanation will have to wait. It may seem odd, but all you need to do to collect resources is step on them. Ordis can explain the rest later."
"Step on them? That is odd, but as you say no time to dwell on it. Ordis, you know what to do." Ordis sets our course, and I begin meditating.
Upon arrival, I've managed to suppress the Ascaris's interference back to severe headache levels. Again, I waste no time, avoid detection, and try to focus on ending this as soon as possible.
Once I've recovered the resources, I start slowly making my way back to extraction with my head pounding, and bouts of dizziness assaulting me, whenever I exert myself to much.
I immediately place the required resources into the Foundry, once I'm inside the Orbiter. I sit down and begin fighting the Ascaris's interference for the next five minutes. Once the Ascaris Negator has been constructed, I clumsily grasp it in my hands, my vision mostly blurs at this point. I apply the Negator and almost instantly I feel the interference subsiding. I collapsed onto my back and just lay there content that at least one burden is gone. As I suspected, the Lotus chimes in to inform me of my new burden.
"Tenno, I must congratulate you on counteracting the Ascaris. However, it's not over yet. It seems that the Ascaris had a failsafe and has now transformed into an Ascaris Detonator, buried within your frame. The only way to get rid of this detonator is to kill Vor himself. In order to accomplish this, you should head to this Grineer Galleon I'm sending you the coordinates to. Infiltrate this ship, steal the Navigation Segment, and Ordis should be able to extract Vor's location from it. Hurry, Tenno, I don't know how much time you have."
I smiled, mentally. The Lotus may not know how much time I have, but I can sense the detonator inside my frame as a foriegn energy source. I can also intuit, perhaps because of Sentry, that I have approximately twelve to twenty four hours before this thing becomes a threat. When I consider that everything that has happened to me since arriving in this world has taken less than seven hours, even twelve hours seems like an eternity. "Ordis, take me to this galleon. I have some killing to do."
I sit in a meditative state, below a ventilation access panel inside the storage room I've infiltrated on board the galleon. I focus on my inherited knowledge. With the Ascaris's interference now gone, I can think clearly. I can use my abilities as easy as breathing and it might just be my imagination but I feel even more powerful than before the Ascaris was placed on my frame.
After twenty minutes of meditation, I open my eyes (mentally) and a broad grin crosses my (mental) face. 'Let the slaughter begin!'
Peeking out of the storage room door, I quickly scout my surroundings using Sentry. Immediately I head for my objective, I acquire the Nav Segment, killing anything in my way, and then begin my slaughter in earnest. This isn't a Rowdy Rambo bullets blazing slaughter. No this is a dance, a delicate and delightful death ballet.
From a dashwire perch near the ceiling, I wait for the patrolling trio around the corner to come my way. I place a cloak arrow on my perch right before they turn the corner. Once they pass beneath my perch I fire a sleep arrow at the front man. While bullet jumping towards the rear guard, I fire a cloak arrow just in front of him. Landing squarely behind the rear guard, stealth kill. Moving immediately to the middle man, who's investigating his recently sleepy friend, stealth kill. Goodnight forever, Mr. Sleepy, stealth kill and bullet jump back onto my perch refreshing my cloak. If another patrol were to turn the corner right now all they would see would be an empty hallway for a second or two before seeing three corpses appear out of nowhere.
I continue to practice with my new found control of my frame. Targeting patrols and isolated individuals, I do my best to eliminate witnesses. However, only so many bodies can pile up before the number of witnesses becomes untenable and eventually the Grineer will call in the big guns.
"Tenno, if I'm not mistaken, you've had the Nav Segment for over half an hour. Perhaps it's time you came back to the Orbiter." Hearing the Lotus's warning coincide with my own intuition, I make my way swiftly and silently to the extraction point.
Back on the Orbiter, Ordis begins extracting Vor's location from the Nav Segment. I continue my meditations, until we arrive in Earth's orbit.
Arriving on Earth equipped with my Machete, Vulkar, and Twin Grakatas, I set off in search of Vor silently slaughtering any Grineer unfortunate enough to cross my path. This particular outpost seems to lead fairly deep into the ground and has led me to an open chamber, with several raised platforms large enough to fit a landing craft on, with giant storage containers placed sporadically along their edges. I spot Vor, on the platform farthest from me. I begin scoping out the room, from a dashwire perch near the ceiling, and I begin isolating and eliminating his goons. Once I'm certain, that I've taken out as many as I can without being noticed, I start heading towards Vor who's still speaking with his underlings. I set up a dashwire perch directly above Vor and his men. I wait patiently, for an opportunity to present itself.
A few moments later, Vor, while addressing his men, turns around and beings to step forward. Seeing this, I rapid fire three sleep arrows one into each of his men. I pull out my Machete and bullet jump directly towards him. Vor turns around, at the sound of his men hitting the ground, only for his face to meet my Machete. The force from my blades connection, my feet landing on his chest, and the additional force of me bullet jumping off of him, causes him to stumble backwards into the large metal containers behind him. Mid jump I switch to my Twins, empty their clips, and finally break through his shields. I pull out my Vulkar, just before landing, and immediately enter a combat firing position. I line up my shot and fire, without wasting a second. It seems to have connected, yet despite being a headshot, he still manages to teleport away. All my focus is on my Sentry, as I wait for him to reappear. Found him. He's on the next platform over surrounded by his void sphere attempting to recharge his shields. I whip out my Machete and start cleaning up the mobs. Once the mobs are dealt with, I move to Vor's platform, reload my weapons, prep another dashwire directly above my position behind another giant metal container, and wait only few seconds for his void sphere to disappear. As soon as it's down, I place a cloak arrow next to me and begin "blind firing" at him with my Vulkar. Sentry is like a sixth sense and lets me know exactly where my enemy is. Using this knowledge I can make very accurate judgments about how to hit my targets without even looking at them. Vor tries to hit me with his void laser, but noticing the beam blast past me I target the top corner of the container I'm behind with a cloak arrow. I jump on top of the container, unload the rest of my clip, bullet jump up and towards Vor while emptying the Twins into him. With my Machete out, I connect with his face once more, only this time there are no shields protecting him. I immediately don't trust this to be enough to kill this freak and begin rapidly landing blow after blow directly into his face. Seriously though how tough can someone's face be? Don't get me wrong it's pretty ate the fuck up right now but it was already ate the fuck up to begin with. The difference being now you can see bits of bone and metal...wait metal...under his skin? Well I guess that would explain it then. Suddenly, I sense him not just trying to fight back against the barrage but he's trying to void blasts me at point blank range. Shit. Abandoning my Machete assault, I simultaneously spin to the right and take out my Vulkar now facing the container I came from as a void laser blasts past me. I bullet jump to the top of the container, while reloading my Vulkar and avoid another near miss from his void attack. I turn towards Vor, bullet jump up towards my perch, take aim as the last bit of void energy from Vor's attack fades away, come to rest atop my perch, steady, witness Vor moving his hand to target my location, fire! The last vestiges of the Ascaris, within my warframe, disappear only seconds after Vor himself.